路易斯安那的女警察Chateri Payne,2019年1月8号周三晚上值夜班,结果,居然被暴徒连开数枪打死,令人震惊。据悉,她2018年11月16日才刚刚毕业。。。
令人心碎的是,Chateri Payne的脸书页面,最新的信息如上图,紧接着的信息,便是她毕业时发布的穿着制服的照片。
Long Days. Aching Nights. But I decided to stand tall on my dream. Main lesson taught was to never lose sight of who you are and where you come from. The main thing is to build on who you are and to become an influential and better person for those whom may surround me or I may encounter. My personal mission is to become that positive influence. To Protect those who can’t protect themselves & to at least try to push someone to being a better version of themselves! I’ve never claimed to be perfect, but I am taking this step and becoming a better version of myself by knowing that it is always something bigger than MYSELF ☺️ It is an honor to be able to join such a powerful family with my Brothers and Sisters in Blue 💙 May the journey begin 🤗 #SPD79
让人感到吃惊的是,凶手之一Treveon Anderson居然是Chateri Payne 2868位脸书好友之一。
甚至,Treveon Anderson还写下了这样的话来祝贺Chateri Payne的毕业:

 “It was a long journey lot of early mornings and waiting but it worth every minute for you to chase your dream and be successful. May God continue to bless you in your career and our relationship. I’m so proud of you and the woman you have became. I love u baby."
Treveon Anderson的住址和Chateri Payne被杀害的地方在同一个街区。
愿Chateri Payne安息。希望三个畜牲能够得到应有的严惩。