原文:The interview took place on February 16, 2000 in the dressing room after the performance of the Beethoven 2nd Concerto, with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in Ferrara, Italy, at the Teatro Comunale.
R. "Good evening Mrs Argerich, we're Radiotre, live.
We're broadcasting the concert."
A. "Is it the radio?"
R. "Yes, it's the radio....first of all, great compliments!It was a marvelous performance!"
A. "I feel nervous, I don't know why....but I feel very odd.I've just come from Japan and had the flu.I don't know, but I felt so nervous."
R. "At the end of the first movement I saw you look at Abbado, I don't know, what did you ask him?"
A. "Whether I had played well ... he answered: "No! Pugh!" Just so! That is all!" ( laughing )
阿巴多主题推荐阅读:1、拒绝做“帝王”的阿巴多丨“他不愿高高在上,连乐手叫他大师他都不愿意!” 2、纪念阿巴多丨马勒《第六交响曲》丨琉森节日管弦乐团丨2006年;3、纪念阿巴多丨寂静,是音乐的延续丨“最好的观众是那种在片段结束后尽可能保持肃静的观众,尤其遇到涉及死亡的作品” 4、“他完全打翻旧式的权威式指挥”丨阿巴多指挥1996年柏林森林音乐会“意大利之夜” 5、重听贝多芬:阿巴多的三套贝交全集;6、他居然乘坐着地铁 1 号线到国家大剧院丨阿巴多指挥门德尔松《婚礼进行曲》;7、“最完美的马勒”丨聆听阿巴多与马勒不解之缘;8、阿巴多,远处的亮光丨“他已经超越了指挥的层次,他是音乐的精神领袖,他是远处的亮光,看到的人就会向它走去!” 9、阿巴多带走了什么?什么是像室内乐一样演奏交响乐?10、阿巴多说:“生病成了好事,现在我开始用新的眼光看待世间万物了”丨贝多芬《第五交响曲“命运”》;11、“就像一片云彩消失在蔚蓝色的天空中”丨阿巴多指挥马勒《第九交响曲》第四乐章;12、指挥家阿巴多(上)丨 “对我来说,聆听是最重要的事情:去聆听彼此,去聆听人们在说些什么,去聆听音乐。”13、指挥家阿巴多(下)丨“音乐无关于生死,不,它高于生死!”
R. "Ms Argerich, you and Abbado dedicated this concert to Gulda.  Why?"
A.  (becoming serious) "He was our teacher. In Vienna, Salzburg ... I knew Claudio during a piano masterclass of Friedrich Gulda in Salzburg, when he was young, and so was I ... Friedrich Gulda died last January 27 ... He was very important for me."
R. "Did you speak to him in the last few years?"
A. "Sometimes, yes.  Not a lot, but a little, yes."
R: "Tell us the truth, after being one of his pupils, now, as colleague, as pianist, what do you think about his activity during this last part of his career, when he devoted himself to Jazz?"
A. "Yes, I know he recently played in Turin, etc.  I don't know exactly what he did ... but I admire him so much, always.  He wanted to be free when he played the piano.If he played what people wanted, such as Mozart,Beethoven, Schubert, he was loved by them! But they didn't like his mixture of things or what he really wanted  to do, no? ... It was difficult ... how can I say ... a difficult course, I think."
R: "Yes, but did you like this side of Gulda?"
A. "Yes, I did.  You could feel his spontaneity, curiosity, and a love for music -- for all music, not only for classical music.He liked all music, he said, "All musicians are my friends" -- musicians of Flamenco, of Jazz, Rock ... he loved Arabian music a lot too.  He was a such an open-minded person, so vital in this sense ... I find it wonderful."
R. "Yes, and this is the beauty of music.  But you show this attitude as well, above all during your duo-recitals with Nelson Freire."
A. "Maybe, I don't know ... but we're more conventional. He was not very conventional ... he was a genius in this sense.
R. "Don't you sometimes feel like doing something unconventional?"
A. "Yes, but not on purpose -- it must be natural, don't you think?" ( laughing )
R. "Yes, of course ... well, how do you judge the young musicians  of this Orchestra?"
A. "Oh, very good ... moreover, Abbado is a wonder because he [she does a sonorous kiss for Abbado over the airwaves here] feels how everything must be done ... he helps me a lot."
R. "Recently, I read a point you made about the carelessness toward women pianists of this 20th century."
A. "Yes, Annie Fisher for example.  There has been a CD set released  with the great pianists of this century: Ms. Fischer was an extraordinary pianist but she doesn't appear.  Another example  is Mrs. Maria Tipo, for me she's sensational ... Today, she doesn't play any longer.  There are many pianists very interesting today too ... there are Pires, Zilberstein, Anna Kravtchenko whom I don't know personally, but I know she's formidable."

[ Note by Paolo:  From Rome, a colleague of the reporter is asking, or rather, imploring him ( by earphone ) to hug Martha. But our reporter is very embarrassed. ]
R. "Mrs Argerich, from Rome my colleagues are so moved  by the concert you played ..."
A.  (interrupting) "Why, why?"
R. "Because they liked it very much."
A. "Really?"
R. "Yes ... ehm ... and so they want me to hug you for them
    ... I don't know..."
A. (laughing) "If you are wanting to, OK !   . . .  I'm feeling hugged by all of you!  Thank you!"
R. "Thank you!"
R. “因为他们非常喜欢您的音乐。”
——(大笑)“如果你不介意的话,当然可以!... 我感觉被你们所有人拥抱了!谢谢你们!”
——R. “谢谢!”
The interview took place on February 16, 2000 in the dressing room after the performance of the Beethoven 2nd Concerto, with Claudio Abbado and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in Ferrara, Italy, at the Teatro Comunale.
