Mean Value是为留学生,也是职场新人的职业发展服务中心,专注四大、会计、咨询、金融、快消、市场等行业,为职场新人提供咨询阅读、技能培训。
在北美找工作,绝对不是一件容易的事情, 我们需要付出很多很多,也不一定可以达到我们想得到的,哪怕只是一个小小的实习机会。 因为, 你要做很多的准备,从礼仪,修改个人简历, 准备面试和投递简历,到后期的一轮二轮面试。每一关都是需要学习和领悟。我们不希望你被动的接受你所面临的事情, 我们来帮助你,主动的激励你, 辅助你找到合适的实习工作!
伴你实习是Mean Value Consulting为2018 秋季实习特别制定的计划.
  1. 还在犹豫要不要实习? 快跟我聊聊,我来告诉你,为什么你不能再犹豫了!
  2. 还担心自己的岗位没有合适的资源? MEAN VALUE  上百家合作公司, 金融,快消,会计, 咨询, 审计, 人力, 管理,体育等30+岗位任你选择
  3. 还不清楚自己的人生规划?快来联系我们,一对一专业顾问免费咨询,告诉你未来的路要怎么走!
  4. 我怎么确定实习是我想做的实习?
    MEAN VALUE 会结合学校和你的工作经历背景、GPA、经验、 性格、兴趣、 能力、价值观等多个维度对学员的求职竞争力进行综合评定,专业化评估学员职业发展意向,提供个性化职业评估分析报告,规划职业方向以及求职目标。并帮助你顺利得到北美秋季实习的满意offer
Investment Analysis

Investment Analysis Intern
Summary of Position:
Our Investment Analysis Internship is an accelerated opportunity to experience a corporate setting, learn about the financial industry and be part of our entrepreneurial approach to business. Within their assigned business units, interns will work on meaningful, high-impact projects or assignments in areas such as: deal sourcing, company analysis and portfolio investments. Interns will also have the opportunity to meet with individuals who work in the other various functions within the group. Our professional, goal-oriented internship program consists of intensive hands-on training andfocuses on teaching you the skills to be successful in this domain. If you are looking for an opportunity to gain experiences in investment, this is a great stepping stone and earns you real world experience!
  • Conduct deal sourcing, company analysis, database work and back office support.
  • Contribute research and analysis on fixed income portfolios for investment team.
  • Analyze company accounts, profit and loss sheets and cash flow information.
  • Keep up to date with market developments, new investment products and all other areas that can affect the markets, e.g. movements in the economies of relevant countries.
  • Consider how the economic implications of factors such as natural disasters, weather, wars, etc. might affect the performance of companies and funds.
  • Support the team in monitoring portfolio investments.
  • Prepare marketing materials to support the team’s direct calling efforts.
  • Special projects as assigned
  • Bachelor’s degree in finance or related field.
  • Passion for M&A and investment banking with the motivation to learn at a smaller firm.
  • Proficient computer skills (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Adobe, etc.)
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Must process strong attention to detail and analytical skills
  • Proven ability to handle multiple projects and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work independently and in teams