State Board of Education(德州教委,简称SBOE)计划从2019年开始审查和修改Kindergarten到12年级的性教育及健康课程教学大纲(TEKS—Sex Education and Health Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills)。目前正在使用的教学大纲是从1998年开始实施的。此次修订流程包括由一系列工作小组向SBOE提供修改意见。为此,Texas Education Agency (TEA)已经开始进行民意调查,并将根据收集到的素材信息,为工作小组提供修改意见。
近些年来,有些左派团体积极、有组织地参与了美国各州性教育及健康教学大纲的修改,试图以此冲击传统的性教育及健康理念,改变整个社会的基本价值观。例如,他们极力主张将同性恋及变性内容引入性教育及健康课程。这些内容现在已经被写进加利福尼亚等州的性教育及健康课大纲。这次,他们将利用德州修改教学大纲的机会,挑战德州人的传统价值观,试图在德州公立学校性教育课程的第一年(Kindergarten)就引入性取向(sex orientation)和性别认同(gender identity)这样的字眼。此外,这些团体还想削弱德州现行大纲中对性节制(abstinence)的要求。
问题Are there any concepts or knowledge and skills that you think are essential to retain in the standards?
Elementary School Standards:
(3) Health behaviors. The student demonstrates decision-making skills for making health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to:
    (A) demonstrate how to seek the help of parents/guardians and other trusted adults in making decisions and solving problems;
(5) Health information. The student understands how to recognize health information. The student is expected to:
    (A)  name people who can provide helpful health information such as parents, doctors, teachers, and nurses; and
Grade 1 Introduction
To achieve that goal, students will understand the following: students should first seek guidance in the area of health from their parents; personal behaviors can increase or reduce health risks throughout the lifespan;
(3) Health behaviors. The student demonstrates basic critical-thinking, decision-making, goalsetting, and problem-solving skills for making health-promoting decisions. The student is expected to:
    (A)  explain ways to seek the help of parents/guardians and other trusted adults in making decisions and solving problems;
Middle School Standards:
(6)  Health behaviors. The student engages in behaviors that reduce health risks throughout the life span. The student is expected to:
    (A)  analyze and demonstrate strategies for preventing and responding to deliberate and accidental injuries;
    (B)  describe the dangers associated with a variety of weapons;
    (C)  identify strategies for prevention and intervention of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse;
    (D)  identify information relating to abstinence;
    (E)  analyze the importance of abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age;
    (F)  discuss abstinence from sexual activity as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, STDs, and the sexual transmission of HIV or acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity;
7 (H) explain the consequences of sexual activity and the benefits of abstinence
9 (E)  describe strategies such as abstinence for communicating refusal to engage in unsafe behaviors; and
9 (F)  describe methods for communicating important issues with parents and peers
High School Standards:
(8)  Health behaviors. The student analyzes health information and applies decision-making skills to promote the development and practice of safe behaviors. The student is expected to:
    (A)  analyze the relationship between the use of refusal skills and the avoidance of unsafe situations such as sexual abstinence;
    (B)  analyze the importance and benefits of abstinence as it relates to emotional health and the prevention of pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases;
    (C)  analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of barrier protection and other contraceptive methods, including the prevention of STDs, keeping in mind the effectiveness of remaining abstinent until marriage;
    (D)  analyze the importance of healthy strategies that prevent physical, sexual, and emotional abuse such as date rape;
    (E)  analyze the importance of abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age; and
    (F)  discuss abstinence from sexual activity as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy, STDs, and the sexual transmission of HIV or acquired immune deficiency syndrome and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity.
(15) Personal/interpersonal skills. The student analyzes, designs, and evaluates strategies for expressing needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways. The student is expected to:
    (A)  demonstrate strategies for communicating needs, wants, and emotions;
    (B)  examine the ilegal and ethical ramifications of unacceptable behaviors such as harassment, acquaintance rape, and sexual abuse; and
    (C)  communicate the importance of practicing abstinence.
问题:If the current health education standards need to be replaced.
问题: Are there things that you like about the current health education standards and/or think that they do particularly well?
回答:“Emphasis on parental guidance and abstinence.”
问题Do you have any other suggestions for ways in which the health education TEKS can be improved?
回答: Emphasize the importance that parents are the primary educators on these issues, abstinence is the preferred choice of behavior, and that any radical LGBTQ issues should not be addressed in the health standards.
请点击文末的“阅读原文/Read More”参加民意调查。

达拉斯华政会(Dallas Fort Worth Political Action Committee,简称DFWPAC)成立于2016年11月18日,宗旨是促进DFW地区亚裔参政议政,发现并支持致力于传统的家庭价值观、优秀的学区、友好的创业环境、有限而有效的政府、以及包容的多元文化的领导者。DFWPAC的三大工作重点是促进领导力教育、倡导社区参与和推选公共事务代表。

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