Bach: a detailed informative biography
By  Michael and Lawrence Sartorius
Weimar was quite a small town with only 5000 inhabitants; yet Bach was to meet some very cultured people here. Not least was his employer, the Duke of Sachsen-Weimar, one of the most distinguished and cultured nobles of his time.Bach's two-fold position as member of the chamber orchestra and as Organist to the Court offered him many opportunities for improvement.
The Court Orchestra consisted of about 22 players: a compact string ensemble, a bassoon player, 6 or 7 trumpeters and a timpanist. Bach's function in the orchestra was mainly as a violinist, however he also played the harpsichord and occasionally wrote or arranged some of the music. As was the custom in most 18th century Courts, the musicians also spent some of their time employed in household and domestic duties.
In 1714 Bach became the leader of the orchestra, and was now second only to the old and frail Capellmeister Johann Samuel Drese, whose duties he was gradually taking over.As Court Organist, Bach had succeeded Johann Effler, a musician of some standing. The organ was new and not quite as large as the one at Arnstadt. After a few years, Bach declared that it was inadequate and should be rebuilt. It was in fact rebuilt at great expense according to his plans: proof of the high regard the Court had for his capabilities as organist and expert on organ construction.
During this period he wrote profusely for the organ, and he was rapidly becoming known throughout the country as one of the greatest German organists. Organ pupils came to him from far and wide, and he was asked to test or dedicate many organs in various towns. His tests were extremely thorough and critical. He used to say for fun 'Above all I must know whether the organ has a good lung', and, pulling out all the stops he produced the largest sound possible, often making the organ builders go pale with fright. He would usually complete his trial by improvising a prelude and fugue: the prelude to test the organ's power, the fugue to test its clarity for counterpoint. 
Constantin Bellermann describes his playing (during a visit to Kassel) in these words: 'His feet seemed to fly across the pedals as if they were winged, and mighty sounds filled the church'. Mizler's 'Nekrolog' states: 'His fingers were all of equal strength, all equally able to play with the finest precision. He had invented so comfortable a fingering that he could master the most difficult parts with perfect ease (using 5 fingers instead of the then normal 3). He was able to accomplish passages on the pedals with his feet which would have given trouble to the fingers of many a clever player on the keyboard'.
On a visit to Halle in 1713, during which he gave a trial cantata (probably BWV 21), he was invited to become organist in succession to Zachau, a composer well-known, and celebrated as Handel's early teacher. However, the conditions and salary were not sufficient for his growing family, so he was obliged to refuse the post.
On a visit to Dresden, Bach was invited to compete in a contest with the visiting French organist, Louis Marchand, considered to be one of the best in Europe. But, on the day appointed for the contest, Marchand decided to withdraw discreetly by taking the fastest coach available back to France. And so Bach gave an impressive solo performance before the assembled audience and referees, establishing himself as the finest organist of the day.
Bach made some very good friends at Weimar, among whom was the eminent philologist and scholar Johann Matthias Gesner, who expressed with great eloquence his admiration for the composer's genius. Bach was also a frequent visitor to the nearby 'Rote Schloß', the home of the former Duke's widow and her two music-loving sons. Here the interest was in the new Italian style of music which was then becoming the rage of Europe, one of the chief exponents being the Venetian composer Vivaldi. Bach and his cousin Johann Georg Walther transcribed some of the Italian instrumental concertos for keyboard instruments.
巴赫在魏玛结交了三五知己,其中有杰出的语言学者约翰·马提亚斯·盖斯内,他用高谈雄辩盛赞了作曲家的天才。巴赫也是附近的魏玛红堡(Rote Schloß)的常客,那里是前公爵遗孀及其两个爱好音乐的儿子的住处。在这里,最受关注的是后来风靡整个欧洲的新颖的意大利风格音乐,威尼斯作曲家维瓦尔第便是这一风格之领袖。巴赫与其表兄约翰·哥特弗里德·瓦尔特(根据各种材料来看中间名应当为Gottfried,原文有误)将一些意大利器乐协奏曲改编成了键盘作品。
(译者注:Johann Gottfried Walther巴赫表兄,音乐学者,作曲家,编纂了第一部德语音乐词典Musicalisches Lexicon。他对阿尔比诺尼、托雷利、维瓦尔第、泰勒曼等人创作的共14部作品的改编后来为巴赫所效仿。)

During 1717 a feud broke out between the Duke of Weimar at the 'Wilhelmsburg' household and his nephew Ernst August at the 'Rote Schloß'. Consequently musicians of the first household were forbidden to fraternize with those of the second. Bach did his best to ignore what was, after all, merely an extension of a private quarrel. But the atmosphere was no longer so pleasant. Added to this, the ancient Capellmeister then died, and Bach was passed over for the post in favor of the late Capellmeister's mediocre son. At this, Bach was bitterly disappointed, for he had lately been doing most of the Capellmeister's work, and had confidently expected to be given the post.
(译者注:魏玛公爵威廉·恩斯特与奥古斯特叔侄。威廉·恩斯为萨克森-魏玛公爵Johann Ernst II长子,父亲于1683年去世后与弟弟约翰·恩斯特三世共同继承爵位约翰·恩斯特三世由于嗜酒成瘾,成了有名无实的公爵,而威廉·恩斯则独揽大权。约翰·恩斯特三世于1707年去世后,侄子奥古斯特成为继任的联合公爵Mitherr,两人摩擦即发生于此后10年。)
Through the help of Duke Ernst August, Bach was introduced to the Court of Anhalt-Cöthen, and as a result he was offered the post of Capellmeister, which he accepted. This infuriated the Duke of Weimar, so that when Bach put in a polite request for his release, he was arrested and put in the local jail. However, after a month, he was released and given reluctant permission to resign his office. During this enforced rest, Bach typically used his time productively, and prepared a cycle of organ chorale preludes for the whole year, published later as the 'Orgelbüchlein'.
在Ernst August公爵的帮助下,巴赫被引荐给安哈尔特-克滕宫廷,并因此受邀担任宫廷乐长一职。巴赫接受了邀请,却激怒了魏玛公爵,所以当他提交了一份得体的辞呈时,他遭到逮捕并被囚禁在当地的监狱。不过,他在一个月之后被释放,并得到了极不情愿的离职批准。在受到羁押的日子里,他仍然充分利用了自己的时间,着手创作一部可供全年演奏的管风琴众赞歌前奏曲,后来以《管风琴小书》(Orgelbüchlein)出版。
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