Grit Founder
2017.10.22 南加数据科学大会
来Pasadena参加一天大会, 一次性了解数据科学行业求职最新动态
相信我们的粉丝都知道在过去的两年, 我们已经在全美范围内巡回开展数据科学大会, 帮助广大求职者和学生寻找新的转行就业机会。 继去年南加州, 今年达拉斯, 芝加哥的三场爆满大会之后, 10月22日我们再次回到南加州Pasadena。这一次我们先不谈这场最trendy的大会将有哪些很牛的公司和嘉宾到场, 也不谈你是否愿意花时间来现场学习知识和投递简历, 我们先来聊聊一些实在的话题:
作为数据科学领域的爱好者或者未来将进入这个领域的从业人, 对于时下最in的议题你知道多少?
无论是参加面试或者与业界人士networking, 你又有多少谈资能够彰显你的专业?
Artificial Intelligence: Hype, Reality, Vision
我们的嘉宾 Peter Voss 先生, 来自AGI Innovations Inc. 的 Founder & CEO, 会为我们带来人工智能领域最全面和前沿的分析
“Recently, an increasing number of prominent researchers have begun to publicly acknowledge some core problems of current approaches – namely, the inability of systems to learn incrementally and autonomously, and their lack of generality, transfer learning, and reasoning ability. In order to break through this intelligence bottleneck, another approach is starting to gain momentum: ‘Cognitive Architectures’. 
This paradigm is closely related to what has been called the ‘Third Wave of AI’ – computers that can think, learn, and reason like humans.”
Peter Voss 
Founder & CEO at AGI Innovations Inc.
Distributed Database DevOps Dilemmas
Distributed databases can make so many things easier for a developer but not always for DevOps. Almost never for DevOps. Kubernetes has come to the rescue with an easy application orchestration!
我们来自 GridGain System 的嘉宾 Dani Traphagen 将会在她的演讲中展示Kubernetes的解决方案 : 
Kubernetes can orchestrate distributed database like Apache Ignite, in particular : 

*Cluster Assembling - database nodes auto-discovery in Kubernetes
*Database Resilience - automated horizontal scalability
*Database Availability - what’s the role of Kubernetes and the database
*Utilizing both RAM and disk - set up Apache Ignite in a way to get in-memory performance with durability of disk
Dani Traphag 
Solution Architect 
at Gridgain Systems
NLP for Topic Modeling in College Essays
How to use non-negative matrix factorization to identify latent factors ("topics") in a corpus of college essays?
如果你是在校学生, 相信这会是一个很有趣的话题, 我们来自 PlutoTV 的数据科学家 Mike Yung 将会为我们呈现他的解决方案 : 
Visualize the findings in 2D using PCA (or tSNE), and demonstrate different similarity metrics to arrive at the final product: the essay matching tool. 
Mike Yung
Data Scientist at PLUTOTV
Best Practices in Data Partnerships Between Mayor's Office and Academia
作为生活和学习的大本营,洛杉矶市政府在数据科学领域内的作为也是大家普遍关心和好奇的, 我们特别邀请到 洛杉矶市政府 办公厅数据策略科学家Juan Vasquez 带来一些政企的实际合作案例 : 
“We will share 3 to 5 best practices anchored around stories from partnership between the Mayor's Office of Budget & Innovation, top-tier universities, community groups and professional organizations.”
Juan Sebastian Vasquez
Data Programs Manager 
at Business Experience Unit, 
Los Angeles Office of Finance
ICOs and Cryptocurrency - what are they, what do they mean for currency
如果你对金融市场感兴趣, 那么时下火热的虚拟货币话题不得不谈, 我们邀请到来自 Stealth Fintech 公司的CEO, Alexandra Damsker 女士, 她会以keynote的形式为我们讲解虚拟货币在经济、社会以及法律领域内的交互关系,当然她也会教到大家一些投资技巧哦 : 
“In this talk I will lay out the basic structure of cryptocurrencies, the blockchain system that underpins it, and the rise of ICOs. I will then discuss financial, social and legal implications of cryptocurrencies. These range from the nature of fiat currency, how crypto arose, current securities and other legal issues related to ICOs and crypto, financial issues relating to use of crypto and valuation, and social issues attendant with cryptos. Finally, I will discuss best and worst use cases, as well as the investment tips and flags as they are becoming clear.“
Alexandra Damsker 
CEO at Stealth Fintech
Using AI to Tackle the Future of Health Care Data
如果你对医疗数据科学感兴趣, 那么来自 Deep 6 AI公司的数据科学家兼Co-Foudner身份的 Brian Dolan 先生, 他带来的议题将讲述大数据在未来医疗领域内的广泛应用, 相信这会是大家都非常感兴趣的话题 : 
Adoption of new Patient Centric software in the Health Care industry means huge new data sets will soon be available. These corpora include enormous amounts of unstructured text, detailed phenotype expression data, bio-bank tissue data and complicated interactions of pharmaceuticals. Though welcome, these data require we take large steps forward in our ability to process, analyze, model and predict patient health.
*Key insights from the fight against Cancer using AI

