

A:The entry requirements are on the website and will specify if a particular subject is required at A level, this tends to be the case for Science subjects. For Education there are no specific subjects required, however some Colleges may require you to have taken a subject relevant to the track you wish to study (Education is split into Education, Psychology and Learning; Education, Policy and International Development; and Education, English, Drama and the Arts). You can check with an individual College what their requirements are should you have a particular College in mind that you wish to apply to. 
一般入学条件在网站上都有,如果有具体A level科目要求也会列出来,科学相关科目基本是这样。教育专业没有特定的科目要求,不过剑桥有些学院可能会要求你学习过教育分支某一相关科目(教育分成教育、心理与学习;教育、政策与国际发展;教育、英语、戏剧与艺术)。如果心里已经有目标学院,那么就可以到具体学院信息下查询入学要求。

A:We wouldn’t be too concerned by a small number of resits. If there are extenuating circumstances e.g. illness that would explain poor performance please make sure the teacher notifies us in the teacher reference as well. If someone has a large number of resits with no clear reason why we may be more concerned as there are not generally opportunities to resit exams here at Cambridge so we would look to admit students who can generally ‘get it right first time’.

A:They would be the same –A*A*A for Science courses and A*AA for Humanities. We don’t have any quotas for international v domestic students, we are looking for the best students from anywhere in the world. The only extra requirement would be English language requirements –we would ask for an IELTS 7.5, with 7.0 or above in each element, achieved in one sitting. But as you are studying a qualification in English hopefully this should be achievable!

Q:在申请过程中, A-level, preinterview笔试和面试分别占多大的比重?
There isn’t one! We look at students on a very individual basis so we will consider a number of academic areas but their weighting will depend on the student – some do better in exams and some at interview, for example. We will look at your grades and predicted grades, personal statement, teacher reference, written assessment and interview. So just try to represent yourself as best you can in every aspect of the application!

There are some useful references online for this 

The interview is academic based and is conducted by a specialist in the area of study you are applying for. It is designed to be similar in format to the small group/ individual teaching style Cambridge is known for, the ‘supervisions’. The interviewer(s) will start with questions related to either your personal statement or what you have been studying in school and then will move to more challenging questions that are designed to stretch you. They are interested in how you think so won’t expect the correct answer right away, but make sure you can explain your reasoning out loud. It is fine to ask questions, the interviewer is there to help you, they aren’t trying to catch you out. Remember that the interview is only one part of the application process (see Q4).
A:At Cambridge extra-curricular activities which aren’t related to the subject you are applying for don’t form part of the application decision. We are however interested in ‘super-curricular’ activities which are activities you undertake outside of class time which relate to the subject you are applying for. This can be any number of things but will demonstrate to us your interest and motivation to study your subject of choice. Make sure in your personal statement you tell us about these activities. The statement should be around 80% on academics and super curricular and 20% extracurricular.

Q:想申请剑桥建筑专业 Ps和作品集要怎么准备?有什么好的建议?
All Architecture applicants invited to interview are expected to show a portfolio of recent work at the interview but this isn't expected to be work of an architectural nature (e.g. plans, sections etc.).

Admissions Tutors want to see something that illustrates your interests, experience and ability in the visual and material arts. This may include drawings, paintings, sculpture and/or photography may also be included. It's usually sufficient for three-dimensional work to be exhibited in photographs.

A sketchbook with ongoing drawings is extremely helpful and applicants are encouraged to take one to the interview. It may be in any media (pencil, charcoal, crayon etc.) and should include a variety of subject matter. The work can be material prepared for school-leaving examinations but creative work executed outside formal courses is also welcome.

Portfolio requirements vary from College to College. Please see the Department website and individual College websites for further guidance.




A: You can apply to up to 5 UK universities through UCAS, although you must choose between Oxford and Cambridge. You can only apply to one course at Cambridge. We would expect that you are applying to similar courses at each of your chosen institutions. You are demonstrating your interest in a particular subject to us throughout the application process, so if you are applying to more than one subject area this would be counterproductive. That said, courses at different universities may not all have the exact same name and that is fine as long as they are in the same subject area.

