分享:Sandy Hom 律师
本期7分钟谈海外节目连线前联邦移民法庭法官Sandy Hom谭律师,追踪美国移民热点,话题围绕近日共和党参议员给特朗普总统的致信。这封信中,几位参议院要求总统在接下来至少一年或更长时间内限制外国临时员工,例如OPT H1BH2B进入美国,声称这样可以保护疫情后复工期间的更多就业机会给美国人。
Sandy Hom谭律师如何点评此封议员联名信,一起听Hom律师的语音讲解(英文)。下方文字为英文语音原稿及中文翻译,供各位参考:
The topic I will discuss today is immigration and the recent Republican Senators reason for sending a letter to the President of the United States demanding the President put a hold, for at least a year or longer, in permitting foreign temporary workers, such as OPT, H1B and H2B, into the US alleging that it will protect US Workers who will need jobs during the recovery after the pandemic. 
There are only four signatories which were from conservative states that have supported negative immigration policies and have long opposed the immigration policies that currently exist, but have been unable to pass such legislation. 
The Senatorial letter follows the President’s recent Executive Order about 2 weeks ago banning processing for certain family-based immigration, which has been a long-standing issue with Mr. Trump and his aversion to family immigration.  I explained this is our recent seminar that we conducted and is available on our website. 
In my opinion, the letter expresses the current and long standing past political and legislative platform of the Republican Party; which is to restrict immigration.  The letter is a clear attempt to prop up the Senators’ effort to boost to their re-election campaigns and to support the Republican Party. It is clear that the authors are attempting to ride on the President’s coat-tails during the upcoming election season.  
You will see TV election ads by the Republican Party and by President Trump that will attempt to show how foreigners are bad for the United States, which is contrary to the actual facts and that such workers are really beneficial as they advance technology, science and manufacturing in the US. 
The Republican Party will use foreign temporary workers as political scapegoats and to cover the failure of the President to act early and quickly regarding dealing with the threat of the pandemic in the US.
As to the subject of the Senator’s Letter, it seems to go against the President’s desire to keep his executive friends and political contributors happy and to continue to use temporary foreign workers to aid their businesses. Therefore, it is unlikely that the letter will get much traction. However, this will be revealed in the very near future as the recent Executive Order requires a report regarding recommendations about an extension or modification to the Executive Order. 
翻译Mia Zhang 提供):
我今天将讨论的主题是移民,包括最近共和党参议员给特朗普总统的致信。这封信中,几位参议院要求总统在接下来至少一年或更长时间内限制外国临时员工,例如OPT、 H1B和H2B进入美国,声称这样可以保护疫情后复工期间的更多就业机会给美国人。
参议员的信紧随大约两周前总统签发的行政命令- 限制某些基于家庭的移民审理。特朗普一直反对并且打击家庭移民。我们最近有举办网上讲座,讨论特朗普的限制移民行政令,您可以在我们的网站上找到。
Sandy Hom律师,前联邦移民法庭法官,也是美东第一位华裔移民法官。