看了太多中国人在美国社会生活和工作的体会,今天直直带你来听一听美国人对他们中国同事的评价吧!所谓的Culture Shock到底有哪些具体表现?
1. “My Chinese colleagues used to work 14 hours a day and I was expected to do the same. I ☹  “
我的中国同事们习惯了每天工作14个小时,我也被期待工作同样的时长。爷很不开心。-- Cameron Reeve
2. Naps on naps on naps. For all you out there with Chinese colleagues, you may have experienced this before - it's basically a siesta.”
午睡/午睡/午睡。和中国同事在一起的时候,你应该已经见识过这个了吧,基本上就是siesta(直直按:热带国家特有的午休)啊。-- Adam Murim
3.  My Chinese colleagues will often treat meetings as more of a lecture than a chance to swap ideas and air their grievances, particularly if the boss is present. Push them to express themselves and know that they're not entirely comfortable doing it. On a recent trip to China, a translator summed it up well for me in her comparison of our school systems. “For us, we are told what to know and we don’t question it. For you, the discussion is encouraged, and you are taught to challenge.”
4. Most of my colleagues love taking selfies, and taking photos in general when seeing something really cute they can’t resist and upload it on WeChat. As for selfies, the popular app is Meitu which helps make people look slimmer and ‘whiter.’
我的大多数中国同事喜欢自拍,总的来说也都很喜欢拍照。当他们见到好玩的事情时会难以抑制的拍照发到微信朋友圈上去。“美图”是很受欢迎的自拍软件,因为这个软件可以把人得瘦一点,“白”一点。-- Stacey Ng
5. The Germans are known for seeing small talk inefficient, but if you want a Chinese colleague to do you a favor you would be a lot better off adding some polite phrasing and extra niceties.
德国人老觉得寒暄是效率特别低的沟通方式,但是如果你想要请一个中国同事帮你的忙,你最好在对话里加一些比较客气的语气和词汇哦。-- Vanessa Keller
6. I found that my colleagues openly share their food with everyone, whereas in the West we have more of a sense of ‘individual space’, and a tacit no-go zone when eating our own plate of food. In my office, colleagues readily go round with a bowl of grapes, taking their time to offer it to every single person. Chinese people are very warm and willing to share food with you.
我的中国同事非常愿意分享自己的好吃的给大家,但西方人比较注重“个人空间”,吃饭时只吃自己的食物也是一个心照不宣的行为。在我们办公室经常会有中国同事拿着一串葡萄去问其他同事要不要吃。中国人真是非常温暖,而且他们愿意分享食物给别人。-- Anonymous
7. My Chinese colleagues don’t like saying no. Instead they use many ways such as saying maybe or changing the subject. They told me that Chinese people don’t like to give a 100% yes or no answer in case it’s wrong they may feel embarrassed or lose face. Therefore through practice and experience, you should get a feel for when your Chinese colleague means no without actually saying it.
我的中国同事们不喜欢说“不”。他们会用“可能”,或者干脆改变话题来代替说不。他们告诉我中国人不喜欢给出很绝对的回复,因为怕万一错了的话会很丢脸。所以(在工作场合)你可以通过实践和经验来判断你的中国同事是不是在委婉的拒绝你。--Sue Bryant
8.  The American Way: State the result of an action of summarizing the point of a presentation before delving into specifics.
My Chinese colleagues: Start with the details and then pan out to the general point or main idea.
To Americans, this can sometimes make it seem like a person giving a presentation has no point. Your Chinese colleagues may not be aware of the reason you or other Americans are finding their presentations confusing.
不得不说中国和美国人陈述信息的方式是不同的。美国的方式是:先说出你的结论,再展开来讲为何得出了这个结论。我的中国同事的方式是:先讲细节,再逐步推出结论。结果就是我们觉得这个中国同事的表达是没有结论的。你的中国同事可能并不明白为什么美国同事都觉得他的演讲很混乱没重点。如果你能告诉他西式的表达习惯和一些沟通模式,对他会是特别有帮助的。 --Megan Harwell

Jake Adams
Ernst & Young (安  永)Risk Advisory Consultant / Accounting Innovation Strategist at BlackLine.  
Jake毕业于拥有众多中国留学生的Indiana University Bloomington_Kelley School of Business, 他将从一个美国同学和同事的视角为你讲述咨询公司招聘内幕,以及国际学生融入美国公司文化的技巧。 