The SECRET of what China did on Covid 19, detail model comparasion of 13 modes between US. & Wuhan, and US. Prediction
by China Well Known Whistle Blower HUANG ZS 黄仲生
(V 2020,0327,10PM)
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图7-1 我用3月1日的确诊人数,和我根据意大利隔离“模式”猜测的日复增长率,推导了紫色的感染人数曲线。往前推迟10天,就是我预测的意大利确诊人数曲线。结果和真实确诊人数几乎吻合。
图7-2 3月5日时,重症病人已经击穿伦巴第重症医疗。3月17日时,已经击穿整个意大利的重症医疗。(新闻有)。“真实死亡率”(死亡的分子,对应是同期感染人的分母,而不是除其他的感染人分母,会导致死亡率初期低估),也从5.0%,攀升至10%
图7-3 我用前面推导的感染人数,延迟20天(死亡的人从感染到死亡的时间),乘上图2对应的死亡率,得到棕色的我预测的死亡人数。结果预测的死亡人数,和真实死亡人数几乎吻合。
图7-4 真实死亡数对比我预测的死亡人数,在标准坐标系里
图7-4-2 我把接下来几天的死亡数预测表格列出
图6 (7-5)我预设了4月1日意大利能反映过来,要做到全国每家绝对禁止出门,政府配送物资到门,才能进一步拉低传播,拉低日复增长率。(但也许他们现在还没搞懂,继续松垮隔离......结局会更惨)那么画出到4月底感染人数曲线(3月底感染85万,4月底感染480万)。然后如前述方法做出死亡人数预测,到4月底累计死亡22万...
图7 (7-6)对应的每天死亡人数曲线
  • 对于没有医疗干预的感染者,从感染,到死亡大约20天
  • 对于没有医疗干预的感染者,死亡率10%
I am a China well known Covid 19 whistle blower.
I have a proven (last 20 days) US new cases prediction math model and next 6 weeks prediction under different senarios. You can have confirmed cases, infected people, death rate, death number day by day by the end of April.
And I can explain every single action that China took and how it works in math model result.
All based on solid sciense, logic, actual data and China actual actions
Report Content
1) My prediction of confirmed cases made on March 2 matches almost US actual number for the past 20 days. How did I do?
2) The day by day prediction number of US. infected people(33 mln), confirmed cases(18 mln), death rate(6%+), death(>500 k)by the end of April. And my clear math model method (2 minutes reading for high school math background)
2)从今天到4月底(括号内为4月底数字)美国的感染人数(3300万)确诊人数(1800万)死亡率(6%+)死亡人数(>50万)的每一天的预测值,以及清晰的数学模型逻辑 (高中数学背景的2分钟即可读懂)
3) What's the virus spreading math model, on 13 Different Gov. Policies And People Behaviors (each has daily growth rate or/and eventually spreading R0)
4) What did Wuhan do in 3 phases? What's the math result day by day correspondly. What's the China secret?
5) Comparison between Wuhan with US on math model. BIG DISCOVERY!
6) Death rate analysis of Wuhan & Italy
6) 武汉和意大利死亡率的分析
11) What should US do RIGHT NOW
14) Who am I? Why do I do?
Virus spreading fits exponential model, which is completely different from linear growth in 30 days
My previous model is well proved for the past 12 days
How do I do next 10 days prediction
How do I estimate infected people number
What may US do next and what's the growth rate accordingly
The result of US by the end of April
10 days from getting infected to confirmed case number
If you only want to know US result, you may stop reading here
If you want to know what China did, how it results in math, and what US must do right now, you may keep reading
Virus Spreading Math Model On 13 Different Gov. Policies And People Behaviours 
Detail discription and growth rate numbers
What did China do and what is the result accordingly. Focus on Wuhan case
Wuhan Vs. US.
Comparison since the day that infected people number reached around 100
Part 1, In the first 30 days
Part 2, In the first 60 days
Death rate analysis of Wuhan
As below, it's only my of my guess, tring to explain the data and reason. It's not the 100% proven fact. But for me, this guess quite make sense.
