God still values the monotony of everyday affairs.
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again.Ecclesiastes 1:9已有的事,后必再有;已行的事,后必再行。-传道书1章9节
I was intrigued when I noticed a tattoo of a bowling ball knocking down pins on my friend Erin’s ankle. Erin was inspired to get this unique tattoo after listening to Sara Groves’s song, “Setting Up the Pins.” The clever lyrics encourage listeners to find joy in the repetitive, routine tasks that sometimes feel as pointless as manually setting up bowling pins over and over again, only to have someone knock them down.
朋友艾琳的脚踝上有个保龄球击倒球瓶的刺青,令我感到好奇。艾琳说,她这刺青的灵感是来自莎拉·格洛芙斯(Sara Groves)的一首歌。这首歌俏皮的歌词鼓励人从重复的日常事务中找到乐趣,因这些事常让人觉得很没意义,就像是一次又一次把保龄球瓶摆好,只为了把这些球瓶打倒而已。
Laundry. Cooking. Mowing the lawn. Life seems full of tasks that, once completed, have to be done again—and again. This isn’t a new struggle but an old frustration, one wrestled with in the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes. The book opens with the writer complaining about the endless cycles of daily human life as futile (1:2–3), even meaningless, because “what has been will be again, what has been done will be done again” (v. 9).
Yet, like my friend, the writer was able to regain a sense of joy and meaning by remembering our ultimate fulfillment comes as we “fear [reverence] God and keep his commandments” (12:13). There’s comfort in knowing that God values even the ordinary, seemingly mundane aspects of life and will reward our faithfulness (v. 14).
What are the “pins” you’re continually setting up? In those times when repetitive tasks begin to feel tiring, may we take a moment to offer each task to God as an offering of love.
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving value to the ordinary activities of life. Help us to find joy in the tasks before us today.

Ecclesiastes 1:3-11   NIV

What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? 4 Generations come and generations go,but the earth remains forever. 5 The sun rises and the sun sets,and hurries back to where it rises. 6
 The wind blows to the south and turns to the north;

round and round it goes,ever returning on its course.
All streams flow into the sea,yet the sea is never full.To the place the streams come from,there they return again. 8 All things are wearisome,more than one can say.The eye never has enough of seeing,nor the ear its fill of hearing. 9 What has been will be again,what has been done will be done again;there is nothing new under the sun. 10 Is there anything of which one can say,“Look! This is something new”?It was here already, long ago;it was here before our time. 11 No one remembers the former generations,and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them.

传道书 1:3-11

人一切的劳碌,就是他在日光之下的劳碌,有什么益处呢? 4 一代过去,一代又来,地却永远长存。 5 日头出来,日头落下,急归所出之地。 6 风往南刮,又向北转,不住地旋转,而且返回转行原道。 7 江河都往海里流,海却不满;江河从何处流,仍归还何处。 万事令人厌烦,人不能说尽。眼看,看不饱;耳听,听不足。 9 已有的事后必再有,已行的事后必再行,日光之下并无新事。 10 岂有一件事人能指着说“这是新的”?哪知,在我们以前的世代早已有了。 11 已过的世代无人记念,将来的世代后来的人也不记念。



One of the key themes of Ecclesiastes is found in the phrase “under the sun.” It’s found in today’s reading in verses 3 and 9, as well as twenty-seven other times in the book. What does it mean? It refers to that which is done on earth according to the system, values, and mindset of this world. It sets what happens “under the sun” in contrast to that which is rooted in and resonates with the heart of heaven. Since Ecclesiastes is a book of despair, the point is that we don’t find true meaning or purpose until we begin to live according to the heart of our Father in heaven, as opposed to the broken systems of this world.
