On Saturday, October 20, 2018, at Hunneman Hall in Brookline Main Library 361 Washington St, Brookline, MA 02445
 from 10:00 am-2:00 pm, there will be a FREE community health education event hosted by the 
American Chinese Medical Association (ACMA)
. Bilingual (Mandarin and English) physicians and other health care professionals from various medical specialties including primary care, geriatrics, cardiology, surgery, pediatrics, endocrinology, oncology, neurology, gastroenterology, urology, psychiatry, rheumatology, anesthesiology, dentistry, pharmacy and more will join the event, and provide free personalized health education to the residents of Acton and other neighboring towns. Please bring your family and friends to join us!

The event is intended to serve people with a wide age range (children, adults and elderly).
本着服务社区,构建更加幸福、更加健康和更加和谐的学会宗旨,北美中华医学会(American Chinese Medical Associa1on, ACMA)将于2018年10月20日上午10:00 AM 在布鲁克莱恩镇(Brookline)总图书馆二楼Hunneman报告厅举办2018秋季医疗健康教育咨询活动。
20181020日(星期六),上午10:00 AM - 2:00 PM 
Hunneman Hall at Main Library in Brookline
361 Washington St, Brookline, MA 02445
主办单位 :
北美中华医学会 (www.acma.org)
Wechat ID: NorthAmerica_ACMA
协办单位 :
布鲁克莱恩图书馆(Brookline Public Library)