*The role of Natural Language Processing in the new paradigm

*How to adapt traditional AI & ML methods to current challenges

*The use of graph structures to simplify problems

*The role of High Performance Computing and how analysts can participate

*How software packages simultaneously liberate and constrain the field of Data Science
Brian Dolan
Chief Scientist & Co - Founder 
at Deep 6 AI
话题说了很多, 大家学习数据科学都是看好行业发展和就职空间, 现实来讲大家最关心的一定莫过于商业机会和可行的投资!对, 钱!在大会的初创企业和金融track, 我们邀请了一些数据科学领域的初创公司CEO或Founder, 以及一些投资领域的专家, 以确保在本次大会上大家不仅可以听到创业者的亲身实践经历, 还会有投资人从专业的投资角度分析未来数据科学领域内的机会。在这里, 小编先卖个关子, 之后我们会更新“华山论剑”一般的围炉讲座专题, 届时现场与会论坛的嘉宾将会有来自欧洲和阿联酋的投资界翘楚, 相信这也会是本届大会的特别亮点!
以上讲了这么多, 你还会觉得这是一场无聊的大会么 ?!还不赶快动动手指点击购票链接参与进来 :
特别优惠提醒, 如果错过了之前的早鸟票, 我们现在提供20%的折扣代码, promo code 请输入 : WECHAT28
再次提醒, 2017数据科学大会将于下个月22号在Pasadena Convention Center正式举办 ! 小伙伴们还没买票的请赶快购票哦 !
2017 年 10 月 22 日
08 : 00 am - 05 : 00 pm
Pasadena Convention Center, 
Ajay Gopal
Chief Data Scientist at Selfscore Inc.
Annie Flippo
Manager of Analytics and Lead Data Scientist at Thinknear by Telenav
Ben Johnson
CTO at Obsidian Security
Bill Maimone
VP of Engineering at MAPD
Data Engineer at Compliance.AI
Frank Song
Sr. Director, Healthcare Informatics at Human Longevity, Inc.
Glenn Walker
COO at Ranker
Lingyun Gu
Founder & CEO at Icekredit
Mike Oren
Independent Consultant
PHD Candidate in the Networked and Embedded Systems Laboratory (NESL) at UCLA
数据大会 Hightlight
60+ 数据科学领域专家学者将带来精彩演讲
60+ 专题讨论会
☑ 1,500+ 会议参与者
☑  6+ 行业领域的主题分享包括人工智能、大数据、数据分析、大数据医疗、金融工程和创新创业
☑  N+ 就业机会与职业人脉将由数据科学大会的各大赞助公司提供,别忘了携带简历赴会哦
再次提醒抢票链接 :

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