特大号外:美国“华裔日”在加州正式立法通过! 这是由CAFT (Chinese Americans for Trump)负责人为主推动、运作和完成的一个大动作!这一件事对于提高华裔美国人在美国的社会地位,增强华裔美国人对本族裔的自信心,对华人传统和文化的认同感,都将起深远的作用!
华裔日,全名“华裔美国人日”,英文“Chinese American Day”,是专门为华裔美国人所设立的一个节日。 虽然我们华裔美国人是最早来到美国的族裔之一,虽然我们对美国的发展所做的贡献有目共睹,虽然我们的历史,我们的血泪,我们的成功都被记载下来了,但为华裔美国人设立一个节日这是各个族裔的美国人共同回顾华裔美国人的贡献的一个节日,这是值得在美国的华裔骄傲的一个日子,这是一个华裔扬眉吐气的日子!
也请记住这个节日的来历。2018年10月8日,美国国会众议员罗伊斯与加州第38区众议员阿科斯塔(Dante Acosta)、第36区众议员拉齐(Tom Lackey)4日晚共同参与了由特朗普亚太裔委员会委员之一王湉(“天天”)举办的与华裔居民沟通的活动。  这是当时的新闻报道:
据报道,那次活动组织者之一、特朗普亚太裔顾问委员会委员王湉,席间宣布正在加州提案“美国华裔日”。 那一报道的链接是:https://www.chinaqw.com/hqhr/2018/10-08/204181.shtml。 
“每年的1月13日是在美韩国裔的节日——韩国日(Korean American Day),我们华裔还没有。我和另外两位华裔朋友,Johnney Zhang、YanYan Zhu三个人一起,目前正在发起一个美国华裔日(Chinese-American Day),提案将由几位加州众议员递交众议院,争取能够成为加州的法定庆祝日。”王湉说。“历史上,华裔曾经为加州建设作出重要贡献,到今天华裔的力量更加不可小觑。如果法案通过,希望以后每年,至少在学校,都能提到这一节日,让孩子们以及更多人了解美国华裔在加州做出的贡献。” 罗伊斯及几位众议员听到后均表示一定会支持该法案。
这一“华裔日”的设想由王湉等人提出后,加州华裔议员 Phillip Chen 在议会正式提出,并于8月22日在加州议会正式通过。该法案的详细内容可以从网站上找到,其链接是: 
您可以点击本文下方的“阅读原文”直接登录该法案的网页。  该法案的名称是: ACR-121 Chinese American Day
王湉先生是CAFT的创办者。CAFT致力于鼓励和支持所有华裔美国人参政议政,并倡导保守理念和传统,坚持维护和遵守美国宪法。在2016年大选中, CAFT在几个关键州和摇摆州积极拉票并鼓励华裔投票,在多达24个州或城市投放飞行广告或巨幅彩灯广告,为共和党的胜利做出了可观的贡献,并大大激励了华裔美国人参政议政的热情。 
这个法案不但建立了一个“华裔日”,而且充分肯定了华裔美国人对于美国的发展所作出的杰出贡献。 请看本文附录。

最后我们一定要强调一点:这个法案是由CAFT的草根发起,草根撰写,并由草根选上去的Phillio Chen帮助立法通过的。下一次我们希望提出并且通过反对细分和反对AA的法案。希望各地草根们都来效仿,通过立法来维护我们的权益,让全体华人都来参政议政!

附录:加州法案ACR-121 Chinese American Day
Introduced by Assembly Member Chen

August 12, 2019

Relative to Chinese American Day.


ACR 121, as introduced, Chen. Chinese American Day.
This measure would de9, over 12,000 Chinese laborers helped build the Transcontinental Railroad, which is the greatest infrastructure project in the United States of America in the Nineteenth Century; and
WHEREAS, During the Civil War, 58 Chinese Americans, some with Anglicized names, served in the military, both in the United States Army and United States Navy. Most notably, Joseph Pierce from Canton, China, served with the 14th Connecticut Infantry, which repulsed Pickett’s Charge at the Battle of Gettysburg, and John Tommy made headlines in both the North and South before giving his life to preserve the Union at the Battle of Gettysburg; and
WHEREAS, Despite unfair treatment in the years following the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, many Chinese Americans worked hard and contributed to society; and
WHEREAS, Hundreds of Chinese Americans served in the United States military during World War I; and
WHEREAS, An estimated 20,000 Chinese Americans served in all branches of the United States military during World War II. The most notable among them was Army Captain Francis B. Wai who gave his life in the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the Philippines Campaign. He was initially awarded a Distinguished Service Cross, which was upgraded in 2000 to a Medal of Honor after a review by the Army; and
WHEREAS, Chinese Americans continued to serve our country in all armed conflicts since World War II; and
WHEREAS, With diligence, loyalty, a sense of gratitude, and an enduring belief in the American dream, Chinese immigrants contributed to American society in many areas, including academia, science, technology, education, business, finance, arts, entertainment, and public service. Dr. Chien-Shiung Wu, who worked on the Manhattan Project, helped bring about the Atomic Age. Dr. Chen-Ning Yang and Dr. Tsung-Dao Lee won the 1957 Nobel Prize in Physics. Elaine Chao, the first Chinese American to serve as a cabinet-level advisor to the President of the United States, served as the Secretary of Labor and is currently serving as the Secretary of Transportation. Gary Locke served as the Governor of Washington, United States Secretary of Commerce, and United States Ambassador to China; and
WHEREAS, As the Chinese American community continues to work diligently to make California and the United States of America a better place, Chinese Americans must instill in younger generations proper appreciation for the courage and values of their forefathers, a deep sense of their roots, and pride in their own cultural heritage so that they may better contribute to the great State of California, which is rich with ethnic and cultural diversity; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Assembly of the State of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature hereby proclaims October 23, 2019, as Chinese American Day in California; and be it further
Resolved, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.
ACR-121 Chinese American Day 

(由于时间仓促,如翻译的不准确,请见谅。 如有疑问请看上面的英文原版,谢谢!)

鉴于,在南北战争期间,58名华裔美国人,其中一些有英国人名字,在军队服役,包括美国陆军和美国海军。最值得提到的是,来自中国广州的约瑟夫·皮尔斯(Joseph Pierce)服役于第14康涅狄格步兵队) Connecticut Infantry),在葛底斯堡战役中击退了皮克特(Pickett)的指挥。约翰·汤米(John Tommy) 在北方和南方都成为头条新闻,在葛底斯堡战役中为了保护联军献出了生命;
鉴于,在第二次世界大战期间,估计有2万名华裔美国人在美国军队的所有分支机构服役。其中最引人注目的是陆军上尉Francis B. Wai,他在菲律宾战役中的莱特湾战斗中献出了自己的生命。他最初被授予杰出服务十字勋章,经军队审查后于2000年升级为荣誉勋章;
