财政部长Vic Fedeli和教育部长Lisa Thompson解释了新托儿税收抵免将如何尊重父母在决定什么对孩子最有利时的选择方案。
托儿税收抵免将成为安省有史以来最灵活的儿童保育计划之一。这是一项将父母而非政府置于儿童保育决策过程为中心的计划,”Fedeli说。 “我们希望家长能够灵活选择最适合孩子的护理方式,以便他们可以去上班,经营生意或继续深造以获得新技能。
安省教育厅长汤普森说:今天的公告将使安省家庭的托儿服务更便宜,更容易获得。” “我们的改变将确保父母的可选择性和灵活性,帮助安省的每一位育儿家庭做出最好托儿决定。
除了CCEDChild Care Expense Deduction)托儿费减免之外,还将提供托儿税收抵免,CCED为符合条件的儿童护理费用提供省级和联邦税收减免。
• CCED为高收入家庭提供更多的占一定支出百分比的税收减免。相比之下,托儿税收抵免将为低收入家庭提供更高的信用率,填补支持这些家庭的生活缺口。希望能够有更多的低收入家庭,特别是那些加入劳动力队伍或决定长期为社会工作更长时间的家庭受益。
托儿税收抵免基于安省通过低收入个人和家庭税(LIFT)的抵税额,实现帮助低收入人口的承诺,该抵税额为个人收入为最低工资者,提供高达850加元的减税,为最低工资收入的夫妇,提供高达1700 加元的减税。
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以上信息由Oakville - North Burlington MPP Effie Triantafilopoulos 选民办公室提供
Effie Triantafilopoulos,MPP
Oakville North –Burlington
2525 Old Bronte Road Oakville, ON
L6M 4J2
Office: (905) 825-2455
Facebook: EffieONB
Twitter: Effie_ONB

CARE to Help Ontario Parents Find and Afford the Best Care for Their Kids
Unveiling One of the Most Flexible Child Care Initiatives Ever in the Province
April 12, 2019 11:26 A.M.
Ministry of Finance
With more parents looking for choice in child care, Ontario's Government is helping to protect what matters most by proposing the new Ontario Childcare Access and Relief from Expenses (CARE) tax credit.
Vic Fedeli, Minister of Finance, and Lisa Thompson, Minister of Education, explained how the new CARE tax credit will respect the choices of parents in deciding what's best for their kids.
The credit would provide about 300,000 families with up to 75 per cent of their eligible child care expenses, and allow families to access a broad range of child care options, including care in centres, homes and camps.
"The CARE tax credit would be one of the most flexible child care initiatives ever introduced in Ontario. It is a plan to put parents, and not the government, at the centre of the child care decision-making process," said Fedeli. "We want parents to be able to choose the kind of care that is best for their children so that they can go to work, run a business, or study to acquire new skills."
Beginning in the 2021 tax-year, Ontario would give families the choice to apply for and receive more timely support through regular advance payments during the year. This credit will allow parents to offset child care expenses they may incur when starting a new job, taking on longer hours, or going back to school.
The CARE tax credit would be on top of the existing Child Care Expense Deduction (CCED) and focus benefits on low- and middle-income families. Families could receive up to $6,000 per child under seven years of age, up to $3,750 per child between the ages of seven and 16, and up to $8,250 per child with a severe disability.
The government has also committed up to $1 billion over the next five years to create up to 30,000 child care spaces in schools, including approximately 10,000 spaces in new schools in the2019 Ontario Budget.
"Today's announcement will make child care for Ontario families more affordable and more accessible," said Thompson. "Our changes will ensure parents have the choice and flexibility to make the best decisions for their family."
Quick Facts
·The CARE tax credit would support families with incomes of up to $150,000.
·The CARE tax credit would be available in addition to the CCED, which provides provincial and federal tax relief toward eligible child care expenses.
·The CCED provides greater tax relief, on average, to higher-income families as a percentage of their expenses. In contrast, the CARE tax credit would provide a higher credit rate to families with lower incomes, filling the gap in support for these families. Lower-income families who would benefit include those joining the workforce or deciding to work more hours.
·Families would be able to claim the CARE tax credit, starting with the 2019 tax year, and would not have to gather any additional information when filing their tax returns.
·Parents would need to keep receipts for the child care expenses they incur.
·The CARE tax credit builds on Ontario’s commitment to help low-income workers through the Low-income Individuals and Families Tax (LIFT) Credit, which provides low-income workers, including those making minimum wage, up to $850 ($1,700 for couples) in tax relief.
Additional Resources
·About CARE tax credit
·Building an Education System for Success