APA for Trump MI Coalition office Grand Opening
8/2/2020, Ann Arbor, MI, APA Coalition Office Grand Opening
这个活动充分考虑了大家的安全,已经按照州长的新指令改为室外进行了,配合每10人一组的办公室游览,并且这个office的协调人Jourieal Quisin已经准备了口罩、hand sanitizer、体温测量仪恭候大家了。
会议的主持人是密西根州的共和党同盟部的主任Sean  Moscynski。按照一般的顺序,基本会是RNC Committeeman、州共和党主席、亚太裔代表,亚太裔办公室协调人,因为亚太裔代表还有一小时之外的一场妇女共和党俱乐部的活动,亚太裔代表的发言顺序提到了前面。
因为本文要发表的亚太裔代表的主要发言内容,我们把它放在后边,先简介一下RNC Committeeman和州共和党联合主席的发言:
RNC Committeeman Robert Steele首先介绍了他在RNC得到的竞选信息,特别提醒了主力媒体上的poll is not meant to be a reflection of public view but an influence of public view, 还着重强调了我们APA在密州的重要作用。Dr. Steele本人还把经常在RNC会议上听到华裔挺川积极分子Grace名字的事情特别描述了一下以资鼓励。但是,这说明了一点:在共和党的组织中,不会因为你是哪个族裔的人而表扬你,而是看你的具体贡献。
州共和党联合主席Terry Bowman介绍了密州Trump助选团队的投入状况和截止7月底密州大选的voter contact数据已经超过了4百万,而这其中我们亚太裔中单单华裔这一部分的voter contact完成了其中的20万!
亚太裔办公室协调人Jourieal Quisin的主要职责是联络各个社区的NTL们并为各位义工朋友提供培训、答疑、宣传资料等服务工作。这是一位有激情的小伙子是一位菲律宾裔,他目前还是一位在校生,休学一年来参加这个自1860年以来最重要的一次大选。这位小伙子的做法和干劲也是让我们继续保持希望的源泉之一!
大家带着热情到场后自动交流起来,并拿起一件Asian Pacific AMERICANS For Trump 或 TRUMP PENCE Keep America Great 2020的体恤衫穿在身上表示支持。散会之前也是在室内室外依依不舍,互相交流,有人还提议我们华裔美国人应该多搞线下聚餐交流。MICCA-Michigan Chinese Conservatives Alliance, 做为在州里和联邦两级双注册的政治组织,你能够为州内的参选人背书和筹款并直接捐款,你还能为联邦的参选人倍数和筹款并直接捐款,看你的了!
以下是RNC Asian Pacific Americans for Trump Advisory Board member、居住在密歇根的代表Grace Norris的发言稿:
Dear friends, thank each every one you for driving far or close in this weather to come here and celebrate the Grand Opening of Michigan Trump Victory Asian Coalition Office! This is history! It has never happened in Michigan! It shows that President Trump, RNC, and Michigan Republican Party care for our community. We have become more vocal by participating in politics and have shown our shared valuesin line with the Republican Party THAT PLEDGES ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND TO THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS, ONE NATION, INDIVISIBLE, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, AND FOR THE BORN AND UNBORN.
My name is Grace Norris, I legally came to the US in 2009, and moved to Michigan to reunite with my husband in December 2016. I have been a precinct delegate, and elected as state delegate at each County convention in the last two years, being blessed to be elected as an alternate delegate to the RNC 2020 Convention; the diversity director of Republican Women Federation of Michigan, the 1st VP of Mid-Michigan Republican Women’s Club, an executive member with Ingham County GOP as well as with the 8th Congressional District GOP. Since this April, I have been honored to be a member of the RNC APA Advisory Board. I am also a Candidate for Michigan House of Representatives in #69 district covers the entire 16 precincts in East Lansing, 19 out of the 20 precincts in MeridianTownship, Precinct 1 and 2 in Williamston Township, and Precinct 1 in LockeTownship. Do these titles sound shine to you, my friends? They are honors from the recognitions of actions. They only mean that I want to do more with the Republican Party for our country.
I, appreciated the opportunity TO allow me to PURSUE FREEDOM AND HAPPINESS AND become an American. HOW ABOUT YOU GUYS?
As the oldest grandchild in my paternal grandparents’ family, I was required to be a role model in every dimension during those extreme poverty years. Therefore, I grew up in a very responsive, caring, hard-working, strong, and fearless person.
I thought being a kind,honest, hard-working, and law-abiding person should have been enough. WERE THESE ALSO WHAT MOST OF YOU THOUGHT? 
In 2016 when Mr. Trump, as a presidential candidate, a rich man, and a famous man, could not enjoy his 1st amendment rights - his radical opponent’s supporters blocked the road and building to his rally; his supporters were beaten, a cop car for the cops to maintain order and security was burned. That moment had my simple and good life completely changed. I defined all of those as unfairness, bully toward Mr.Trump and criminal action against our Constitution. So I took that very personally because I understood what being bullied was like and what it was like without Constitution and rule of law, I was bullied by kids in the village throughout my childhood; my family was unfairly treated - I thought to myself: I am just a regular person who is not famous, not rich, when the bullies could do such to him they could easily do the same and even much worse to me.  I immediately wanted to fight for his rights. But what could I do? I am not a violent person. I can’t allow myself to fight people physically. So I decided to move to FL in the end of June 2016 to help him help me as a strong frontline volunteer by walking door to door and donating to his campaign. I stayed there for 4.5 months to register voters and get people Absentee Ballots. The voter turnout in the suburbs which included the areas that I worked on was tripled! I am proud that I had contributed to his win in 2016 in Tampa area along the most swing areas along corridor I-4.  
My friends, let’s think about what it would be like without freedom of speech? We all know that from our personal and family members’ experiences, right?
Do you share this view with me - the first amendment would mean nothing without the 2A as a protection?
When the Mainstream media hold so much bias against one person, when the opponent party fights against one person no matter what this person says or does, isn’t something wrong?
When the party puts a big group of people in silence, plays the race card and generates conflicts and hatre among people day and night, defames, denounces, labels people who have different views/opinions; when the same group of people from one party support radical actions up to looting, burning, beating, and killing, and supports cancel culture; when the same group of people as leaders at federal level, state level, and city level always try to peek into people’s pockets; when the same group of people from one party propose and passes bills that kill jobs, put people in poverty with no hope, create many unnecessary and unrealistic redtapes to stop people from thriving and achieving their American Dreams, infringe our Constitution by supporting silencing people and trying to take our 2A away gradually, what shall we do, my friends?
We stand up and fight to hold our ground firm, no other choice!
As most of you have expressed, America is the last hope land for civilization on the earth, and itis our homeland. Its future is our children and grandchildren’s future.
Let’s work together as grassroots volunteers with the coalition, making as many phone calls as possible, knocking on as many doors as possible, reaching as many family members and friends even neighbors as possible so to convince them to vote for our shared values and our homeland, digging a little deeper into our pockets for donations. We must never ever give up or give in, do everything we can to ensure President Trump’s re-election.
Are you with me?
Let’s act! I have more than 100 volunteers so far, but that’s not enough. Please join us - you can make phone calls over your smarts phones or on your computer in your comfort home without worrying about exposing your number and without punching the number keys. It also has script and pre-recorded voicemail. You only need to tap a few buttons.
Thank you! May God bless America and American people!