正式成为美国民主党总统候选人拜登的竞选搭档后,加利福尼亚州参议员哈里斯首次与拜登合体演讲,猛攻美国总统特朗普。登:没有总统比特朗普更会发牢骚,他就是看不惯女强人,有人感到意外吗? 哈里斯:特朗普更关心自己而不是选民,他让美国支离破碎,让美国在全球的声誉受损。
Joe Biden: Please  welcome Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.
Joe Biden: Hello hello.  Thanks for being here. I wish we were able to talk to the folks outside but  we’re keeping our social distancing and playing by the rules. Good afternoon  everyone. To me and to Kamala, this is an exciting day. It’s a great day for our  campaign and it’s a great day for America in my view. Over the past several  weeks I have had the incredible privilege of meeting and spending a good deal of  time with a group of talented women leaders, all of whom are qualified to be  president. With each one, the more I learned about them, the more I talked to  them, the more impressed I was even though I knew them before. I want to thank  each and every one of them for being part of this process and I look forward to  working with them as we rebuild this country to get elected and once we are  elected God willing.
Joe Biden: I approached  this with a seriousness of purpose and of mind because this is a serious moment  for our nation. We’re at one of those inflection points, you’ve heard me say  that before, in our history. A life-changing election for this nation and the  choice, the choice we make this November is going to decide the future of  America for a very, very long time and I had a great choice. Great  opportunities. I had a great choice but I have no doubt that I picked the right  person to join me as the next Vice President of the United States of America and  that’s Senator Kamala Harris. You know, it seems Americans all across this  nation, at least at the outset here agree with me. Yesterday we had our best  grassroots fundraising day of the campaign, more than double our previous  record, and in doing so, we set a single day record for online political  fundraising and I think I know why. So I hope that you’ll join us as well, those  of you listening today. Go to joebiden.com today, $5.00, $10.00,  whatever.
Joe Biden: Kamala, as  you all know is smart, she’s tough, she’s experienced, she’s a proven fighter  for the backbone of this country, the middle class, for all those who are  struggling to get into the middle class. Kamala knows how to govern. She knows  how to make the hard calls. She’s ready to do this job on Day One and we’re both  ready to get to work, rebuilding this nation and building it better. As attorney  general of the largest state in the country, Kamala took on the big banks over  mortgage fraud and won. Took on big oil that wanted to pollute without  consequences. She was a pioneer in marriage equality and tackled the gun lobby.  You know, we’ve all watched her in the United States Senate go toe to toe with  Trump officials trying to hide the truth, asking the tough questions that needed  to be asked and not stopping until she got an answer and when none was  forthcoming it was obvious what the answer was.
Joe Biden: As a member  of the Intelligence Committee and the Judiciary Committee, she’s been the  center, in the middle of the most critical national security challenges our  country faces. Well aware, well aware of all the threats to this nation and  ready to respond to them. As a child of immigrants, she knows personally how  immigrant families enrich our country as well as the challenges of what it means  to grow up black and Indian-American in the United States of America. Her story  is America’s story, different from mine in many particulars, but also not so  different in the essentials. She has worked hard, she has never backed down from  a challenge, and she has earned each and every of the accolades and achievements  that she has gained. Many of them often in the face of obstacles that others put  in her way but never quit, and this morning, all across the nation, little girls  woke up, especially little black and brown girls, who so often feel overlooked  and undervalued in their communities, but today, today just maybe, they’re  seeing themselves for the first time in a new way, as the stuff of presidents  and vice presidents.
Joe Biden: In her  campaign in the primary, Kamala often talked about what she referred to as the  3:00 a.m. agenda, about moms and dads awake late at night in their kitchens,  worried, scared, uncertain about how they were going to take care of their  families, about how they were going to pay the bills, about how they were going  to make it, simply make it. Growing up in Scranton and Claymont, Delaware, I saw  that struggle with my family as well. Kamala saw it with hers as well and  millions of Americans are living that struggle as we speak, especially in this  moment of crisis, especially with so many jobs lost. Kamala and I both know that  all folks are looking for as my dad would say is an even shot, just give me a  shot, a fair shot, a shot at making it and it will be the work of our  administration to make sure they get a fair shot.
Joe Biden: Working  families need someone on their side in this nation because they certainly don’t  have anyone in the president now on their side. That’s going to change in a  Biden-Harris administration. It’s going to be gratifying to see the strong,  enthusiastic reaction to Senator Harris as our next vice president. It comes  from people all over the country, it’s already occurring. All over the country,  all ideological views, all backgrounds. Events of course, we are predictable,  some of them. It comes from all over except of course from Donald Trump’s White  House and his allies. You all knew it was coming. You could have set your  watches to it. Donald Trump has already started his attacks, calling Kamala  “nasty”, whining about how she is “mean” to his appointees. It’s no surprise  because whining is what Donald Trump does best, better than any president in  American history.
Joe Biden: Is anyone  surprised Donald Trump has a problem with a strong woman or strong women across  the board? We know that more is to come, so let’s be clear. If you’re a working  person, worried about whether or not you have a job to go to, whether or not  you’ll be able to pay your mortgage, pay your rent, worried about the poison in  the air you breathe, the water you drink, worried about your civil rights, even  your basic right to dignity which is under attack with this administration,  Kamala Harris has had your back and now we have to have her back. She’s going to  stand with me in this campaign and all of us are going to stand up for her. On  January 20, 2021, we’re all going to watch Senator Harris raise her right hand  and swear the oath of office as the first woman ever to serve in the second  highest office in America in this land, and then we’re going to get to work,  fixing the mess that President Trump and Vice President Pence have created, both  at home and abroad through four years of mismanagement and coddling of  terrorists and thugs around the world. Not only will America dig itself out of  this hole they put us in, we’re going to build. We’re going to build back and  we’re going to build back better. We have a public health crisis. While he’s in  court trying to do away with health care, with more than five million reported  infections, 165,000 people dead and climbing as a consequence of COVID-19 and  still, months later, no real leadership or plan from the President of the United  States how to get this pandemic under control. No real help for the states and  local governments trying to fill the vacuum of leadership from the White House.  No real help for children and educators, for small businesses and frontline  workers, they’re the ones that are holding our country together. Instead, he’s  issuing executive orders and making promises that in the end will defund the  Social Security system while insisting that this virus will  disappear.
