Was Johann Sebastian Bach a Good Student?
That really depends. In Eisenach it is said, he didn't show up positively. It's handed down, that he missed lessons often. Why? Experts don't have a common opinion. Some guess, there were reasons, which students still today tell to skip one lesson or an other. Others think, that it was just necessary for a large family in hard times like for the Bachs back then, that the musician Johann Ambrosius Bach needed the support of his son Johann Sebastian to make music on different occasions.

Did Johann Sebastian Bach Have a Happy Childhood?


Nobody knows that. It's not handed down. In general, not much is known about the family life and private life of Johann Sebastian Bach. At least Bach's happy time came to an end, when he was nine years old. At that time in a short time one parent after another plus his uncle died. After that catastrophe Bach moved in with his brother in Ohrdruf. It goes without saying that he lost all of his friends with this move, which he had a that time in Eisenach too. But is not known of any friendship at that time.

Did Johann Sebastian Bach Practise Much?


Yes, Johann Sebastian Bach has practised really much. Because practising much with making music was his philosophy. After all an anecdote is handed down, when somebody asked him, how he could possibly create such dreamlike music and was even able to perform these partially really hefty parts. He replied, he had to be busy very early – and with much modesty he added for his students, "...if you are as busy as I am, than you will play music as good as I do it."

At Which Age Did Johann Sebastian Bach Start to Compose?


It is not easy to answer this question, in which age Bach started to compose. It depends, what you connect to the word "composing", which changes the date related to the question. It's a fact that Bach is considered only almost a child genius, by no means in the ranking of a Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Few scientists assume, that some works already in Ohrdruf came into being, when Bach was a young as ten years when he arrived: some preludes and some fugues for organ".
Latest science, discovered as late as in the 21st century tells of the existence of a choral fantasy of Bach from his time in Lueneburg. That is what we could judge as the earliest composing, that would have been at age fifteen. Plus he could have arranged music pieces, which he listened to, and optimized them. Certified is the beginning of his skills as a composer from his time, which he spent in Arnstadt. There in the year 1703 he created his work "Prelude and Fugue in C Major for organ".
In the year 1708 Johann Sebastian Bach composed the first piece, which counts to the very famous ones by name, so that is to say among the works "which you have heard of before". That was the Town Council Inauguration Cantata with the name "God is my Lord". For the Bach Connoisseurs it's number 71 in the BWV.