My reasonable guess:
  • 20 days for a person from getting infected to death without enough medical treatment
  • Use 10% or maybe a little lower like 7%, as death rate without enough medical treatment
Death rate analysis of Italy
Prediction of US. in 3 Senarios. Prediction includes Infected people number, Confirmed cases, Death rate, Death number day by day, till the end of April.
Senarios 1: No much federal action like now, limited going out for food
Senarios 2: Shut down whole country since April 1, no going out and providing food by gov. on delivery since Arpil 8
Senarios 3: No going out and providing food by gov. on delivery since March 28
Prediction of US. specific states, Confirmed cases, Death rate, Death number day by day, till the end of April.
What should US do RIGHT NOW?
At this moment, the US country is take actions randamly with some areas following 2) Social Distancing 2, while others following 3) Panic Home Isolation 1, shown in our Chart of 13 Suggested Measures, and all thses two fall in the category of Majority Without Mask.
Daily growing rate will maintain at 18.6% with monthly multiple of 21x. All these measures are far from holding virus spreading and rapid increase of infected population.
First of all, the Goverment should make clear of overall statistics of the infected people (It is estimated to have 138,000 infected by today of March 20th.), and of the situation of rapid spreading (Nowadays, the crazy spreading is still proceeding everyday at about 30% of daily growing rate, relating with monthly multiple of 2600x ! )  I t should be adequitely aware of definite infection of a huge  population afterwards, with medical resources  breakdown, mortality rate increasing dramatically above 6%, and the reality of death of large population within a short period of time.
America will be shown as an example, and other cuntries could follow the simillar strategies.
The strongest strategy needs to land immediately and reduce the coronavirus spreading immediately
  • The regions in the United States that do not follow strict rules today are doing 2) Social Distancing  2; And some regions are doing 3) Panic Home Isolation 1 (both definitions assume the most citizens without wearing mask), the daily growth rate will still be 18.6%, which means the infected people will rise to 21 times monthly. It is definitely far from enough to stop the spread of the virus and the number of infections will increase dramatically!
  • Announce a State of WAR immediately, and soon the whole society will do 4) Complete Isolation. Stop almost all indoor offices, factories, schools; And stop almost all offline retail, catering, entertainment, services, aviation, public transportation with  confined spaces; And stop almost all other situations that cause people gathering in order to stop the spread of the virus;
  • Correspondingly the society goes into the most stringent solution immediately of 4) Complete Isolation 3 (All the citizens were isolated indoor, all the materials were delivered to the families and square cabin hospital isolated all the mild and suspected cases, in Wuhan, China during that critical period  of time.). At least, it should be done to 4) Complete Isolation1 immediately, to block social spreading, but bear the result of continuous double transmission in the family.
  • Build square cabin hospitals immediately to isolate people with mild illness.
  • Mobilize the mainstream media to adequately publicize the harmness of the virus to cause appropriate panic, and establish a proper understanding of knowhow to avoid infection, including wearing a mask to avoid contact to the greatest extent. Infected people at home are immediately isolated from each other. Those people who are having symptoms, or who might contact the infected person, need to get tested immediately. Appropriate panic allows people to stay better at home, and to keep people from being further infected with as few government-enforced resources costs as possible. Tell people why should do rather than what to do. 
  • Getting masks for the American people, only one mask per person even for repeated use is better than nothing whether by importing or building mask factories.
  • Establish simple shelters to house tramps to block their possibility of spreading the virus.
Guarantee the most basic supply of subsistence materials under social stagnation and maintain social order.
  • Mobilize the army and police to maintain social order, secure of materials transportation (especially food and medicines), and do not allow people to go out shopping, especially if everyone has no masks.
  • If the supplies are not enough, in order to avoid the situation that some people have no food after the panic and looting, the government needs to temporarily change to a rationing system to ensure that noone would  starve to death.
  • Equip the military and police with adequate medical protective equipment to avoid their infection to  the greatest extent as possible. If they collapse, social order will collapse, and the supply of living materials will collapse as well. If people are forced to go out to get food, and the coronavirus would not be controlled. And then there must be plenty of terrible violence happened.
