Siemens Healthineers invest $1.1 B in Corindus

11亿美元!西门子医疗收购医疗机器人开发公司Corindus Vascular Robotics
Corindus develops robotic-assisted medical devices for vascular procedures was co-founded in 2002 by Tal Wenderow and Professor Rafael Beyar (Rafi Behar), Director-General and CEO of the Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa.  
Corindus开发用于血管手术的机器人辅助医疗设备。该公司于2002年由以色列企业家Tal Wenderow和Rafael Beyar(他是一位以色列企业家,也是一位医生,曾在2006年至2019年间担任海法Rambam医疗健康园区的总干事兼首席执行官)联合创立。该公司成立时与Rambam和以色列理工学院合作。Corindus公司现居马萨诸塞州,拥有100名员工。
Breakthrough in radiation vaccine
Pluristem Therapeutics Inc reports first positive results in trials of new vaccine PLX, which reduces damages caused by nuclear radiation; PLX-R18 cell therapy was granted an FDA orphan drug designation which allows Pluristem to treat victims exposed to radiation during a nuclear event such as an atomic bomb, a nuclear reactor leak or a natural disaster, even before receiving full marketing approval. Pluristem therapy treats patients by stimulating their bodies' own regenerative mechanism.
Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem
Archaeologists have unearthed on Mount Zion archeological project in Jerusalem. A deposit of unique mix of artifacts and materials 2600 years old. As evidence pointing to the validity of the Babylonian Conquest of the Holy City of Jerusalem in 587/586 BCE, as described by the Bible, 2 Kings 25: 1-9.  
Canada's Nuvei buys Israel's SafeCharge for $889M
加拿大支付技术公司Nuvei 8.89亿美元收购SafeCharge
"This marks the dawn of a new, exciting journey for Nuvei,” Montreal-based payment technology CEO Philip Fayer says. SafeCharge CEO David Avgi: We are jointly creating an international payment giant with an unrivaled talent pool and technology stack.
总部位于蒙特利尔首席执行官Philip Fayer表示:“此次收购会使Nuvei开启新的旅程。”SafeCharge首席执行官David Avgi:我们正在共同创建一个拥有优秀人才库和技术堆栈的国际支付巨头。我们很高兴加入Nuvei,可以进一步采研发并推行全球最具创新性的支付技术。
'SolarEdge' - up to $4.23 Billion
'SolarEdge' 市值高达42.3亿美元
SolarEdge's share price has picked up 36% since the results were published, and now market cap is at $4.23 billion, compared with $3.06 billion a week ago. SolarEdge develops systems for harvesting and optimizing solar energy.
242 Olim from North America arrive in Israel
Amos satellite successfully launched
AMOS 17 satellite with coverage of Sub Saharan Africa is an ideal multi band satellite for television DTH pay TV distribution, rural broadband internet, mobile cellular backhaul, data, VSAT and vertical solution ; Israeli Spacecom will provide broadcast and broadband connectivity services across sub-Saharan Africa, Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia and is expected to operate for 20 years. The $250 million Amos-17 weighs 6.5 tons and has a wingspan of 35 meters (115 feet). 
AMOS-17 由波音卫星系统国际公司采用波音702MP型平台建造,载有Ka、Ku和C波段有效载荷,将部署到东经17度轨位,用于向非洲、中东和欧洲提供高通量宽带连接、电视广播和其它网络与数据中继服务,设计寿命20年。耗资2.5亿美元的Amos-17重6.5吨,翼展35米(115英尺)。
All Blue & white Podium
Eyal Tsahor, Daniel Basik, Razi Hilel won The Gold, silver and bronze medals At the World wind surfing championship in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Eyal Tsahor,Daniel Basik,Razi Hilel在俄罗斯圣彼得堡举行的世界冲浪锦标赛上获得金牌,银牌和铜牌。
Shalom from Israel
Yosi Behar
关于编者Yosi Behar

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