美国联邦第五巡回法院的左逼亚裔法官James Ho有一篇巨著叫《Defining “American”》,中文题目是“论月子中心的合法性”。此长篇大论深入美国宪法第14修正案第一节,讨论美国出生公民权。这里是14修正案第一节的全文:
All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
这里我们就节选“月子”一文中关于管辖权(subject to the jurisdiction thereof)几段话。为什么挑这几段?因为这是对于出生公民权争议最大的地方。宪法说受美国政府管辖的人在美国领土生的娃都是美国人。于是关于“受美国政府管辖”的四壁大战就这么展开了。
We begin, of course, with the text of the Citizenship Clause. To be “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. is simply to be subject to the authority of the U.S. government.[8] The phrase thus covers the vast majority of persons within our borders who are required to obey U.S. laws. And obedience, of course, does not turn on immigration status, national allegiance, or past compliance. All must obey.
Of course, when we speak of a person who is subject to our jurisdiction, we do not limit ourselves to only those who have sworn allegiance to the U.S. Howard Stern need not swear allegiance to the FCC to be bound by Commission orders. Nor is being “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S. limited to those who have always complied with U.S. law. Criminals cannot immunize themselves from prosecution by violating Title 18. Likewise, aliens cannot immunize themselves from U.S. law by entering our country in violation of Title 8. Indeed, illegal aliens are such because they are subject to U.S. law.
此处说受管辖的意思是:不管你是五美分还是五角人民币,不管你是把美国当爹还是当美国人爹,不管你认为美国月亮就是圆还是痛恨万恶的美帝,只要人在美国,你基本上就必须要受美国政府法律的制约, 就“subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S.。这不是废话吗?入乡随俗入境问禁的古训咱就不提了,到一个地方必须受当地法律管辖这事还能以我的喜好决定?从常识来说,你进入一个国家,绝大多数情况下你就受这个国家政府管辖了,和你如何进入这个国家,和你个人对该国的感觉没有一毛钱的关系。受不受这个国家政府管辖你做不了主,真的做不了主。你天天鼓吹open border也挡不住当地政府来管你,不信你可以试试。
Foreign diplomats enjoy diplomatic immunity,[12] while lawful enemy combatants enjoy combatant immunity.[13]Accordingly, children born to them are not entitled to birthright citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment.
辣么,非法移民呢?从常识讲,非法移民也受美国政府管辖的,不然还不真成了open border了。但是有人不服气啊,Ho法官清晰的指出:
This sweeping language reaches all aliens regardless of immigration status.[38] To be sure, the question of illegal aliens was not explicitly presented in Wong Kim Ark. But any doubt was put to rest in Plyler v. Doe (1982).
Plyler construed the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, which requires every State to afford equal protection of the laws “to any person within its jurisdiction.” By a 5–4 vote, the Court held that Texas cannot deny free public school education to undocumented children, when it provides such education to others.
因为非移subject to the jurisdiction,所以根据宪法,他们在美国出生的孩子也应该有公民权!Law and order万岁!
Ho法官是特朗普总统提名到第五巡回法院,也是受到右派们高度推荐的大右臂。他家里也没有开月子中心。他写的“月子”分析文是基于很简单的常识以及law and order的理念,水平真是比造谣撒谎的野鸡公号不晓得高到哪里去了。
Ho法官的文章链接在这里: https://thefederalist.com/2015/08/25/defining-american-birthright-citizenship-and-the-original-understanding-of-the-14th-amendment/
PDF版: https://www.gibsondunn.com/wp-content/uploads/documents/publications/Ho-DefiningAmerican.pdf