What causes you to be discouraged? Where do you find your joy?
The fruit of the Spirit is . . . joy.Galatians 5:22
One of our sons, Brian, is a high school basketball coach. One year, as his team was dribbling its way through the Washington State Basketball Tournament, well-meaning folks around town asked, “Are you going to win it all this year?” Both players and coaches felt the pressure, so Brian adopted a motto: “Play with joy!”
I thought of the apostle Paul’s last words to the elders of Ephesus: “That I may finish my race with joy” (Acts 20:24 nkjv). His aim was to complete the tasks Jesus had given him. I have made these words my motto and my prayer: “May I run and finish my race with joy.” Or as Brian says, “May I play with joy!” And by the way, Brian’s team did win the state championship that year.
We all have good reasons to get grouchy: discouraging news, everyday stresses, health problems. Nevertheless, God can give us a joy that transcends these conditions if we ask Him. We can have what Jesus called, “my joy” (John 15:11).
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit of Jesus (Galatians 5:22). So we must remember each morning to ask Him to help us: “May I play with joy!” Author Richard Foster said, “To pray is to change. This is a great grace. How good of God to provide a path whereby our lives can be taken over by . . . joy.”
喜乐是圣灵所结的果子(加拉太书5章22节),因此务必谨记,每天早上都要恳求祂帮助我们:“让我能喜乐地全力以赴!”灵修作家傅士德(Richard Foster)曾说:“祷告能带来改变,这是何等的恩典!上帝是何等美善,为我们预备一条路,让我们的生命充满了……喜乐。”
I turn my eyes to You, God. I’m grateful I can count on Your faithfulness to me. Please bring me into Your joy.

Galatians 5:22-26  NIV

5 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

加拉太书 5:22-26 

圣灵所结的果子,就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、 23 温柔、节制;这样的事没有律法禁止。 24 凡属基督耶稣的人,是已经把肉体连肉体的邪情私欲同钉在十字架上了。25 我们若是靠圣灵得生,就当靠圣灵行事。26 不要贪图虚名,彼此惹气,互相嫉妒。



When we’re reading the Scriptures, it’s important to identify whether the author is imparting information about what God has already done or is giving direction for what we are to do. In Galatians 5:22–23, the apostle Paul lists the fruit of the Spirit, which is the result of the Spirit’s work in our lives, not our work. However, in verses 25–26 he tells us to “keep in step with the Spirit.” The Greek word for “keep in step” or “walk” (nkjv) means “to march in military rank; to conform to virtue and piety; to walk orderly.” Pictured here is spiritual growth that comes from teamwork. The fruit that grows is the responsibility of the Spirit, but it’s our job to see where the Spirit is working in our lives and to “keep in step” with Him. We’re participants in our spiritual growth, but not solely responsible for it.