2018年的世界杯,无论你是哪个球队的球迷,可能多多少少都受到了不同程度的“惊喜”或“惊吓”。从朋友圈看来,今年夏天最挤的可能就是“天台”了...(手动捂脸)... 一场世界杯产生太多意外和段子了......
为了吸引你的注意,不对,是为了让更多朋友关注到这些“有潜力的初创公司与他们所提供的职位机会”,我们最近启动了“遇见100只幼角兽 Baby Unicorn”计划。我们每天会在 babyunicorns.com 上介绍一家幼角兽公司,包括产品、核心技术、工作环境、公司机遇与挑战等方面。
/* 幼角兽公司 Baby Unicorn 是指那些拥有强大产品、发展势头猛烈,并且致力于成为真正的独角兽的公司。*/
沉迷于 Baby Unicorn 开发的小哥哥,有一天在办公室想问:“xx队,现在踢得怎么样了?”口误说成:“幼角兽,现在踢得怎么样了?” 突然我们有了一个很临时的想法:让我们举办一场 BABY UNICORN WORLD CUP 吧!
首先,我们从一群优秀的幼角兽 Baby Unicorn 公司中选出了8个最受关注的类别。
还记得,我们是如何来发现、定义一家幼角兽 Baby Unicorn 公司的么?估值、创始人、核心技术、市场、发展速度都是我们考量一家幼角兽公司的指标,在 babyunicorns.com 的幼角兽库中,我们在各个类别中,筛选出了综合评分最高的2支团队,一决高下,先决出8强!
Will it be MasterClass putting on a masterful performance or Duolingo coming through with a "W" (That's the same in most languages, right?)

Cyber Security
This will be a close one, folks. Both DataVisor & Signifyd have some strong people leading both teams (We're talking Ex-Paypal, FedEx & Microsoft Research)

Both Nuro & Pony.ai are taking on a projected $800 Billion Dollar  industry by 2035. The question remains is how well equipped are they to take on each other this round?

Quick! Either Stash all your money or invest it to make some Ripple(s). (See what I did there?) For this matchup, we're curious to see which FinTech (baby) giant is willing to appeal to our readers to go all in

I think it's time to take a break. Both Headspace and Strava should help you regroup mentally and physically. What we'd be curious to see is which company's mission appeals more to you? It's a brains vs brawn matchup!

Who's going to be making a trip to the next round between these two contenders for the Services title? Will it be HotelTonight vying for your vote or TripActions wooing you with their travel management solution

The Gaming industry has dominated the North American space for a very long time. Both Roblox and Anki are revitalizing this space from very different angles and with unique products. Will Roblox provide an immersive performance or will Anki's AI-driven Cozmo take them by surprise?

Last but not least, will CipherCloud's defense decipher the clairvoyant Gainsight gain the upper hand? From the looks of it, seems like it's all up in the air with this one.

/* 这是招揽人才、介绍公司的好机会哦!*/
Voting Timeline 在这里!(Times are in PT)
Round of 16 
  • Starts: Thursday, June 28, at 1 p.m.
  • Ends: Tuesday, July 3, at 1 p.m.
Quarterfinals Voting 
  • Starts: Tuesday, July 3, at 2 p.m.
  • Ends: Saturday, July 7, at 1 p.m.
Semifinals Voting 
  • Starts: Saturday, July 7, at 2 p.m.
  • Ends: Tuesday, July 11, at 1 p.m.
Finals Voting 
  • Starts: Tuesday, July 11, at 2 p.m.
  • Ends: Sunday, July 15, at 10 a.m.
Winner Announced
  • Sunday, July 15, at 12 p.m.
—  我是底线 —
// 遇见100只“幼角兽Baby Unicorn”计划
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