川普税改法案生效一年来,民众关心如何保障退休权益。中美会计师协会会长张国荣指出,长期来看,民众应善用罗斯退休帐户(Roth IRA),在有收入时,规划退休收入替代产品,例如设立信托、置产出租,都是可采行的省税方式。
规划投资   把税后纳入考虑
张国荣说,规划投资时,要把“税后”纳入考虑。例如,投资收益10%看起来很不错,但缴税后收益率可能下降至4%,另一项产品收益率是6%但是免税, 两者一比便知道应该如何选择。
另外,民众退休金帐户到年满70岁半,都必须领出最低金额。民众需提早规划,40岁、50岁、60岁时,都可以考虑转一点钱到罗斯 IRA,这样到70岁时,便不用烦恼缴税的事。
美国人储蓄观念不足,因此政府提倡民众设立个人退休帐户(IRA),而个人退休帐户又分为“传统IRA”(Traditional IRA)与“罗斯IRA”(Roth IRA)。放入传统IRA帐户的钱,在投资后可能有赚有赔,但都可以与所得抵减,民众可少缴所得税;但不管如何,退休后从传统IRA帐户领出来的钱,都是所得,必须申报所得税表缴税。
以往,民众可在传统IRA (Traditional IRA) 与罗斯IRA两者中自由转换钱,但减税法案停止“IRA重新定位”(Recharacterization),也就是“转换(Convert)帐户时,从传统IRA转到罗斯IRA,不能再次转换(Re-conversion) ”。
张国荣说,民众要考虑清楚再决定是否转换及转换多少钱,可以和会计师咨询或自行上网查询,计算如何在传统 IRA与罗斯 IRA之间做最好的转换。

美国个人退休账户(IRA)和罗斯个人退休账户(ROTH IRA)的异同

在美国,为退休而储蓄的两大主要账户是个人退休账户(IRA)和罗斯个人退休账户(ROTH IRA)。本篇将对两者的异同做一个简单的对比。


Contribution limits – $5,500 (age 49 and under); $6,500 age 50 and older for 2018

Contribution deadline – Tuesday, April 17, 2018 (for the 2017 tax year)
Note: A Rollover IRA is a Traditional IRA often used for rollovers from an old workplace plan, such as a 401(k).
IRA stands for Individual Retirement Account, and it’s basically a savings account with big tax breaks, making it an ideal way to sock away cash for your retirement. A lot of people mistakenly think an IRA itself is an investment – but it’s just the basket in which you keep stocks, bonds, mutual funds and other assets.
ROTH IRA:罗斯个人退休账户
Roth IRA an individual retirement account allowing a person to set aside after-tax income up to a specified amount each year. Both earnings on the account and withdrawals after age 59½ are tax-free. It’s created in 1997 and named for Senator William Victor Roth II (1921–2003) of Delaware, who proposed this in Congress.


Roth IRATraditional IRA
Tax benefitsTax-free growth and tax-free qualified withdrawals.Tax-deferred growth and tax-deductible contributions.
Age requirementsContribute at any age.Contribute until you’re 70½.
Income requirementsYour income affects how much you can contribute.Your income does not affect how much you can contribute.
Withdrawal taxesYou won’t pay taxes when you withdraw your contributions, and you won’t pay federal taxes on your earnings, as long as the five-year aging requirement has been met.You will pay taxes when you withdraw your pre-tax contributions and when you withdraw any earnings.
Early-withdrawal penaltiesIf you make withdrawals before you’re 59½, you might have to pay taxes on your earnings plus a 10% additional tax.If you make withdrawals before you’re 59½, you might have to pay a 10% penalty.
Required minimum distributions (RMDs)RMDs do not apply during your lifetime.
RMDs must be taken starting in the year you turn 70½.
