@TerryL爆料,最近,一个叫Immigration Voice 的组织,对反对这个提案的议员Durbin进行推特攻击,利用一个自动生成推特的网站,短短两个小时,#DurbinLiesImmigrantsDie 这个hashtag就被冲到了推特热词榜,





S386也叫“绿卡国别限制法案”,是由美国参议院议员Mike Lee在2019年2月7日提出的一项法案,该法案的众议院版本叫HR 1044(也被称为“2019年高技术移民公平法案”)
H.R.1044法案又称为美国技术移民公平法案(Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019)。目前,美国的目前美国每年给职业技术移民的绿卡数至少是14万份,但每个国家不能超过总移民配额 7% 的额外限制。由于出现国别限制,部分国家申请人等待时间长达20多年。
  • 职业移民取消国家配额,每个移民获得绿卡的先后是根据申请日期,而不是国籍。
  • 取消目前7%的国家限额,但有3年的过渡期,以及必须满足以下条件:
  • 2020财年,中国和印度两个最大绿卡申请国之外的国家,EB-2、EB-3和EB-5类别的绿卡配额可达到15%;
  • 2021财年和2022财年,确保中国和印度两个最大绿卡申请国之外的国家,EB-2、EB-3和EB-5类别的绿卡配额均可达到10%。
  • 2020、2021、2022财年,每一个国家绿卡人数不能超过美国总绿卡人数的25%;
  • 非国家地区的绿卡人数比例不能超过总数的2%。
  • 2020、2021、2022财年,任何一个国家的EB-2、EB-3和EB-5类别的绿卡配额都不能超过85%。
  • 家属移民,每个国家的签证配额上限,从原来的7%增加到15%。
  • 废除中国职业移民每年减少1000个配额的规定。



A:针对EB2/3, 受益人主要会是印度申请者。针对EB5,中国申请者会受益。
1. 在推特上举报这个trending hashtag。点击trending右手边向下的小箭头,你会看到下面这个页面,选择‘abusive和harmful’这一栏。
Image for post
2. 在这个hashtag下举报发帖的fake account。下面基本都是fake account有几千上万。如果不知道怎么举报请戳。
3. 在Durbin的推特上点赞支持他的留言,可以按自己喜好关注这些账号。并举报有人身攻击或者fake account。
4. 周末请给Durbin发email感谢他对移民做出的贡献。
Dear Representative (Senator) XX,
Legislative Bill HR 1044, “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019” is one of the most controversial, yet potentially damaging legislation in Congress. This legislation favors only one country, encourages H1b abuses, and allows it to completely co-opt the entire Employment Based Green Card program.
A “YES VOTE” or co-sponsoring HR1044, “Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2019”, would effectively wipe out ethnic diversity in the skilled legal immigration system and be detrimental to the vital interests of the USA.
While sympathizing the long backlog that immigrants origin in India are currently suffering, I believe HR1044 will only make the situation worse because:
  1. It does not increase the quota of legal immigration, but only redistribute it among Indian immigrants and immigrants from the rest of the world.Currently, there are 466K Indian nationals in the backlog (per CRS Dec 2018 report in EB/2), so it will take about 12 years for these applicants to receive their GC. As a result, every new applicant from the rest of the world will be thrown into an overnight 12-year wait.
  2. HR1044/S386 encourages H1b abuse, which is disastrous for nearly everyone except for multinational tech giants and outsourcing companies, who are utilizing the H1b as well as the EB2/3 programs to exploit cheap labor from other countries. Due to the institutional support from outsourcing companies, it has been much easier for the outsourced personnel to enter the EB2/3 queue compared to people who come to study and file green card application after they have landed a job in the US. As this bill does not have any clauses to restrain H1b abuse effectively, passing it will encourage more H1b abuse, which benefits the tech giants but worsens the situation of local workers. It also kills the dream of most foreign nationals (including Indians) seeking to immigrate to the US via fair market competition rather than through outsourcing companies. With this bill passed, it will become even harder and almost impossible to survive a chance if they have to compete individually against the outsourcing companies.
  3. HR1044/S386 will effectively wipe out ethnic and skill/industry diversity from other countries for more than 12 years as only Indian nationals will receive EB GCs in a first-come, first-serve waiting line. Indian nationals constitute about 17% of the world’s population & about 17% of the international students; but at the same time, they receive about 75% of H1B visas AND 55-60% of PERM Labor Filings. Effectively, Indian nationals DOMINATE the H1B & PERM Labor Certification process, essentially crowding out foreign nationals from 190+ other countries! The 7% country caps is the only measure curtailing the absolute monopolization of the EB Green Cards by India.
    If HR1044/S386 is passed, the Employment-Based immigration program will become an Indian-First, Indian-Only program, which eliminates any possibility of an ethnically & culturally diverse immigration community.
  4. HR1044/S386 has a profound negative impact on universities in the US. Partly contributed by H1b abuse, many Indians in the US work in the IT sector and have only a Bachelor’s degree from universities in India. HR1044/ S386 will effectively prioritize applicants with foreign undergraduate degrees over US PhDs & Master’s degrees. This will cause more talents, including those from India, to avoid studying in the US since it does not pay off. Furthermore, because the majority of MDs and RNs are NOT from India, this bill will lead to sudden and critical shortages in underserved areas.
On the other hand, I think there are much better ways to solve the backlog program without the catastrophic side effects as listed above.
For example, the current bill puts an 85% cap on each country, which may cause one country to monopoly the system. However, if we set this ratio to a more modest number, e.g. 15%, it is still higher than the current quota, thus processing the backlog faster, but will not come at the cost of all other nationals and will not encourage H1b abuse and outsourcing in the way that the current bill does.
Furthermore, I firmly believe that the bill will serve its purpose ONLY AFTER ending the H1b abuse. Any laws and/or regulations on immigration/visa quota is likely to be abused by outsourcing companies if we pass them without ending the abuse. If we increase the quota, they are likely to exploit more cheap labor. If we redistribute the quota, they are privileged in helping more cheap labor in the tech industry to get into the queue that originally is designed for all employers and immigrants. We have to identify and stop the abuse before anything else, while HR1044/S386 just ignores this critical issue.
Finally, I agree that we should address the backlog problem that Indian immigrants face, yet a special deal to help them who are already in the queue is better than an institutionalized pathway benefiting only tech giants and outsourcing companies at the cost of everyone else in the long run. An amnesty bill could help clear the backlog, but we should not encourage more outsourcing and H1b abuse just to give green card to the people who are already in the queue.
Above are my arguments against the HR1044/S386 bill. I urge you to vote "NO" to the bill until it addresses all the above issues. Our immigration system should not be abused and we should act to protect the diversity of our immigration community.
Thank you and looking forward to your reply!
Yours sincerely,

(以上文字来自于@1point3acres.com ,版权属于原作者)
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