截至目前,已有35家医健创新企业确认参加今年的Life Science Submit盛会,并将在大会上进行项目路演。在未来的几周,大会还将与更多的初创公司确认路演行程并发布项目简介。
AAVogen, Inc., Rockville, MD: 该公司致力于研发基于Smad7 cDNA的基因疗法,用于治疗肌肉萎缩症和因癌症引起的恶病体质。该产品正处于临床前的阶段。
Developing gene therapy to introduce Smad7 cDNA into muscle to treat muscle wasting diseases including Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cancer cachexia. (NCI)
ADT Pharmaceuticals, Orange Beach, AL: 该公司专注于研发一种小分子药物,该药物可抑制由Ras基因驱动的肿瘤。这种药物可被用于治疗肺癌、结肠癌和胰腺癌。
Focused on the discovery and development novel molecules and methods for inhibiting growth of Ras-driven tumors for the treatment of lung, colon and pancreatic cancers. (NCI)
Allosteros Therapeutics, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA: 该公司主要研究一种与心血管疾病相关的蛋白质,并针对该蛋白信号通路的某一位点研发药物。
Drug discovery company targeting unique sites on key proteins in cardiovascular disease signaling pathways. (NHLBI)
Aronora, Portland, OR: 该公司研发了一种抑制血栓形成的药物。在抑制的同时,使用该药物不会导致大出血等副作用。
Developing therapeutic agents to reduce the progression and growth of life-threatening blood clots without the detrimental bleeding side effects. (NHLBI) 
CardioCreate, Inc., San Diego, CA: 该公司研发了一种促进干细胞分化的药物,这种药物目前被用于重建心脏受损组织以恢复心脏功能。该产品正处于临床前阶段。
Regenerative medicine company engineering stem cells to rebuild damaged heart tissue and restore cardiac function. (NHLBI)
Celdara Medical, Lebanon, NH: 该公司研发了一种针对肺部纤维化的生物疗法。
Developing a novel biologic therapy for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. (NHLBI)
Concarlo Holdings, LLC, Brooklyn, NY: 该公司研发了一种特异性的生物标记物,这种生物标记物可以用于识别对cdk4疗法起效的乳腺癌患者。
Developing a biomarker assay to be used to pinpoint patients that would respond to cdk4-inhibiting therapies for the treatment of breast cancer.
CuronBiotech Inc, Cleveland, OH: 该公开研发了一种抑制硫氧还蛋白还原酶的小分子药物,这种药物可以被用来治疗急性髓细胞白血病。
Developing small molecules that inhibit the cellular metabolism enzyme thioredoxin reductase to treat Actue Myeloid Leukemia. (NCI)
Elex Biotech, Portland, OR: 该公司研发了一种新型的化学制剂来治疗心脏衰竭和心律不齐。
 Developing new chemical entities for the treatment of arrhythmia and heart failure.(NHLBI)
EpiVax Oncology, Providence RI & New York, NY: 该公司正在研发一种癌症预防疫苗。该产品首先将被用于膀胱癌的治疗,目前正在临床2期的研究。
A precision cancer immunotherapy company developing mutanome-directed, neo-epitope personalized therapeutic vaccines.
Forkhead BioTherapeutics Inc., Weston, MA:  该公司研发了一种口服的胰岛素依赖型糖尿病药物,这种药物能把肠道内分泌细胞诱导分化为与葡萄糖调控有关的胰岛素细胞。
Developing an oral therapy for insulin-dependent diabetes by converting intestinal endocrine cells into glucose regulated insulin producing cells.
Goodwin and Wells, New York, NY: 公司研发了一种口服药物,这种药物可以减少辐射对胃肠道的伤害。
Developing products formulated for oral use designed to reduce the side effects of radiation associated with the gastrointestinal tract.
Inhibikase Therapeutics, Inc., Atlanta, GA: 该公司研发了一种小分子蛋白激酶的抑制剂,可用于治疗慢性粒细胞性白血病。
innovating small-molecule kinase inhibitor therapeutics targeting Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). (NCI)
Kiromic, Inc., Houston, TX: 该公司研发了一种免疫疗法,该疗法可为三阴性乳腺癌进行巩固治疗,或作为该疾病的一线治疗方案。该产品已进入临床1/2期。
Developing cancer immunotherapies as consolidation therapy for triple-negative breast cancer or as first-line therapy for progressed disease. (NCI)
Kures Inc., New York, NY: 该公司研发了一款噻奈普汀的替代药物,用于治疗抗药性抑郁症。该产品正处于临床前阶段。
Developing improved analogs of the known antidepressant, tianeptine, as new therapies for treatment-resistant depression.
Madeleine Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Madison, WI: 该公司研发了一种多肽替代疗法,用于治疗与急性/慢性心脏衰竭相关的心肾并发病。
Developing peptide replacement therapy for the treatment of worsening cardiorenal complications associated with acute (AHF) and chronic (CHF) heart failure. (NHLBI)
Manhattan BioSolutions, New York, NY: 该公司开发了新一代的针对癌症治疗与预防的免疫疗法。
Developing next-generation immunotherapies for the treatment or potential prevention of cancer. 
