今天是On Writing Well马拉松阅读的第14天,继续精读精析第二章the simplicity。

Who is this elusive creature, the reader? The reader is some-one with an attention span of about 30 seconds—a person assailed by many forces competing for attention. At one time those forces were relatively few: newspapers, magazines, radio, spouse, chil-dren, pets. Today they also include a "home entertainment center" (television, VCR, tapes, CDs), e-mail, the Internet, the cellular phone, the fax machine, a fitness program, a pool, a lawn, and that most potent of competitors, sleep. The man or woman snoozing in a chair with a magazine or a book is a person who was being given too much unnecessary trouble by the writer. 
Who is this elusive难以捉摸的 creature, the reader? The reader is someone with an attention span一段时间 of about 30 seconds—a person assailed攻击 by many forces competing for attention. At one time从前 those forces were relatively相对地 few: newspapers, magazines, radio, spouse配偶, children, pets. Today they also include a "home entertainment center" (television, VCR, tapes, CDs), e-mail, the Internet, the cellular phone便携式电话, the fax machine, a fitness program健身计划, a pool, a lawn草坪, and that most potent强有力的 of competitors, sleep. The man or woman snoozing打盹 in a chair with a magazine or a book is a person who was being given too much unnecessary trouble by the writer. 
Who is this elusive难以捉摸的 creature, the reader?
  • 逗号后的the reader是this elusive creature的同位语。这个句子值得注意的,并不是这种句式结构。而是为何要使用这种句式结构。
The reader is someone with an attention span一段时间 of about 30 seconds—a person assailed攻击 by many forces competing for attention.
  • 句式梳理:……is someone with....
  • span这个词的搭配如life span, the time span between...,以及concentration span,attention span要注意一下。 
At one time从前 those forces were relatively相对地 few

The man or woman snoozing打盹 in a chair with a magazine or a book is a person who was being given too much unnecessary trouble by the writer. 
句式梳理:The man or woman....is a person who....
 当你需要对一类人进行介绍时,如果不知道这类人怎么总称。就可以参考这里的句式,在the man or woman后加后置定语,对the man or woman 进行限定,进而展开。 