Joe Biden: The Joe  Biden and Kamala Harris administration will have a comprehensive plan to meet  the challenge of COVID-19 and turn the corner on this pandemic. Masking, clear  science-based guidance, dramatically scaling up testing, getting states and  local governments the resources they need to open the schools and businesses  safely. We can do this. We just need a president and vice president willing to  lead and take responsibility. Not as this president says, “It’s not my fault.  The governor should thank me more.” As that old saying goes, give me a break. We  have an economic crisis and more than 16 million Americans, 16 million, still  out of work. Donald Trump is on track to break another record. On track to leave  office with the worst jobs records of any American president in modern history,  but instead of doing the hard work, of meeting face to face with congressional  leaders, Democrats and Republicans in the White House like every other president  has done in a crisis, to get Americans the relief they need and deserve, Donald  Trump is on the golf course. If I told you this three years ago you’d look at me  like I was being crazy. He hasn’t even met with the leadership. He doesn’t have  time it appears.
Joe Biden: We have a  climate crisis that Donald Trump refuses to even acknowledge. When he thinks  about climate change, all we hear is the word hoax. A Biden-Harris  administration is going to meet the climate crisis, protect the health of the  American public. Along the way, we’re going to deliver one word, jobs. Good  paying jobs. We have a racial justice crisis. Donald Trump seeks only to inflame  it with his politics of racist rhetoric and appeals to division. Today’s not  only the day I’m proud to introduce Senator Kamala Harris as the vice  presidential nominee of the Democratic Party. It’s also the third anniversary of  that terrible day in Charlottesville. Remember? Remember what it felt like to  see those neo-Nazis, close your eyes, and those Klansmen, white supremacists,  coming
Joe Biden: … close your  eyes, and those Klansmen, white supremacists, coming out of fields, carrying  lighted torches, faces contorted, bulging veins, pouring into the streets of a  historic American city, spewing the same antisemitic bile we heard in Hitler’s  Germany in the ’30s. Remember how it felt to see a violent clash ensue between  those celebrating hate and those standing against it? It was a wake up call for  all of us as a country. For me, it was a call to action. My father used to say,  silence is complicity, not original to him, but he believed it. At that moment,  I knew I couldn’t stand by and let Donald Trump, a man who went on to say when  asked about what he thought he said, there were very fine people on both sides,  “Very fine people on both sides.” No president of the United States of America  has ever said anything like that, see him continuing to attack everything that  makes America America. I knew we were in the battle for the soul of the nation.  That’s when I decided to run. I’m proud now to have Senator Harris at my side in  that battle because she shares with the same intensity I do, for she’s someone  who knows what’s at stake.
Joe Biden: The question  is for all Americans to answer, who are we as a nation? What do we stand for?  And most importantly, what do we want to be? Someone who knows that the future  of this country is limited only by the barriers we place on our own imaginations  because there’s nothing Americans cannot achieve what we put our minds to it and  we do it together.
Joe Biden: One of the  reasons I chose Kamala is because we both believe that we can define America  simply in one word, possibilities. Possibilities. Let me say it again,  possibilities. That’s America. That’s what sets this nation apart, is that  everyone, everyone, the ability for everyone, and we mean everyone, to go as far  and dream as big as hard work and their God-given ability will take  them.
Joe Biden: When I  agreed to serve as President Obama’s running mate, he asked me a number of  questions, as I’ve asked Kamala, but the most important was he asked me, what I  wanted most importantly. I told him I wanted to be the last person in the room  before he made important decisions. That’s what I asked Kamala, I asked Kamala  to be the last voice in the room, to always tell me the truth, which she will,  challenge my assumptions if she disagrees, ask the hard questions because that’s  the way we make the best decisions for the American people. I got a chance to  spend some time at my home today with Kamala and Doug, and I want to thank them.  I thanked them then, but thank them publicly for agreeing to join and take this  journey with Jill and me. Doug, you’re going to have to learn what it means to  be a barrier breaker yourself in this job you’re about to take on, America’s  first Second Gentlemen. And although they’re not with us here today, I want to  thank Ella and Cole as well.
Joe Biden: I had a  chance to speak to Doug’s mom and dad, and Ella and Cole, and we’re going to get  our kids together to let them know what’s coming. My grandchildren are about the  age of their children. I got to speak to them. My campaign has always been a  family affair, every campaign I’ve run. So I’ve got some news for you, you’re  all honorary Bidens. And here’s the best part, Kamala, you’ve been an honorary  Biden for quite some time.
Joe Biden: I came first  to know who Kamala was through our son, Beau Biden. They were friends. They  served as attorneys general at the same time. They took on the same big fights  together, Kamala in California, Beau here in Delaware. Big fights that helped  change the entire country. I know how much Beau respected Kamala and her work,  and that mattered a lot to me, to be honest with you, as I made this decision.  So now we need to get to work, pulling this nation out of these crises we find  ourselves in, getting our economy back on track, uniting this nation, and yes,  winning the battle for the soul of America. My fellow Americans, now let me  introduce to you for the first time, your next vice president of the United  States, Kamala Harris. Kamala, the floor is yours.