今天是On Writing Well马拉松阅读的第22天,继续精读精析第四章style。如果昨天的还没读,建议看一下,再看今天的:第21天 | 马拉松阅读 第一辑: 英语原著On Writing Well精读精析

文章中要有“我”在, 不是要求一定要以第一人称去进行写作,而是要把自己的所思所想,用自己的方式表达出来。 
Nevertheless, getting writers to use "I" is seldom easy. They think they must earn the right to reveal their emotions or their thoughts. Or that it's egotistical. Or that it's undignified—a fear that afflicts the academic world. Hence the professorial use of "one" ("One finds oneself not wholly in accord with Dr. Maltby's view of the human condition"), or of the impersonal "it is" ("It is to be hoped that Professor Felt's monograph will find the wider audience it most assuredly deserves"). I don't want to meet "one"—he's a boring guy. I want a professor with a passion for his subject to tell me why it fascinates him. 
I realize that there are vast regions of writing where "I" isn't allowed. Newspapers don't want "I" in their news stories; many magazines don't want it in their articles; businesses and institutions don't want it in the reports they send so profusely into the American home; colleges don't want "I" in their term papers or dissertations, and English teachers discourage any first-person pronoun except the literary "we" ("We see in Melville's symbolic use of the white whale... "). Many of those prohibitions are valid. Newspaper articles should consist of news, reported objectively. I also sympathize with teachers who don't want to give students an easy escape into opinion-"I think Hamlet was stupid"—before they have grappled with the discipline of assessing a work on its merits and on external sources. "I" can be a self-indulgence and a cop-out. 
Still, we have become a society fearful of revealing who we are. The institutions that seek our support by sending us their brochures sound remarkably alike, though surely all of them—hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, zoos—were founded and are still sustained by men and women with different dreams and visions. Where are these people? It's hard to glimpse them among all the impersonal passive sentences that say "initiatives were undertaken" and "priorities have been identified." Even when "I" isn't permitted, it's still possible to convey a sense of I-ness. The political columnist James Reston didn't use "r in his columns; yet I had a good idea of what kind of person he was, and I could say the same of many other essayists and reporters. Good writers are visible just behind their words.If you aren't allowed to use "I," at least think "I" while you write, or write the first draft in the first person and then take the "I's out. It will warm up your impersonal style. 

Nevertheless, getting writers to use "I" is seldom easy. They think they must earn the right to reveal their emotions or their thoughts. Or that it's egotistical. Or that it's undignified—a fear that afflicts the academic world. Hence the professorial use of "one" ("One finds oneself not wholly in accord with Dr. Maltby's view of the human condition"), or of the impersonal "it is" ("It is to be hoped that Professor Felt's monograph will find the wider audience it most assuredly deserves"). I don't want to meet "one"—he's a boring guy. I want a professor with a passion for his subject to tell me why it fascinates him. 
  1. egotistical 任性的 (注意和egotistic的区别:自大的,自负的)
  2. undignified 不庄严的
  3. afflict 使受痛苦;使苦恼
  4. not wholly in accord with 不完全符合
  5. impersonal 没有人情味的 ,和个人无关的
  6. monograph 专著,专论;
  7. assuredly 确实地,确信地
  8. with a passion for... 带着对...的热情 (介词with构成的短语,在翻译成汉语时,往往会译成动词“有……”,特别注意)
  9. fascinate 使着迷; 使神魂颠倒 (注意是物作主语:sth fascinates sb)

I realize that there are vast regions of writing where "I" isn't allowed. Newspapers don't want "I" in their news stories; many magazines don't want it in their articles; businesses and institutions don't want it in the reports they send so profusely into the American home; colleges don't want "I" in their term papers or dissertations, and English teachers discourage any first-person pronoun except the literary "we" ("We see in Melville's symbolic use of the white whale... "). Many of those prohibitions are valid. Newspaper articles should consist of news, reported objectively. I also sympathize with teachers who don't want to give students an easy escape into opinion-"I think Hamlet was stupid"—before they have grappled with the discipline of assessing a work on its merits and on external sources. "I" can be a self-indulgence and a cop-out
  1. term papers or dissentations 学期论文或学位论文
  2. discourage 阻碍; 劝阻 
  3. many of those prohibitions are valid 这些禁令中有许多是正当的(注意valid在这里的意思:正当的)
  4. sympathize with...同情... 
  5. don`t want to give students an easy escape into opinion 不想给学生一个容易的逃避意见的机会
  6. before they have grappled with the discipline of... 在他们理解……的原则之前
  7. a self-indulgence and a cop-out 放纵自我和逃避现实

Still, we have become a society fearful of revealing who we are. The institutions that seek our support by sending us their brochures sound remarkably alike, though surely all of them—hospitals, schools, libraries, museums, zoos—were founded and are still sustained by men and women with different dreams and visions. Where are these people? It's hard to glimpse them among all the impersonal passive sentences that say "initiatives were undertaken" and "priorities have been identified." Even when "I" isn't permitted, it's still possible to convey a sense of I-ness. The political columnist James Restondidn't use "I" in his columns; yet I had a good idea of what kind of person he was, and I could say the same of many other essayists and reporters. Good writers are visible just behind their words. If you aren't allowed to use "I," at least think "I" while you write, or write the first draft in the first person and then take the "I's out. It will warm up your impersonal style.
  1. fearful of 惧怕...(形容词+介词短语共同构成名词的后置定语这种用法在写作中都是亮瞎眼的表达方式,务必学好。)
  2. brochures 小册子
  3. sustained 维持; 支撑,支持; 遭受
  4. glimpse 瞥见
  5. political columnist James Reston 政治专栏作家 (James Reston“美利坚的良知”、“继李普曼之后最卓越的新闻人”)
  6. had a good idea of...我很清楚地知道(这里不是我有个好主意的意思)
  7. I could say the same of...对...我也可以这么说. (可以用来连接上下文的一个句式)
  8. essayists 小品作者,随笔作家,评论家

这次的On Writing Well就到此结束。明天继续精读第四章style。 
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