A:The requirements are similar across the Colleges, and the standard university offer is indicated on our website, however Colleges may have slightly different requirements. It is best to check on the individual College’s website if you have a particular one in mind. You must choose one College to apply to, or make an open application and we will allocate you to a College. This is the College that will assess your application, however we do have a moderation system known as the pool. This means that other Colleges can view applications from good applicants who aren’t accepted by their original College, so it is possible to receive an offer from a different College to the one you applied to.

A:You will also write a personal statement as part of your UCAS application (see Q6), and there will be a written assessment. The format for this varies depending on the subject you are applying for but all the information will be on our website on the relevant course page. Most assessments take place either at the beginning of November or on the day of your interview, depending on subject. There are practice papers on the website for you to look over. Top tip: make sure you practice under timed conditions. You can also prepare for the interview by reading over your personal statement and brushing up on the topics you are studying at school.

We don’t have any quotas for international students or students from any particular countries –except in Medicine where the government restricts how many international students we can take. We are looking for the best and brightest students regardless of background or nationality. Our entry requirements are already very high so we aren’t planning on increasing them any time soon. Many students that we give an offer to do actually exceed their offer however so there are a lot of high performing students out there! Our acceptance rate is actually about 20% which is far higher than that of Harvard for example, which is 5%.

1 PS直接关系到是否有面试机会
第一步就是如何能够通过 UCAS 申请脱颖而出,获得入学考试及面试机会从而最大限度的取得 Offer。
Personal statement直接关系到牛津或者剑桥大学是否给你面试机会,出色的 PS 也会让你一定程度的掌握面试过程中的话题。
Personal Statement 是一份关于你自己独一无二的个人陈述,这是在大学申请过程中非常重要的部分。更是让你有机会展现和表达自我,也让招生官进一步了解你为什么是一个充满热情并且具有巨大潜力的学者,更是进入下一步候选名单的敲门砖。
  • 导师们希望看到什么?
  • 从哪开始说起?
  • 课外活动应该写吗?
  • 工作经验和旅行经历要放进去吗?
  • 不同学校的不同课程,PS该怎么写?
  • 我的PS突出吗?
  • 稿子应该修改几次呢?
  • 该做不该做的有哪些需要注意呢?
想知道如何提高进入牛津或剑桥大学的机会,需要全面了解入学流程,以及准备策略。文蓝国际学习中心邀请名师一对一帮助学生进行全方位 Personal statement 辅导及面试指导,让你在上万份申请文书中脱颖而出,吸引招生官的注意拿下面试机会; 提前适应真实面试场景,教你沉作冷静的应付面试官的刁钻提问,这些都将有助于你在每个阶段都取得最佳成绩顺利进入牛津或者剑桥大学。
Personal Statement 指导课程介绍
课程次数: 5 次
课时: 每次一小时
授课方式:一对一线上/线下辅导 (伦敦)
1. Personal Statement 素材挖掘
• 详细了解学生背景(如学科成绩,意向专业,兴趣爱好,课外活动,工作经历等)
• 确定学生的个人优势
• 根据不同专业背景进行 PS 素材挖掘
• 提炼出具有个人独特性且针对性的素材
• 明确 PS 结构及内容框架
2.   Personal Statement 内容准备
• 通过 PS 素材挖掘,完成 PS 初稿
• 对初稿内容进行修改
• 根据学生提供的素材对 PS 初稿内容进行进一步挖掘
3.   Personal Statement 内容完善
• 根据不同学科专业进行学术背景提升
• 根据不同学科背景添加专业性知识添加完善相关课外活动及工作经历 
4.   Personal Statement 内容优化
• 对已完善的 PS 内容进行修改
• 提升 PS 精华体现出学生独特性
• 体现出学生学术能力及无限潜力
5.   Personal Statement 定稿
• 进行 PS 内容语言修饰及修改
• 检查语法错误
• 深入掌握 PS 内容
2 面试表现决定能不能最终捧得offer

