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美国民主党众议员Katie Hill因为被爆与国会工作人员发生“不正当关系”,周日宣布辞职。

"It is with a broken heart that today I announce my resignation from Congress," Hill said in a statement Sunday. "This is the hardest thing I have ever had to do, but I believe it is the best thing for my constituents, my community, and our country."
希尔在(当地时间)周日的一份声明中说:“今天我怀着十分悲伤的心情宣布辞职。” “这是我做过的最艰难的事情,但我认为这样对我的选民,社区和我们的国家来说都是最好的。”
News of Hill's resignation comes after the House Committee on Ethics announced Wednesday it was opening an investigation into allegations Hill engaged in an improper relationship with a congressional staffer in possible violation of House rules which were changed last year to ban relationships between members and their staff.
Hill was under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for allegations of an improper sexual relationship with a male congressional staffer, a claim she denied.
▲Rep. Katie Hill announces resignation amid allegations of improper relationships with staffers Via CNN 

The outlet accused Hill of having a sexual relationship with her legislative director, Graham Kelly, which the website claimed was uncovered by Hill’s husband, Kenny Heslep. Hill vehemently denied the relationship with Kelly, who also worked on her congressional campaign.
Hill said the publication of personal and intimate photos was an “appalling invasion of my privacy.”
▲Democratic Rep. Katie Hill announces resignation amid allegations of relationship with staff member Via The Politico
Hill ran as a first-time candidate with no political experience. As executive director of a Los Angeles non-profit assisting the homeless, she leveraged her background to raise millions in a grassroots campaign -- with nearly all of the money raised from individual donors.
No one had any idea her tenure would be so brief. And yet, Hill tweeted late Sunday night "To every girl and woman - to everyone who believes in this fight - this isn't over."
▲Rep. Katie Hill announces resignation amid allegations of improper relationships with staffers Via CNN 
It’s called taking  responsibility  for your own iresponsible actions
I wish you wouldn't resign. It's sad that we have different rules for men and women, but if you feel you had to resign, I can think of at least ten other government officials who should have resigned before you did. Good luck.
Via Twitter 
图文:CNN,The Politico