  • When most industries are completely shut down, the bottom line is to guarantee the operation of civilian production, such as food, medicine, water, electricity, natural gas, and so on. The law State of WAR is needed to enforce them to keep running. But the premise is to distribute enough coronavirus isolation supplies (masks, goggles, gloves, disinfectants) to protect the corresponding workers. Prevent the collapse of the basic civilian production industry after their infection and collapse.
  • Trace the infected patients closely. After they are rehabilitate and able to work, dispatch them to the most critical civilian industry.
Safeguard the medical system and keep it running in case of breakdown
  • Do everything possible to get more medical protection supplies to protect doctors and nurses fighting on the front line. They should not be sacrificed. Otherwise, national confidence collapses immediately.
  • Use the law of State of WAR to temporarily take over private hospitals as state-owned, temporarily requisition private doctors and nurses. Prepare as much medical resources as possible, and delay the day when the medical system is broken down.
  • Get more ventilators and other equipment for the hospital.
  • Prepare medical resources, such as ICU as soon as possible. After medical system is punctured, do not let critical  patients who cannot be treated go home. Establish places of hospice to 1) comfort life, 2) stop them spreading the virus at home; 3) prevent them from being overly emotional and retaliating against society and medical personnel.
  • 首先政府必须搞清楚病毒当前在美国的感染人数情况(3月22日已经有29万感染者),和快速传播的情况(今天还在以以每天30%左右的日复增长率在疯狂传播,对应月复倍数2600x)!充分意识到接下来一定是大量人口感染,医疗资源被击穿,死亡率快速上升到6%以上,大量人口短时间死亡的现实。
  • 能充分意识到,每种不同的策略和民众行为,在一个月以后会产生什么结果。意识到今天美国这种松散的部分地区2)减少社交2,和部分地区 3)居家隔离1 的隔离程度(两者定义都涵盖主流民众不戴口罩),日复增长率将仍有18.6%,月复倍数21x。是远远不够阻断病毒传播和感染人数暴增的!充分意识到只有 4)完全隔离3(需要方舱医院)才能真正阻断病毒传播。再不济,也要做到4)完全隔离1,但4月底感染人数是前者的2.5倍。
  • 能把国家目标从美好的幻想,如保障经济,保障就业,救治感染者等,调整到合理的目标:能阻断病毒无限传播到所有人,百万计病亡的能善终,没感染的百姓不饿死,绝望的感染者和没食物没收入的民众产生的动乱能控制下来,美国国家机器不崩溃。当然药品和疫苗不需要我提醒。
  • 我这里举美国例子来说,其他国家策略基本相同;
  • 今天美国这种松散的部分地区2)减少社交2,和部分地区 3)居家隔离1的隔离程度(两者定义都涵盖主流民众不戴口罩),日复增长率将仍有18.6%,月复倍数21x。是远远不够阻断病毒传播和感染人数暴增的!