相信大家都听说过,牛津剑桥很多本科课程都是通过小班教学进行的,所以你的面试官,很有可能也是你未来的学习导师 。
面试是最后一把打开通向牛津剑桥大学 Offer 的钥匙,文蓝国际学习中心提供全英文模拟面试及全方位面试反馈,让申请者准备周全更加从容地在面试中发挥出最好的水平,100%还原面试场景,100%面试真题解析,训练并加强自身的面试技巧。
课程次数:5 次
授课方式: 一对一线上/线下辅导(伦敦)
1. 介绍面试流程
• 根据不同专业梳理面试流程
• 详细了解面试内容
• 牛津或剑桥大学在寻找怎样的申请者?
• 了解面试官背景(如学科研究方向)
2. 专业学科课程指导
• 详细了解所报专业学科背景知识
• 熟练掌握所学相关学科内容,建立完善学科知识
• 广泛阅读学科相关内容,了解与科目相关实时社会新闻
• 建立批判性思维有效全面的的分析问题
3. 面试技巧分析
• 学习语言沟通技巧
• 如何有效的交流所学学科知识
• 加强并提升面试技巧
• 加强在不熟悉环境里临场发挥的信心及经验
4. 模拟面试part 1
•  熟练掌握PS内容及所提交书面申请材料内容
•  分析如何扩展相关内容
•  面试内容归纳总结
•  面试问题系统训练
5. 模拟面试part 2
•  体验真实面试场景
•  深度模拟面试反馈
•  提供面试改进策略
3 牛剑指导老师介绍
毕业于牛津大学圣贝内学院(St Benet’s Hall)哲学、政治和经济专业(Philosophy, Politics and Economics) A-level期间主修生物、经济、英语文学和心理学科目。
现担任英国哈罗公学(Harrow School)经济、哲学和商业课程的高级讲师,同时也负责学校高中学生剑桥和牛津大学的申请服务,并亲自参与指导学生申请牛津和剑桥大学过程中的个人陈述书(Personal Statement), 面试技巧辅导和针对牛剑独有的TSA笔试考试。Joshua老师在牛剑大学申请方面具有将近10年的经验,特别是针对个人背景较弱的学生,Joshua老师会针对性的根据学生的自身情况打磨背景材料查漏补缺,从各个方面帮助学生做足冲刺牛剑的充分准备,获得了众多学生的一致好评。
此外,Joshua老师还担任针对牛津剑桥申请的经济学、政治学和哲学方向辅导组织的优秀研讨讲师。针对学生的不同科目,进行模拟面试,在面试技巧、推理能力和连贯、创造性思维方面给予学生个性化的反馈和帮助。 同时Joshua老师作为私人讲师,有长时间教授英语、政治、哲学、经济学、国际关系、宗教研究等科目的教学经验,并负责学生的学术评估、个人教育规划等。因为同时具备丰富的国际课程教学和大学申请的经验,也让Joshua老师更加懂得如何帮助学生从最基本的学科知识去拓展个人学术背景从而体现并运用到个人陈述书以及面试中。
Luke老师本科及研究生均毕业于剑桥大学航天航空管理专业(Aerospace and Aerothermal Engineering),是英国导师协会的正式会员,同时也是英国教育协会顾问的认可会员。
在科研成果方面,Luke老师参与并设计出了F1赛车的扰流板,还作为发明者之一参与了MEng的项目研究, 其团队的发明将申请专利并进行批量生产。
从2013年至今,Luke老师一直担任私人导师和牛津剑桥大学申请的教育顾问,具备丰富的 A-level国际课程教学经验,且致力于数学,物理,化学,经济学,计算机科学,信息通信技术和工程等学科的课程辅导,帮助指导学生有效的提高学科成绩 。Luke老师长期亲自指导并负责众多学生申请牛津剑桥的个人陈述书(PS)及模拟面试,特别是在针对申请工程/工程科学,自然科学,物理,计算机科学和数学等专业方面有丰富的经验, 专门为准备申请牛津剑桥的A-level学生提供学科及申请大方面的专业指导,并最终帮助学生拿到录取通知书。自2012年 以来,Luke老师在全英范围内设计并组织了数百次模拟访谈和小组辅导研讨会,并开发了例如剑桥思维技能评估样本问题等支持材料,严密的分析牛津剑桥各学院录取数据,为申请人提供了切实、专业的升学指导。使得学生在申请牛津及剑桥本科工程类专业的成功率达40%,帮助众多学子圆梦牛剑。
Beth老师作为沙特阿拉伯的皇家导师,曾在求学期间拿到剑桥大学录取通知书,本科毕业于英国布里斯托大学英文戏剧系(English and Drama), 硕士毕业于皇家威尔士音乐戏剧学院(Musical Theatre)。
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