在上一篇文章《愁人啊,给娃英语启蒙用什么教材好》一文中,我提到了我家大娃在美国公立小学一年级的每日课程安排。其中开场就提到了morning message.
有位细心的老师就在后台留言说,能否具体介绍一下morning message?
提到Morning message,很多美国小学老师都觉得是很有用的,因为这个小小的教学活动却融合了阅读、写作、自然拼读和单词学习等多个方面的内容。
什么是Morning message
对于K年级以及幼儿园的小朋友们来说,Morning Message就比较简短,大概就一两句话的内容。
随着孩子年龄的增长,Morning message会逐渐拓展到六七句话,涵盖更多的内容。
Morning Message的内容
Morning Message的作用
老师用白板呈现出来Morning Message,会用pointer(教鞭)指着一个词一个词地给孩子读。在读的过程中,孩子们就看到了阅读是从左到右从上到下并且会换行的顺序。
对于已经掌握字母的孩子,老师会利用Morning Message中预留的空格,让孩子来复习巩固其中某个单词的拼写、高频词的拼写、运用自然拼读的规则来拼写word family等等;有的老师还会挑出其中合适的单词,来给孩子们进行音节划分、押韵词等语音意识方面的训练。
其中内容就包括Morning Message,同时还通过日期、星期、天气等内容的教学把数学揉合了进去,最后是一则儿歌律动,边说儿歌边做动作,让孩子们活动活动筋骨,以便能集中注意力进入下面的教学安排中。
老师:Good morning
学生:Good morning, Mrs. Wenner. Weclome back to school. Let's read our morning message. Are you ready? Follow the pointer.
Good morning.  Welcome to kindergarten. (Kindergarten has four syllables so I tap 4 times. kin-der-gar-ten. )Today, we will learn about the letter B and go to testing at 8:40 am. (what's the same.) Love, Mrs. Wenner.
在这里,老师把已经写好的Morning message和孩子们一起进行了指读,并通过数音节数,对孩子们进行了语音意识的训练。
So here is our Bs for letter B and a smiley face. Yes, I like the way you're sitting crisscross on your tape spot.  Let us quickly go and put in our date for today.
Raise your hand if you can tell me this number. I like the way that Sam's turning his body to look at the Calendar. Turn your knees this way, keep turning, keep turning, keep turning. See how Bell is looking this way.  Raise your hand if you can tell me this number. I'm going to pick Shelby.
老师:Ten. So that  means my apple should have what number on it? Maliha what number is it?
老师:How do I make a 10? Julie how do I make?
学生:Come down and make a 0.
老师:you come right down to make a 1 and make a 0. All right. (老师在和孩子复习如何写数字10)
学生:We can also call it an o.
老师: If we were talking letters we would call it an o, but because we are talking numbers, we call it a zero. All right. Let's take this little sideways to see what's the day of the week. Ready?  (老师指着唱)Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday.  What was today, starts with /T/?
老师: Tuesday. Who remembers our month? It was a big month. Raise your hand if you can the whole class. Tyler? Sep-
老师:September. Sam, tell me the letters in September.
学生: S-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r.
老师:boys and girls give a silent cheer to Sam. That was fantastic. He did all the letters in September. Let's count how many letters there are.  1,2,3…. Nine letters in September.   
Let's read the whole calendar together following my finger. Today is T-Tuesday September 10th. And here is the year 2013. Now we have to change  the weather. It's not cloudy anymore. What do you think Weston what's the weather? look outside. 
学生: Sunny.
老师: We can sing a little song to Weston. He is checking the weather. Do you know the weather watcher song?

All right. It is sunny up today. Very good. It is still summer. Yesterday we have three cubes in because it was our third day of school and I'm going to put in one more. What will the number will be one more than three?
学生: four
 老师:Four. Weston, you know your math. Let's count these and see. 1,2,3,4. thanks for hold it in Sam. So we had three and  now I'm going to put in another one. And now we have 4. There have been 4 days of school.
学生:I'm very good at math.
老师:You're good at math. Are we close to 100 ?
老师:No, we have a long way to go. 

Okay, let's stand up. We're going to do a little cheer.  XX will be my partner right here.   Your partner will be somebody standing next to you but first XX and Mrs. Wenner will do it and then you can do it. So  can you see us? Maybe we should sit down. Sorry.  Let's sit except for Mrs. Wenner and XX.
Ready? Here's our little cheer. It goes like this,  you are gonna say, hi there neighbor and wave. Hi there neighbor what would you say(招手致意) it's gonna be a sunny day. (把手放在额头向外张望)then we do something fun. 
We say: greet your partner, shake their hand and then we're gonna say Boogie on down. What do you think we do for Boogie on down? 老师边做动作边说Boogie on down. (动作:双手在身体两侧轻轻握拳,扭动腰部,身体同时逐渐向下蹲) give him a bump (扭腰并用腰部一侧轻轻碰小伙伴)and then sit down.
Okay? So everyone stand up so you have a partner. You can go get a partner, XX.
Look at your neighbor because you're gonna wait. All right, everyone has a partner.  Sam with me. Ready? Here we go.
Hi there neighbor, what'd you say. It's gonna be a sunny day. Reach your partner shake their hand, greet your partner and boogie on down. Good. Give him a bump and then sit down. Perfect.
本文主要介绍了Morning Message等美国老师的开场教学活动,供咱们的英语老师参考。