很多中国家长可能并不知道sleepover,这可是加拿大小朋友之间很常 见的一种社交形式,来听听Kitty和美凯娜的解释吧。
Hi guys, it’s Kitty in Canada and welcome to article of the week!

This week, I’m gonna talk to you guys about something called sleepover ! We are very lucky to have a special guest with us today, her name is… Makenna Mckeen! My one and only BFF(best friend forever).
She’s born in Canada and knows a lot more stuff and history about sleepovers than I do. If you don’t know what sleepover is, it’s when you go to your friend house and stay there through the night meaning you sleep at other people’s house. I know it sounds crazy and doesn't happen a lot in China, but it’s quite usual in North America countries. With all that said, please give your full attention to Makenna!
“Hi everyone my name is Makenna. I like sleepovers because I get to spend time with my best friend and get to know her family. When we have sleepovers we like to eat dumplings, spaghetti, and a lot of candy. When I had my first sleepover, I was seven years old and I was very nervous to be away from my mom and dad. At sleepovers, you can go out for lunch or dinner me and kitty love going out for lunch together,at night when no one is awake we like to sneak to the kitchen to get snacks, We like to go outside and walk to the park to go on the swings and when we get back from the park we like to do weird makeup looks on each other.”
“My favorite sleepover was my birthday sleepover with Kitty. Because we had a lot of fun running outside with the kite I got from our other friend Raghad, and I also broke the tree swing by too many people sitting on it at once. The funniest part was that we were calling random people and asking them if they ordered pizzas, these are called phone pranks.”
“It was nice talking to you guys and I will talk to you next time! Bye!”
Thanks a lot for helping me, and I will see you guys next week! Bye guys!
大家好,这里是Kitty in Canada.欢迎来到Article of the week!
这周,我要和你们说一说一件叫做Sleepover的事情!今天我们有一位客人,她的名字叫…Makenna Mckeen!我最好的朋友。
Common school vocabulary/学校里会经常听到的词
Environment-Environment means the totality of surrounding conditions, in other words, it’s things you see outside your house. Like if you live in a big city, then skyscrapers would be part of your environment. If you live near the forest then trees would be part of your environment. 
This word is very common in school for science and Canadians really cares about their environment.
I hope you liked it, see ya!


线索爆料:[email protected]