R. "Good evening Mrs Argerich, we're Radiotre, live.
We're broadcasting the concert."
A. "Is it the radio?"
R. "Yes, it's the radio....first of all, great compliments!It was a marvelous performance!"
A. "I feel nervous, I don't know why....but I feel very odd.I've just come from Japan and had the flu.I don't know, but I felt so nervous."
R. "At the end of the first movement I saw you look at Abbado, I don't know, what did you ask him?"
A. "Whether I had played well ... he answered: "No! Pugh!" Just so! That is all!" ( laughing )
About Gulda

R. "Ms Argerich, you and Abbado dedicated this concert to Gulda.  Why?"
A.  (becoming serious) "He was our teacher. In Vienna, Salzburg ... I knew Claudio during a piano masterclass of Friedrich Gulda in Salzburg, when he was young, and so was I ... Friedrich Gulda died last January 27 ... He was very important for me."
R. "Did you speak to him in the last few years?"
A. "Sometimes, yes.  Not a lot, but a little, yes."
R: "Tell us the truth, after being one of his pupils, now, as colleague, as pianist, what do you think about his activity during this last part of his career, when he devoted himself to Jazz?"
A. "Yes, I know he recently played in Turin, etc.  I don't know exactly what he did ... but I admire him so much, always.  He wanted to be free when he played the piano.If he played what people wanted, such as Mozart,Beethoven, Schubert, he was loved by them! But they didn't like his mixture of things or what he really wanted  to do, no? ... It was difficult ... how can I say ... a difficult course, I think."
R: "Yes, but did you like this side of Gulda?"
A. "Yes, I did.  You could feel his spontaneity, curiosity, and a love for music -- for all music, not only for classical music.He liked all music, he said, "All musicians are my friends" -- musicians of Flamenco, of Jazz, Rock ... he loved Arabian music a lot too.  He was a such an open-minded person, so vital in this sense ... I find it wonderful."
R. "Yes, and this is the beauty of music.  But you show this attitude as well, above all during your duo-recitals with Nelson Freire."
A. "Maybe, I don't know ... but we're more conventional. He was not very conventional ... he was a genius in this sense.
R. "Don't you sometimes feel like doing something unconventional?"
A. "Yes, but not on purpose -- it must be natural, don't you think?" ( laughing )
R. "Yes, of course ... well, how do you judge the young musicians  of this Orchestra?"
A. "Oh, very good ... moreover, Abbado is a wonder because he [she does a sonorous kiss for Abbado over the airwaves here] feels how everything must be done ... he helps me a lot."
3 The women pianists of this 20th century
R. "Recently, I read a point you made about the carelessness toward women pianists of this 20th century." 
A. "Yes, Annie Fisher for example.  There has been a CD set released  with the great pianists of this century: Ms. Fischer was an extraordinary pianist but she doesn't appear.  Another example  is Mrs. Maria Tipo, for me she's sensational ... Today, she doesn't play any longer.  There are many pianists very interesting today too ... there are Pires, Zilberstein, Anna Kravtchenko whom I don't know personally, but I know she's formidable."
Ending:Be hugged by all of you
[ Note by Paolo:  From Rome, a colleague of the reporter is asking, or rather, imploring him ( by earphone ) to hug Martha. But our reporter is very embarrassed. ]
R. "Mrs Argerich, from Rome my colleagues are so moved  by the concert you played ..."
A.  (interrupting) "Why, why?"
R. "Because they liked it very much."
A. "Really?"
R. "Yes ... ehm ... and so they want me to hug you for them
    ... I don't know..."
A. (laughing) "If you are wanting to, OK !   . . .  I'm feeling hugged by all of you!  Thank you!"
R. "Thank you!"
阿格里奇推荐阅读:1、音乐书评丨钢琴女王阿格里奇的孤独丨“她逃避一切,除了爱情”丨评《童子与魔法:钢琴女王玛塔·阿格里奇传》;2、阿格里奇75岁生日快乐丨“天才只是永不泯灭的童心”丨阿姐的“童年情景”丨我们不是天才,但应努力理解她的“童心”丨阿姐演绎舒曼钢协;3、虽以“快手”著称,但阿格里奇的演奏从不会给人紧张和压迫感!4、米凯兰杰利为何要教阿格里奇“沉默的音乐”?5、傅聪谈阿格里奇:“对我来讲,她永远是个女孩子!”6、当阿格里奇遇见傅聪丨“她清澈见底,他明白已经爱上了她!” 7、如何全面理解阿格里奇?8、阿格里奇11岁的爱情惊动了贝隆总统丨阿姐与老师古尔达丨古尔达唯一弟子丨她绝不冒任何危险使他失望丨阿姐为何不喜欢独奏会? 9、女儿拍摄的阿格里奇纪录片丨阿姐生命中的三段婚姻与三个女儿丨我紧张母亲的每次演奏,每次完毕我都消耗殆尽,母亲却年轻了十岁;10、傅聪谈音乐家丨我和阿格里奇上台前都需要镊子丨鲁宾斯坦60岁以后才练琴丨阿劳丨邓泰山丨海菲兹丨梅纽因;11、阿格里奇丨缺少音乐天分没关系丨前提是你必须热爱音乐;12、阿格里奇和她的三位朋友们丨“我对自己不感兴趣,我只对别人感兴趣!” 13、阿格里奇“尽了最大的努力来毁掉自己的艺术生涯,可是没有成功。” 14、阿格里奇说:“要感觉和音乐在一起是一种幸福与享受!” 15、阿格里奇的弱奏丨“弱的声音也要凝聚,要送得远,能够遍及音乐厅的每个角落。” 16、阿格里奇的钢琴艺术丨有的钢琴家把活的作品弹死,而她却能把死的作品都弹活。