语法的学习,从我们接触英语的时候,英语老师们就开始讲了。从小学到大学,语法攻坚战打了那么多年,反反复复,复复反反,搞得自己一身疲惫,也导致自己看到英语就想打瞌睡。到大学毕业,终于说出了那句十年前就许下的美好祝愿:“我他妈终于再也不用学语法啦,再也不用学英语啦!!!!!!” (那么多感叹号,这得有多讨厌语法和英语啊)。然后就走出校门,找到了一份不错的工作,干了几年,各种能力老板和同事是有目共睹。终于,老板找你约谈,问你愿不愿意去国外开拓市场,薪资是现在的两倍,而且有分成。然后老板问道:“你英语应该不是问题吧?”  …………




grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. 


  • 语法是一种组织语言的规则。(structural rules)



  • 语法的三个关注点:1 句子的组成(the composition of clauses);2 短语的组成(the composition of phrases);3 词汇的组成 (the composition of words)。


  • 语法是关乎自然语言的。

    什么是自然语言,维基百科的解释是:“a natural language or ordinary language is any language that has evolved naturally in humans through use and repetition without conscious planning or premeditation.” 这里特别留意自然语言的这三点:1 自然进化evolved naturally; 2 通过使用和重复through use and repepition; 3 没有刻意的预先计划或策划without conscious planning or premeditation。 

    最后一点特别注意:没有刻意的预先计划或策划without conscious planning or premeditation. 这是筛选语法书的一条基本准则,毕竟,国内有不少语法书中的例句其实是写书的人自己编的。


Speakers of a language have a set of internalized rules for using that language and these rules constitute that language's grammar. The vast majority of the information in the grammar is — at least in the case of one's native language—acquired not by conscious study or instruction, but by observing other speakers. Much of this work is done during early childhood; learning a language later in life usually involves a greater degree of explicit instruction.

  • 语法是structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words,这是我们大部分人对语法的一个理解。但对语法是内化了的规则(internalized rules)这种解读则很少听说。先看下internalize这个单词在柯林斯中的解释:

    套到语法上,就是you make grammar become part of your attitude or way of thinking. 把语法内化成一种态度或思维方式。这句话给我们提供了学习语法的总原则:internalized!而这最终的效果,不就是我们所谓的语感吗? 

  • 语法的习得,在母语中,不是通过有意识的学习或指导,而是通过观察其他的说话者。“The vast majority of the information in the grammar is — at least in the case of one's native language—acquired not by conscious study or instruction, but by observing other speakers.  ”  

    当然,英语不是我们的母语,我们的母语是汉语,所以我们支配我们说汉语的那些内化的汉语语法规则会影响我们的英语表达,于是,中式英语Chinglish就被我们这些造物主造出来啦!  Good good study, day day up!

  • 最后一段话,涉及到一些具体的方法指导了。

    1 这种内化规则的习得大多是在童年的早期阶段“Much of this work is done during early childhood”; 这句话告诉我们,英语的学习最佳开始时期确实是在儿童早期阶段。

    2 而后期的语言学习则通常需要大量清晰明确的指导。“learning a language later in life usually involves a greater degree of explicit instruction”. 所以,永远不要气馁,学习英语什么时候都不会晚。只是,如果起步比别人晚一些,清晰明确的指导就特别重要了!
