This Copywriter Scored Her First Job by Showing Up at McCann Bristol Dressed as Fearless Girl
Jade Delaney came up with a unique way to get the agency's attention
Jade Delaney 想出了一个绝招来得到这个公司的注目
Advertising is an inherently creative industry, and we’ve all seen some unusual applications from students, recent graduates and juniors looking to get their foot in the door by demonstrating their chops outside the usual resume and portfolio link approach.
广告本身就是一项需要有创意的行业。 学生、新毕业生和大学新生都希望能通过展示他们非同一般个人经历找到一块敲门砖,在这方面我们见过很多不同凡响的案例。
These efforts range from one duo’s obsessive attempts to get the attention of a Droga5 executive to the art director who posed as a client in an email to multiple Swedish shops. Even TBWA\Worldwide chairman and global director Lee Clow pestered that shop’s creative director Hy Yablonka for an entire year with a self-promotional campaign dubbed “Hire the Hairy” that included everything from t-shirts and bumper stickers to “a hand-crafted jack-in-the-box containing a Clow lookalike.”
这些包括一个两人组痴迷努力的要吸引 Droga5 (译注:广告公司)高管的注意力,到有一个艺术总监在一封给多个瑞典商店中的电子邮件中假充客户,甚至 TBWA 全球董事长兼全球总监Lee Clow也花了整整一年的时间来“争取”这家商店的创意总监Hy Yablonka,从 “雇佣这个毛茸茸的”的各种自我宣传活动,到从 T恤衫和保险杠贴纸到 “手工制作了一个像Clow自己的杰克盒子“,真是五花八门。
All of those “campaigns” were successful—but they weren’t quite as brash as that of Jade Delaney, an aspiring copywriter and recent University of Glouchester graduate. This week, she showed up at McCann Worldgroup’s offices in Bristol, U.K. dressed as the network’s best-known work, Fearless Girl.
所有这些 "活动" 都很有效 — 但他们都没有像 Jade Delaney做的那么大胆,Delaney是一个来自Glouchester的一名希望成为广告文案的新的大学毕业生。本周,她穿戴成麦肯广告公司最著名的作品“无惧的女孩”,出现在位于英国布里斯托尔的麦肯广告全球总部的办公室门口。
As Delaney wrote in a LinkedIn message to McCann Bristol managing director Andy Reid this morning, “Today, I will be arriving outside McCann adorned in gold. Advertising, meet the #FearlessGirlBristol.”
正如Delaney今天上午在 LinkedIn 给麦肯布里斯托尔办公室总经理Andy Reid的信中所写的那样,”今天, 我将披上满身金甲来到达麦肯的大门外。我为自己代言,来见识一下 # 布里斯托尔的无惧的女孩“(#FearlessGirlBristol )吧。
“I’m advertising myself as a determined young creative looking for a placement,” she continued. “Know the power of women in advertising. I can make a difference.”
她接着说: “我为自己做广告,一个充满创意、且坚定的年轻人,深知女性在广告行业的力量,有我的世界会不同。“
She delivered on her promise. Reid and group creative director Jon Elsom were duly impressed by both her insistence and her portfolio.
她兑现了她在信里说的。 Reed和团队创意总监Jon Elsom对她的主张和简历都留下了深刻的印象。
(L. to r.) McCann Bristol MD Andy Reid, Jade Delaney, group creative director Jon Elsom

(左到右) 麦肯Bristol总经理 Andy Reid, Jade Delaney, 团队创意总监 Jon Elsom
“We are lucky enough to be inundated with the CVs of graduates who are looking to take their first step on the career ladder,” Reid told Adweek. “Jade has been brave enough to stand out from the crowd, which is a fantastic trait for anyone starting a career in advertising.”
Reed告诉广告周刊说: “我们很幸运,收到很多希望在职业阶梯上迈出第一步的毕业生的简历,Jade勇敢地站了出来,从人群中脱颖而出,这对于任何希望从广告行业起步的人来说,都是一个了不起的特质。“
inundate:美 [ˈɪnʌndeɪt] vt. 淹没;泛滥;(洪水般的)扑来;使充满
He added that the team offered Jade a month’s placement starting on Monday. For U.S. readers, this is the equivalent of a month-long trial run, or a (fully paid) chance for Delaney to prove herself as a junior member of the agency’s creative department.
他补充说,这个团队给Jade提供了一个从星期一开始的为期一个月的工作。对于美国读者来说,这相当于一个月的试用期,或就是一个让她在该机构创意部门作为一个新成员能够表现自己的(全薪) 机会。
“It’s pretty tricky getting noticed by employers when you’re a graduate, so I decided to turn into a statue for the day to emulate one of McCann’s most iconic campaigns,” Delaney said. “It was exciting to walk along the street covered in gold paint, and the stunt worked wonders.”
She added, “It’s fantastic to be offered a placement at McCann Bristol, and hopefully I’ve also helped to highlight the power of young women in advertising.”
她补充道: “能在麦肯布里斯托尔工作真是很棒的,希望在这个过程中,我也有推动并加强年轻女性在广告业的力量。”
Fearless Girl, of course, is the award-winning sculpture that made headlines around the world after McCann placed it in New York’s Financial District last year on behalf of client State Street Global Advisors.
不言而喻,获奖雕塑“无惧的女孩”在麦肯为其客户美国道富银行把它设立在纽约金融区后, 成为了世界各地的头条新闻。
Last month, the office of Mayor Bill de Blasio confirmed longstanding rumors that both the statue and its nemesis, Charging Bull, would be relocated to semi-permanent positions near the entrance of the New York Stock Exchange.
上个月,纽约市长Bill de Blasio的办公室证实了长期以来的传言,即雕像和它的天敌华尔街铜牛将被重新安置到纽约证交所入口处附近的半永久性位置。
In the meantime, young creatives everywhere will observe Delaney’s efforts and take notes.

