“Dinner’s almost ready,” said Mom. “Come and help me set the table.”
“I’ll do the plates,” said Tex.
“I’ll do the napkins and forks,” said Indi.
“OK, then I’ll get the water,” said Arizona.
Dad patted his stomach and said, “This is my favorite part of the whole day!”
“You mean the eating-dinner part?” asked Tex.
“I mean the eating-dinner-with-you-guys part!” said Dad.
“I agree,” said Mom. “It’s great when the whole family can be together for dinner.”
“Wait,” said Indi. “May I please be excused for a minute?”
“Hmm,” Mom said. “I guess so.”
Slowly and carefully, Indi scooted the recycling basket with a very sleepy cat over to her chair by the table.
“Well, well,” said Dad. “It looks as if we have a furry little dinner guest.”
“Cow’s not a guest,” said Indi. “He’s family!”
“Indi’s right,” said Tex. “Now the whole family really is together!”