本期议会传真信息由Oakville - North Burlington MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos 选民办公室提供
Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP Oakville North –Burlington
2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB  Twitter: Effie_ONB


随着这些早该进行的基础设施投资,此举将缓解困扰安省医院长期存在的严重服务压力,并使护士和医生能够提供更好,更快的护理,副省长兼卫生和长期护理部长Christine Elliott说。 “这些投资清楚地表明我们的政府致力于保护对安省人民的医疗民生问题,包括我们的公共医疗保健系统。
为了纪念政府的这一项标志性投资,Elliott与省议会同事,医院工作人员,一线医疗服务提供者以及患者和家庭顾问,一起共同庆祝多伦多健康中心 - 圣约瑟夫健康中心新近扩展的精神卫生应急服务部门隆重开幕仪式。通过这些急需的基础设施投资,安省可以减轻医院的压力,安省将会建立一个专注于患者需求的更具现代化,可持续和综合的公共医疗保健系统。
新的精神卫生应急服务部门是各类卫生基础设施项目的完美典范,这些项目将有助于建设一个有能力提供专业服务的医疗团队,为结束安省的走廊医疗保健做出积极的努力,”Elliott说。 “我们计划结束走廊医疗保健计划的每一个环节,同时建立一个更具现代化,可持续和综合的医疗保健系统,一切以患者为中心,有始有终。
作为一名急诊医生,我目睹了繁忙的急诊部门为寻求心理健康或成瘾危机的患者带来的挑战,”Unity Health多伦多总裁兼首席执行官Tim Rutledge博士说道,新的医疗应急部门由圣约瑟夫医疗机构与普罗维登斯医疗保健和圣迈克尔医院共同组成。 “通过圣约瑟夫健康中心的这个新的心理健康部门,我们现在拥有一个全新的医疗设施,可以帮助我们为患者提供最好的心里安慰和找回患者基本的尊严。
·Protecting Health Care for the People
·Ontario's Government for the People to Break Down Barriers to Better Patient Care
·Building a Connected Public Health Care System for the Patient
·The Hospital for Sick Children – Project Horizon: construction of a new Patient Care Centre, renovations and infrastructure improvements in Toronto.
·Lakeridge Health (Hospital Redevelopment and Bowmanville Site Redevelopment): renewal and expansion of various hospital facilities and services.
·Stevenson Memorial Hospital – Planning for Hospital Redevelopment: planning funding for an addition to the existing facility in Alliston.
·Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre – Provincial Mental Health and Addictions Capacity: construction of a new wing in Toronto to increase and expand space for ambulatory and inpatient services to serve as a provincial resource for patients.
·The Ottawa Hospital – Civic Campus Redevelopment: expanding hospital services, replacing aging infrastructure.
·Quinte Health Care Corporation – Planning for Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital Redevelopment: planning funding for a new replacement hospital in Picton.
·Weeneebayko Area Hospital Authority – New Replacement Hospital: construction of a new replacement hospital in Moosonee.
·Lake Of The Woods District Hospital – Planning for All Nations Hospital Redevelopment: planning funding for redevelopment of hospital services.
·Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare – Planning for Hospital Redevelopment: funding to support planning for redevelopment of the Huntsville and Bracebridge sites.
·Geraldton District Hospital – Emergency Department Redevelopment: renovation and modernization of the department.
·Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Centre – St. Catharines – Planning for Bed Expansion: planning funding for the rehabilitation bed expansion.
·Grey Bruce Health Services – Markdale Hospital Redevelopment: construction of a new replacement building to include 24/7 emergency department and outpatient services.
·Collingwood General and Marine Hospital – Planning for Hospital Redevelopment: support expansion of services including intensive care, inpatient care and emergency services.
·Chatham-Kent Health Alliance – Planning for Wallaceburg Site Redevelopment: planning funding for redevelopment of the Wallaceburg site to improve emergency services and outpatient care.
·Hamilton Health Sciences – West Lincoln Memorial Hospital Redevelopment: planning funding for construction of a re

Government Investing $27 Billion to Help End Hallway Health Care
Investments will build more than 3,000 new hospital beds
April 18, 2019 9:00 A.M.
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
TORONTO — Hallway health care is a significant problem that continues to strain Ontario's hospitals and health care system. Across Ontario, too many patients are left waiting too long for the care they need. That's why Ontario's Government for the People is taking a major step forward in its plans to end hallway health care by investing $27 billion over the next 10 years in essential hospital infrastructure projects across the province. These investments will build critical frontline care capacity by creating more than 3,000 new hospital beds. 
"With these long-overdue infrastructure investments, we will ease the crippling pressures plaguing Ontario's hospitals and empower nurses and doctors to provide better, faster care," said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health and Long-Term Care. "These investments make crystal clear our government's commitment to protect what matters most to Ontarians, including our public health care system."
To mark the government's landmark investments, Elliott was joined by caucus colleagues, hospital staff, frontline care providers and patient and family advisors. Together they also celebrated the grand opening of Unity Health Toronto - St. Joseph's Health Centre's newly expanded mental health emergency services unit. With these much-needed infrastructure investments, Ontario can ease pressures on hospitals as the province builds a modern, sustainable and integrated public health care system focused on the needs of patients. 
"The new mental health emergency services unit is a perfect example of the types of health infrastructure projects that will help build capacity, provide specialized supports and help end hallway health care in Ontario," said Elliott. "Every part of our plan to end hallway health care and build a modern, sustainable and integrated health care system starts and ends with the patient."
In addition to investments in creating more beds, the government is making renewal investments to ensure that long-neglected facilities across the province are properly maintained.
"As an emergency physician, I have witnessed the challenges a busy emergency department can bring for patients seeking care for a mental health or addictions crisis," said Dr. Tim Rutledge, president and CEO of Unity Health Toronto, which consists of St. Joseph's, Providence Healthcare and St. Michael's Hospital. "With this new mental health unit at St. Joseph's Health Centre, we now have a facility that will help us provide the very best for our patients with compassion and human dignity at the forefront."
The government is taking a comprehensive approach to ending hallway health care, including additional investments in increased hospital operational funding, mental health and addiction services and building long-term care beds, as well as home care funding and community care funding, both of which will let Ontario's seniors live at home longer.
Quick Facts
·Ontario invested $4 million towards the expansion of St. Joseph Health Centre's mental health emergency services unit that is expected to start serving patients on April 24, 2019.
·With financial support from the government, this modernized unit now includes nine private patient rooms that will increase access to emergency mental health care, helping alleviate pressures put on emergency rooms and hospitals.
·The renovated mental health emergency services unit will allow for better patient privacy, provide more space for current patient volumes, improve patient and staff safety and make patient admissions and flow easier.
·With the expansion project now complete, St. Joseph's mental health emergency services unit has increased in size from 2,365 sq. ft. to 4,005 sq. ft.