  • 立即宣布进入战争状态,很快做到全社会 4)全面隔离。停止几乎所有室内办公、工作,停止学校,停止线下零售、餐饮、娱乐、服务,停止航空、密闭空间的公共交通,以及其他所有导致人员聚集传染的情况;
  • 对应马上立即进入最严格的 4)完全隔离3,(武汉全员隔离不出门 + 物资外部配送到门 + 方舱医院隔离疑似&轻症)。再不济也要立即做到 4)完全隔离1,至少阻断社会传播,但承受家庭内持续翻倍传播的结果。
  • 立即建设方舱医院,马上隔离轻症的人;
  • 调动媒体,足够程度宣传病毒的危害,引起适当的恐慌,建立起应该如何避免感染的正确认识,包括戴口罩,最大限度避免接触,家里有人感染立即互相隔离,有症状,或有怀疑和潜在感染者接触,就立即去做检测,等等。适当的恐慌能让民众较好地呆在家中,在尽可能少政府强制实施资源成本的情况下,仍能保持民众少被进一步感染。not tell them what to do, but why to do;
  • 为美国人民弄到口罩,每人1个反复用也比没有强。不管是进口还是去建设口罩厂;
  • 建立简易场所收留流浪汉,阻断因此传播病毒的可能;
  • 调动军队和警察,来维持社会秩序安全和生活物资运转(尤其是食物和药品),不能让民众出门去购买,尤其在大家都没口罩的情况下;
  • 如果物资不够,为了避免恐慌哄抢后,部分人什么食物都没有的情况,政府需要临时强制改成配给制度,保证每个人不会饿死;
  • 为军队和警察,配上足够好的医疗防护用品,最大可能避免他们的感染。他们如果崩溃,社会治安会崩溃,生活物资的供给会崩溃。民众被迫出门去获取食物,病毒传播就无法控制。且一定会发生大量暴力事件。
  • 大部分产业全停摆的情况下,最底线保障民生产业,如食物,药品,水,电,天然气,等等的运转。需要动用战争法强制他们保持运转。但前提是发放足够的病毒隔离用品(口罩、眼镜、手套、消毒),保护相应劳动者。防止他们感染崩溃后社会基本民生产业的崩溃。
  • 定向追踪感染,但最后康复免疫的劳动力,将他们调度到最关键的民生保障产业;
  • 想尽一切办法弄到更多的医疗保护用品,保护在前线作战的医生护士,他们不能牺牲。否则国家信心立即崩溃;
  • 用战争法,临时征用私立医院为国有,临时征用私人医生和护士,尽可能多的筹备医疗资源,让医疗系统被击穿的这一天来得晚一点;
  • 为医院弄到更多的呼吸机等设备;
  • 准备医疗资源如ICU被击穿后,不要把无法收治的重症病人放回家。建立临终关怀的场所。起到:1)抚慰生命、2)停止他们继续回家传播;3)防止他们情绪过激做出报复社会、医护人员的行为;
首先在四月份核心看的是欧美国家到底采取什么样程度的隔离措施。是3)居家隔离2,3)居家隔离3,还是4)完全隔离1,还是4)完全隔离4。这四者有天壤之别。导致的结果差别是8千万感染,3千万感染,还是5百万感染。但不论是哪种,重症病人都是会远远击穿医疗资源,死亡率6%打底,因此前面的 感染人数 X 死亡率,就是随后的地狱结果。
如果你现在在海外,我建议你立即去1)囤至少6个月不出门不饿死的物资,新鲜食物和冷冻肉就别想囤够了,常温包装食品更能救你;2)想尽所有办法搞到武器自卫,再不济用我提的办法贴post blaffing威慑;3)中国人抱团居住,或就近居住,尤其是年轻女性!(我不愿看到印尼惨剧重演)中国人一定要团结起来,互相照应,才能挡住武装侵犯;4)不惜其他所有代价,避免自己被感染;5)加够汽油(车+桶),如果绝望中你还有撤侨机会,那能实现2千公里逃命,你心里就还有希望;
Who am I
  • 黄仲生,HUANG Zhongsheng, Chinese, at Shanghai
  • Graduated from Fudan University (China top 4)
  • Worked in CR(China No.1 new economy investment bank)
  • Worked in GGV (Global tier 1 VC, managing 6 bln usd, invested Alibaba, Bytedance, Airbnb, Square)
  • Founded 2 internet companies and raised over 20 mln usd financing, but failed. starting a new auto-AR company now
  • Very strong at logic thinking and math modeling. Objective
  • Deep studied the whole process of gov. action, people behavior and data result of China, Euro, US Corona virus pandemic
  • From 0 to 10K+ global followers on my whistle blowing reports since March 9
Why do I do Euro/ US Corona Virus whistle blowing
  • Extracted my family from US before too late
  • To warn Euro/US people that it's MUCH MUCH worse than what they can imagine, with solid prediction based on logic and actual data. And all prediction data are proven for the past 20 days
  • I hope everyone can realize the fact, get well prepared, do the right thing, and survive from this world war III against virus
  • No interest related
  • All content I provide are free (article, data, raw model, video)