
South Western Railway(后简称:SWR)的司机和列车警卫宣布,要在12月和新年期间举行27天的罢工抗议,交通局工会的成员表示,SWR的员工除了罢工,别无选择。


12月2日零点 - 12月11日23:59

12月13日零点 - 12月24日 23:59 
12月27日零点 - 1月1日23:59
这里顺便提醒刚来英国的小可爱,不是罢工故意避开了圣诞节和Boxing Day,而是那两天本来就没啥公共交通工具。
当然了,工会表示它们欢迎继续谈判,所以要是在罢工前能谈妥,最后一刻取消也是有可能哒。不过委员还是要提醒大家,如果罢工照常,大家要提前准备好Plan B哦,把损失降到最低。
1. Aston University
2. Bangor University
3. Cardiff University
4. University of Durham
5. Heriot-Watt University
6. Loughborough University
7. Newcastle University
8. The Open University
9. The University of Aberdeen
10. The University of Bath
11. The University of Dundee
12. The University of Leeds
13. The University of Manchester
14. The University of Sheffield
15. University of Nottingham
16. The University of Stirling
17. University College London
18. The University of Birmingham
19. The University of Bradford
20. The University of Bristol
21. The University of Cambridge
22. The University of Edinburgh
23. The University of Exeter
24. The University of Essex
25. The University of Glasgow
26. The University of Lancaster
27. The University of Leicester
28. City University
29. Goldsmiths College
30. Queen Mary University of London
31. Royal Holloway
32. The University of Reading
33. The University of Southampton
34. The University of St Andrews
35. Courtauld Institute of Art
36. The University of Strathclyde
37. The University of Wales
38. The University of Warwick
39. The University of York
40. The University of Liverpool
41. The University of Sussex
42. The University of Ulster
43. Queen's University Belfast
1. Bishop Grosseteste University
2. Bournemouth University
3. Edge Hill University
4. Glasgow Caledonian University
5. Glasgow School of Art
6. Liverpool Hope University
7. Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts
8. Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh
9. St Mary's University College, Belfast
10. Roehampton University
11. Sheffield Hallam University
12. The University of Brighton
13. The University of Kent
14. The University of Oxford
1. Scottish Association of Marine Science
2. The University of East Anglia
3. Institute of Development Studies
最后委员随手附上一篇“英国火车延误如何申请退款”的文章,希望能帮到大家,点击“阅读原文”或“Read more”收好咯!记得随时关注我们,委员会及时给大家更新罢工近况哒。