Leap.ai 的特色是根据用户的喜好、长处和背景,与我们合作的高速发展公司进行智能匹配, 但这样的公司不是对所有的用户都适合,所以我们在六月份推出了第一期Kimberlite Program,利用我们丰富的经验和人脉,从职业规划、简历优化、Mock Interview、内推、offer 谈判,提供全方位的服务。我们很高兴地宣布第一期的学员觉得了非常优异的成绩,学员们陆续进入了 Facebook,Tesla 和 Apple 等多家顶级科技公司。随着第一期的学员相继步入了他们的理想职业发展道路,第二期Kimberlite项目终于有了20个席位开放!
Thanks to Leap, I landed my dream job at Tesla! As a new mechanical engineering grad who was unfamiliar with different aspects of the tech industry, Leap’s Kimberlite program truly went above and beyond what I could’ve imagined. From 1:1 mentorship to help me develop my career strategy, referrals to hiring managers at top companies, to personalized feedback and support from the Leap founders, I couldn’t be more grateful of the entire experience and outcome.
                   R. Z., Firmware Engineer, Tesla
If you are looking for a “quick” and “dirty” boot camp to prep for interviews or tricks to solve recursion questions, Kimberlite is not the option for you. Instead, if you are looking for strategic planning, continuous feedback, a vision for long-term growth, and a meaningful personal relationship with industry experts, then Kimberlite is the right program for you. For me, getting a job wasn’t the end, it was only the start of achieving excellence. This is what Kimberlite gave me.
  J. H., Software Engineer, Facebook
说到这里,你可能会想问:Kimberlite适合你吗 ?
Kimberlite 适合三类用户:
  1. 刚毕业的学生,本身基本功不错,但由于各种原因,还没有找到称心如意的工作。
  2. 已经有了一份工作,但并不满足于现状、有更大的职场追求,这里也包括一些希望转型和转行的朋友。
  3. 没有困难找到一份不错的工作,但希望达到一个更好的位置(position),并能成为工作中的佼佼者。
刘友忠 (Richard Liu) 
Richard 是 Leap.ai 的 CEO 和联合创始人。Leap.ai 致力于构建一个职业发展的平台,帮助大家找到最适合的职场环境、完成职业梦想。在2016年创办 Leap.ai 之前,Richard 在 Google 担任工程总监。他在 Enterprise Search,Shopping,Offers 和Project Fi 等众多产品领域都担任重要领导角色。
周云凯 (Yunkai Zhou)
Yunkai 是 Leap.ai 的 CTO 和联合创始人。他曾任职于不同规模的公司,从科技巨头微软和谷歌,到晚期创业公司 Sumo Logic,再到早期创业公司 Leap.ai。在谷歌,他在搜索广告 (AdWords) 部门任职近十年,领导过的项目囊包括括后台系统,机器学习和产品 UI。在这一过程中,始终不变的是他用技术方法解决商业问题的情怀。也正是这一情怀最终引领他联合创立 Leap.ai,为千万人的职场成功助力。
Kimberlite /ˈkimbərˌlīt/ noun
中文译作“金伯利岩“,是地壳中稀有的、蓝色粗糙的火成岩,这种岩石为人们所知,是因为它是钻石的载体。金伯利岩的形成,将钻石带到地表。我们团队对 “金伯利岩” 这个名字情有独钟,因为我们将自己的服务视作打磨糙石,发掘光彩的过程,而你——我们的用户,就是即将发光的那颗钻石。
Strategic Planning
  • Strengths analysis - Identify and highlight your top strengths and skills
  • Career strategy - Develop a short-term and medium-term career strategy
  • Company analysis - Generate a list of target companies that fit you best
  • Execution plan - Put into action a well-designed job search plan
Hands-on Help
  • Resume review and editing
  • Referral to 5+ target companies (including Leap partners and non-partners)
  • Interview preparation (mock interviews included)
  • Support during offer selection, negotiation and the start of your new job
  • 6 mentoring sessions within the 12 months after you join your new company
  • Long-lasting relationship with a mentor throughout your career
Why Kimberlite?
Led by Leap.ai co-founders, Richard and Yunkai (both former Google executives), Kimberlite provides access to amazing mentors. Both have hired and interviewed hundreds of people into Google and have positively impacted many people’s careers through their mentorship.
Power Referral
Leap.ai has a deep understanding of the hiring bar at high-tech companies. With an extensive network within Tech (including companies who are not current partners) in Silicon Valley, Leap is positioned to provide a powerful referral - greatly improving your chances of interviewing and ultimately getting the job.
Actionable Feedback
Leap systematically understands your strengths and turns insight into a customized action plan. You will have the best strategy for both job hunting as well as long-term career development.
What do I get?
Program duration
12 months
  • Upon acceptance into Kimberlite, a $1,000 (non-refundable) enrollment fee is required
  • Upon offer acceptance, 1/12 of first year base salary will be charged (Your enrollment fee is counted as a $1,000 deductible)
Who Should Enroll?
  • If you are actively looking for a great job in Tech, especially companies in Silicon Valley, and you desire to do great
  • If you have a background in Software Engineering, Data Science, Product Management, UX, or Business (Sales, Marketing, Operations)
  • If you are looking for personal career connections that will last a lifetime
How do I Apply?
  • Visit https://leap.ai/kimberlite to apply
  • The program will be capped at 20 participants, and is highly selective. Selection is based on the applicant’s desire for long-term career success and how much of a difference we believe we can make in the applicant’s job search and long-term career growth.
请点击文末左下方【阅读原文】,或直接登录 https://leap.ai/kimberlite 报名即可。
如果对项目有疑问,请邮件我们:[email protected]
除了Kimberlite,Leap.ai 平台上提供很多对用户免费的服务,包括:自我认知测试、简历评估、职场经验干货,以及分享硅谷大佬们改变人生、事业的瞬间。
我们还开设了多个职场互助群,欢迎大家扫码加 Leap.ai 小助手进入职业经验分享群和同在奋斗的小伙伴探讨求职经验、分享职场心得。
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