在办理 H-1B 的过程中,有很多小伙伴正经历了一年一度的「想换工作心里折磨期」。原来的工作不理想,发展空间不够大,薪水不够多,老板不够奈斯,或者,就是真的到了审美疲劳期,想换一个公司。
可是就在这时,公司突然扔出了一个大饼,帮你申请 H-1B!!
怎么办,「To go or not to go, it is a question!」
关于 H-1B Transfer,有很多的说法,有人觉得方便,有人觉得困难。但是实际上,H-1B Transfer 是可以被 DIY 的。怎么样?是不是很惊喜?!
所以,稳稳的接下公司的大饼,然后,勤勤恳恳的找下家。当拿到了 H-1B,默默的转走,就,人生新篇章啦!
那么现在步入正题,如何DIY H-1B Transfer
Step 1:
The new employer completes a Labor Condition Application (LCA).
和申请 H-1B 一样,新雇主需要在劳工部的网站来申请这个LCA。LCA一般在申请后的7到10天被批准。
Step 2:
Prepare the petition package including the form I-129, support documents, etc. 
The package includes:
1.A cover letter of the application package.
· A check of $460 (for I-129 application fee)
· A check of $500 (for Fraud Prevention and Detection fee)
· A check of $1500 (for ACWIA fee)
3.I-129 form:
·Basic petition: page 1-8
·H classification supplement : page 13-18,
·H1b data collection and filling fee exemption supplement: page 19-21
4.Support documents
·        Documents from the employee
Ø I-797
Ø Passport
Ø Visa
Ø I-94
Ø Diploma
Ø Transcript
Ø Driver’s License
Ø W-2
Ø Last 2 pay stubs
Ø Resume
·        Document from the employer
Ø A labor condition application (LCA)
Ø Company license or other official permission to practice the occupation in the state of intended employment
Ø A petition’s letter (introducing the company and the position information)
Ø A signed job offer
Ø Job description
Ø Brochure and/or any marketing material
Ø Most recent Financial Statement, Annual Report or Business Plan, if available
5.     Duplicate copy of the whole package (with a COPY maker cover page)
Step 3:
Mail the package out (on the day after the LCA is approved). Mark on the envelope “H-1B Transfer”
LCA被批准后就可以寄出准备的材料啦。同时记得在信封上表明是“H-1B Transfer”.
Step 4:
Receive a receipt from the USCIS (about one week)
After getting the receipt, legally be able to work with the new employer. 
H-1B Transfer 不占用抽签名额,只要提供的材料完整、合规,基本上不会出现差错,最纠结的部分,就是等待了吧。当然,如果你自己觉得 DIY 风险大,新雇主如果有推荐的律师,或者你自己有心仪的律所,让律师参与整个过程,会更轻松。