Mosaica Therapeutics, Howard Beach, NY: 该公司开发了新一代的癌症疗法。
Developing a novel class of cancer therapeutics.
Neurovascular Diagnostics, Buffalo, NY: 该公司研发了一种血液检测技术,该技术被用于检测无症状且病灶未破裂的脑动脉瘤患者。
Developing a blood test for detecting unruptured brain aneurysms including patients who have such aneurysms but exhibit no symptoms.
Novo Biosciences, Inc., Bar Harbor, ME: 该公司研发了一款再生药物,用于刺激内源性组织再生。这款药物首先将被用在心肌再生上。该产品正处于临床前阶段。
Regenerative medicine company developing small molecule therapies to activate endogenous tissue regeneration processes. (NHLBI)
NyTmT, New York, NY: 该公司开发了一种用于治疗肌肉骨骼疾病的药物。这用药物可用于关节炎,肌腱病和癌症等。
Developing therapies for the treatment of musculoskeletal diseases and disorders such as osteoarthritis, tendinopathy, and cancer.
Organix, Inc, Woburn, MA: 该公司研发了一款可以抑制ID-1的小分子药物,用于预防三阴性乳腺癌的转移。
Developing small molecule Id-1 inhibitors to inhibit metastatic progression of Triple Negative Breast Cancer. (NCI)
PharmaIN Corporation, Bothell, WA: 该公司研发的多肽工程技术,能够作为包括血管健康在内的疾病指针。
Developing peptide engineering technologies for a wide range of indications, including vascular health. (NHLBI)
Regenosin, New York, NY: 该公司研发了一种新型的关节炎的治疗方法。
Developing a first-in-class, disease modifying therapy for osteoarthritis.
Rise Therapeutics, Rockville, MD: 该公司研发了一种基于靶向免疫原理的口服生物制剂。该产品正处于临床前阶段。
Developing targeted immunological-based biologics using a proprietary oral delivery platform.
Avery Therapeutics, Inc., Tucson, AZ: 该公司研发了一种针对肌肉损伤再生的组织学工程疗法。他们的首款产品是对症心脏衰竭的心脏支架。
Developing tissue-engineered therapeutics to treat diseases and injuries to human muscle, specifically a heart graft developed to treat heart failure. (NHLBI)
Cold Steel Lazer, New York, NY: 该公司研发了一种远程图像引导系统,用于实时监控内窥镜手术情况。
Developing remote image guided endoscopic surgery 
Jamboxx, Inc, Atlanta, GA: 该公司为残障群体研发了一种能靠呼吸就能发声的乐器。
Developing musical instruments for the adaptive community that can be powered by breath. (NHLBI)
MyReLeaf, New York, NY: 该公司研发了一款用来缓解焦虑症的设备,这款设备的特色是它无需使用药物。
Developing a drug-free device for the treatment of anxiety disorders.
Neurovation Labs, New York, NY: 该公司研发了一种医学成像(包括PET等核成像技术)用的追踪剂,用于检测精神疾病。这款产品首先会被用于监测创伤后精神紧张性障碍。
Developing a diagnostic tracer for use in PET scanning and other nuclear imaging techniques to diagnose and treat psychiatric disorders, with an initial focus on Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
NoMo Diagnostics, New York, NY: 该公司开发了一款检测轻微脑震荡的平台系统。
Developing a platform technology to alert when mild traumatic brain injury (concussion) is detected.
PainQX, New York, NY: 该公司研发的算法,可以通过病人脑部神经内活动,客观的对疼痛进行测量。
Developing a diagnostic to objectively measure pain in humans by assessing neural activity from a patient’s brain and processing and decoding the data through proprietary algorithms. 
Rumi Scientific, San Francisco, CA/New York, NY: 该公司开发了一种等基因系小分子分离平台,用于检测亨廷顿氏病等基因疾病。
Developed isogenic lines that can be isolated to test compounds directly on genetic diseases, including Huntington’s Disease.
Venarum Medical, LLC, Fair Haven, NJ: 该公司开发了一种针对慢性静脉疾病(CVD)的血管内静脉瓣系统(EVVS)。这套系统可用于治疗深静脉瓣膜功能障碍。
Developing an endovascular venous valve system (EVVS) for treatment of chronic venous disease (CVD), specifically valve dysfunction in the deep veins. (NHLBI)
Windmill Cardiovascular Systems, Inc, Austin, TX: 该公司开发了一种环形心室辅助装置,该装置的目标治疗人群为晚期心脏衰竭患者。
Developing a new pumping paradigm to deliver synchronous, pulsatile, low shear flow to support patients with end-stage heart failure. (NHLBI)
Allen Dai(中国)
Xinxin Li(U.S.)
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