Kimberlite /ˈkimbərˌlīt/ noun
a rare blue-tinged, coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock in the earth’s crust which is best known as a carrier of diamonds to the Earth’s surface. The substance acts as a conduit for bringing a precious gem up to the surface where it can be found. Kimberlite resonates with our team because we view ourselves as serving the same purpose and you, our users are the diamonds.
Leap 专注于用 Google 高管的经验和人工智能技术帮助大家找到心仪的工作,并为各位在职场的进步持续助力。我们目前重点的合作伙伴是包括许多独角兽在内的高速发展科技公司。
我们也认识到不是所有的用户都适合于这一类的公司,尤其是一些刚毕业的朋友,大家可能更想找到一份工作,或加入大公司。为了帮助这些朋友,我们很高兴地宣布第一期 Kimberlite 正式启动,用我们的经验和人脉为大家求职提供帮助。
Leap 相信每个人在正确的职位上都能有一番成就。导师将结合过去在 Google 招聘过几百人的经验、广阔的人脉,以及人工智能的技术来帮助学员找到最适合自己的工作。
Strategic Planning
- Strength analysis - Identify your top strengths and skills to highlight
- Company analysis - Generate a list of target companies that fit you best
- Execution plan - Create a unique job search plan with a coach
Hands-on Help
- Resume review, advice and editing
- Referral to 5+ target companies
- Interview preparation, training and best practices (mock interviews included)
- Support during negotiation, offer selection and starting your new job
- Insights: specific tips for interviewing and negotiating at specific companies
Mentorship- cultivate a long-lasting relationship with a mentor to enable your continued success throughout your career.
Why Kimberlite?
Led by co-founders, Richard and Yunkai (both former Google executives), Kimberlite provides access to amazing mentors. Both have hired and interviewed hundreds of people into Google and have positively impacted many people’s careers through their mentorship.
Power Referral: has a deep understanding of the hiring bar at high-tech companies. With an extensive network within Tech (including companies who are not current partners) in Silicon Valley, Leap is positioned to provide a powerful referral - greatly improving your chances of interviewing and ultimately getting the job.
Actionable Feedback: 
Leap systematically understands your strengths and turns insight into a customized action plan. You will have the best strategy for both job hunting as well as long-term career development.
What do I get?
Program duration: 6 months
- Upon acceptance into Kimberlite, a $1,000 (non-refundable) enrollment fee is required
- Upon offer acceptance, 1/12 of first year base salary will be charged (Your enrollment fee is counted as a $1,000 deductible)
Who Should Enroll?
- If you are actively looking for a job in Tech, especially companies in Silicon Valley
- If you have a background in Software Engineering, Data Science, Product Management, UX, or Business (Sales, Marketing, Operations)
- If you are looking for personal career connections that will last a life-time
How do I Apply?
- Visit apply 
- The inaugural cohort will be capped at 20 participants and selection will be based on the net impact we believe we can make in your job search
刘友忠 (Richard Liu) 博士拥有丰富的公司高管,投资和创业经验。他曾是谷歌长期的工程总监和 Enterprise Search, Shopping, Offers 和 Project Fi 的核心负责人。 2016年4月,他离开谷歌,联合创办了 以创立下一代的职业发展平台,帮助大家更准确地认识自我,定位最适合自己的职场坐标点;并且 Leap 还会帮助你与公司建立桥梁以抵达该坐标点,走向职场成功与快乐。
周云凯 (Yunkai Zhou) 博士是一个硅谷的技术高管和创业人。他曾任职于大小不同的公司,从科技巨头微软和谷歌,到晚期创业公司 Sumo Logic,到早期创业公司。在谷歌,他在搜索广告/AdWords 部门任职近十年,领导过的项目囊括后台系统,机器学习,和产品 UI。在这一过程中,他始终不变的是用技术方法解决商业问题的情怀。也正是这一情怀最终引领他联合创立,为千万人的职场成功助力。
最后小编就过往经验提醒大家~ Leap 的活动往往上线后很快就被报满。所以,请感兴趣的同学尽快报名哦,也方便我们尽快给到大家回复。
对项目有疑问,请邮件我们:[email protected]