图片来源:NZ Herald
The REAL reason Asian people wear masks..
Dear all,
I am a Chinese mother living in New Zealand.
Recently, the coronavirus has become a topic of discussion all over the world. This deadly virus has not only infected many individuals in China, but is also spreading to many countries across the world. Many of my friends have become anxious about this. We are very thankful that New Zealand is fighting against the virus with us, however,  there are still some misunderstandings due to the Chinese and Western cultural differences. Therefore, I decided to write this letter, hoping that we can stand in each other's shoes and try to understand the situation from a different perspective.
You may find it weird that many Asians are wearing masks in public recently. Please don’t panic when you see this, it does not necessarily mean that they are infected with the virus. As far as I know, in western countries, people only use face masks if they are not feeling well and don’t want to spread their sickness to others. On the other hand, it is a common practice for Asian people to wear masks in order to prevent getting sick from others. In Asian countries such as China, wearing a face mask is as important to your hygiene as washing your hands. It is a very effective way to protect ourselves from the flu and infectious diseases. Therefore, if you see someone wearing a mask in public, this does not mean that they are carrying a virus, rather, they are just trying to prevent themselves from becoming sick. I understand that because of cultural differences you may be afraid of people wearing masks, but I hope that my explanation can help you to eliminate this fear.
Some Asians also wear masks for aesthetic purposes, which many westerners might not understand. In Eastern Asia, many people think that wearing a mask will hide their imperfections and make them more beautiful. If you ever travel to Asia, you may see many young people wearing decorative masks in public. These masks have become a super popular accessory worn with any outfit. Additionally, it is common for Asian women to always wear makeup, but face masks are very handy to use when you simply don’t have enough time for that.
We live together in a diverse country, and for many Asians, wearing a face mask is a cultural habit that they will continue to practice in NZ in order to prevent themselves and their family from getting sick. I understand that many Kiwis do not know much about this, which is the main reason I wrote this letter.
As a mother, I am terrified that my child will suffer from discrimination and bullying due to the misunderstanding of cultural differences. I hope that we can all live in a safe and healthy environment, so please don’t treat people differently when you see them wearing a mask in public, such as supermarkets and school campuses. I hereby sincerely ask all parents to send the same messages to your children. Kids are amazing, they do not need any kind of discrimination or bullying in their life all because of a simple misunderstanding. 
Thank you again for standing by with us during this difficult time. I believe we can keep New Zealand safe and healthy by generating an open line of communication. Let’s protect our children together.
相信一切都会好起来的,希望我们加强沟通、彼此理解、创造一个安全健康的环境 ,一起保护好我们的孩子们!
图片来源:NZ Herald





主讲人Will Zhang
Crimson国际教育集团新西兰区总经理(Crimson Country Manager, NZ)
新西兰亚裔领袖成员(New Zealand Asian Leaders)
Will毕业于英国老牌名校诺丁汉大学(University of Nottingham),根据2011年UCAS报告,该校与剑桥大学并列英国第三培养出最多位知名CEO的学校,毕业生在英国列为重点聘雇的第2名。
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