In a surprise twist to the political drama over potential new immigration restrictions, 21 House Republicans sent a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf urging support for Optional Practical Training (OPT) for international students. Sources have confirmed some Trump officials hope to use the recent economic downturn due to Covid-19 to impose new restrictions on H-1B visa holders, international students and others. Deliberations on specifics continue inside the administration, which has prompted members of Congress and others to weigh in.
21名共和党众议员意外地致信国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)和国土安全部代理部长查德·沃尔夫(Chad Wolf),敦促支持为国际学生提供选择性实践培训(Optional Practical Training, OPT)。消息人士证实,一些特朗普政府的官员希望利用最近Covid-19导致的经济低迷,对H-1B签证持有者、国际学生和其他人士实施新的限制。政府内部仍在对具体细节进行审议,这促使国会议员和其他政界人士参与进来。
“We write to request your help in ensuring our nation’s ability to attract, educate, and engage with the best and brightest students and scholars from across the world,” begins the June 2, 2020, letter from House Republicans. “In furtherance of the goal, we ask your agencies adopt appropriately streamlined processes to ensure international students can enroll in the fall and preserve the Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which allows our country to globally compete for market share of international students.”
The letter urged the State Department and Department of Homeland Security to ensure international students can make it to U.S. campuses in the fall. “To that end, we urge your respective departments to communicate and share plans to address the expected increase in demand for visa services, including how U.S. consulates will be able to prioritize and process applications that include F-1 and J-1 visas,” requested the House members. “We believe several options are available to your agencies including the ability to waive certain interview requirements, prioritize the rescheduling of appointments that were canceled during Covid-19, and create a timely application and renewal process for professors, researchers, scientists, and those that are needed on U.S. campuses when instruction is expected to resume.”
The core of the letter is a strong defense of Optional Practical Training: “We urge the administration to publicly clarify that OPT will remain fully intact so we send the right messages abroad about the U.S. as an attractive destination for international students. As countries like Canada, the United Kingdom, China and Australia bolster immigration policies to attract and retain international students, the last thing our nation should do in this area is make ourselves less competitive by weakening OPT. The program is essential to the many international students who desire not just to study in the U.S. but also have a post completion training experience.”
此信的核心是为选择性实践培训做强有力辩护:“我们敦促政府公开确认OPT将不受损害,这样我们就能向海外传递正确的信息,说明美国是一个对国际学生有吸引力的目的地。”其他国家如加拿大、英国、中国和澳大利亚的支持移民政策吸引和留住国际学生,在这方面我们的国家最不应该做事就是通过消弱OPT减少自己的竞争力。许多国际学生的愿望不只是来美国学习, 还要获得一项毕业后的培训经验,OPT对于他们是至关重要的。” 
The 21 House Republicans who signed the letter are Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH), Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX), Rep. Peter King (R-TX), Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL), Rep. Rob Woodall (R-GA), Rep. John Katko (R-NY), Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN), Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI), Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX), Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA), Rep. H. Morgan Griffith (R-VA), Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ), Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE), Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA), Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS) and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA).
21众议院共和党人签署了这封信,他们是俄亥俄众议员史蒂夫•史戴尔斯,德克萨斯众议员比尔•弗洛雷斯、彼得•金和皮特•奥尔森,伊利诺伊众议员罗德尼•戴维斯和约翰•施米克斯,佐治亚众议员罗伯•伍德奥(R-GA),纽约众议员约翰•卡克 和汤姆·里德,田纳西众议员查克• 弗莱希曼(R-TN),密西根众议员弗雷德•厄普顿(R-MI),密苏里众议员安·瓦格纳(R-MO),宾西法尼亚众议员布莱恩•菲茨帕特里克(R-PA),南卡罗莱纳众议员乔·威尔逊(R-SC),路易斯安那众议员克雷•希金斯,弗吉尼亚众议员格里菲斯•摩根(弗吉尼亚共和党),亚利桑那众议员大卫•史伟克,内布拉斯卡众议员唐•培根,华盛顿众议员丹•纽豪斯和凯西•麦克莫里斯•罗杰斯,密西西比众议员特伦特·•凯利。
Retaining international students educated at U.S. universities has always been considered a political no-brainer. A year ago, Donald Trump declared in a speech at the White House: “Some of the most skilled students at our world-class universities are going back home because they have no relatives to sponsor them here in the United States. And that’s the only way. We want these exceptional students and workers to stay, and flourish, and thrive in America.”
The students “are going back home” because the annual supply of H-1B petitions – 85,000 a year, in effect, for companies – has been exhausted for the past 18 fiscal years and there are potentially decades-long waits for employment-based green cards due to low annual quotas and the per-country limit. Still, employers and universities are pleased that several times Trump has spoken favorably about retaining international students after they complete their degrees in the United States.
学生“回家”,是因为每年的h - 1 b申请——85000每年,实际上,只为公司申请——在过去的18个财政年已经耗尽,并有可能由于近年工作绿卡低配额和分国家限制而进行长达几十年的等待。尽管如此,雇主和大学还是很高兴看到特朗普几次表示要在国际学生在美国完成学业后留下学生们。
Some key Trump officials oppose all types of immigration – refugees, family immigrants, high-skilled foreign nationals and international students. As a result, even Optional Practical Training, which allows international students to work for 12 months, usually after graduation, and 24 additional months in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, is on the chopping block following a 30-day review contained in an April 22, 2020, presidential proclamation.
OPT was established by regulation and would likely require another regulation to accomplish the type of restriction sought by Trump officials. William Stock of Klasko Immigration Law Partners told me he thinks the most likely action would be the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issuing an interim final rule eliminating or significantly restricting OPT or STEM OPT.
OPT是由法规建立的,很可能需要另一项法规来实现特朗普政府官员寻求的那种限制。Klasko Immigration Law Partners的威廉·斯托克告诉我,他认为最有可能的行动是,国土安全部发布临时的终级规则,取消或大幅限制OPT或STEM OPT。
“An interim final rule can have an immediate effect, but can only be issued in limited circumstances and it’s not clear that a court would hold they exist here,” he said. “If that happens, schools and interest groups will go to court right away and say the rule change cannot be done as an interim final rule, and have a stronger case than if the agency had done notice-and-comment rulemaking.”
Other countries design policies to attract and retain international students. On May 14, 2020, the Canadian government announced significant flexibility for international students, including making it clear students would not lose the ability to work after graduation even if the Covid-19 crisis affects when they can be on campus. (See here.)
A University of Maryland-Business Roundtable study concluded restricting OPT would lose 443,000 jobs in the U.S. economy by 2028. A National Foundation for American Policy study by University of North Florida economics professor Madeline Zavodny found, after examining 9 years of data, international students are associated with lower unemployment rates among U.S. STEM workers.
Experts note that any new restrictions on Optional Practical Training would make it less likely international students would want to study at U.S. universities. “Optional Practical Training is an indispensable tool in attracting students,” said Peter McPherson, president of the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) who served as president of Michigan State for 11 years.
专家指出,任何对选择性实习培训的新限制都会降低国际学生到美国大学学习的可能性。“选择性实践培训是吸引学生的一个不可或缺的工具,” 大学公共和土地赠与协会主席、曾任11年密歇根州立大学校长的彼得•麦克弗森如是说。
The long-term future of the U.S. economy relies on a vibrant university system that educates the most talented people on the planet to work in the cutting-edge fields of tomorrow. That includes individuals not born in the United States.
Twenty-one House Republicans agree with what Donald Trump said about international students: “We want these exceptional students and workers to stay, and flourish, and thrive in America.” The question is whether the rest of the Trump administration agrees as well.