5月10日,Dr. Elizabeth Xu 将与她的 executive coach Patty Azzarello 为大家带来一场精彩的 Career Talk,无论你是初入职场的懵懂新人,还是经验丰富的经理人,相信都能从中得到有意义的启发。
主持人 Elizabeth Xu 负责 BMC 全球技术与研发。BMC 是年收入23亿美元世界上最大的 IT 管理软件公司。在过去的十几年里,Elizabeth 倾注了大量精力帮助硅谷技术人员提高领导力,她在斯坦福大学开创并教授课程 - “迈向职业生涯成功的十步” ;并创立了女性成功加速网络 - 天鹅 (SWAN)。 Elizabeth 被 Silicon Valley Business Journal 评为硅谷2015年最具影响力女性,并在2013-2016年间获得10项国际 Stevie 大奖。
客座嘉宾 Patty Azzarello,现 Azzarello Group CEO,是一位职业经理人咨询顾问,在全球指导过非常多大公司的高管。她也曾作为 HP 最年轻的 GM,在35岁时为公司管理上十亿美金的项目。
Why You Should Attend
In time, everyone reaches a point where career doesn't go anywhere while others who didn't do as much as you did, got the promotion. Few people understand why this happens, or know how to prevent it.
After being the youngest GM at HP, managing $1B+ revenue software business at age 35 and became CEO of a company at age 38. Patty Azzarello started her executive coaching firm; she coaches powerful executives around the world.
Patty will present the system she uses to help top executives to expand their career and grow their business. She wrote two books: RISE and MOVE, to help us move forward with greater success and meaningful life. She will talk to us about the system to rise above the ranks: " Do Better, Look Better and Connect Better."
If you are looking to enhance your talent strength, and take your career to an entirely new level, this session will give you the insights and tools you need to achieve greatness.
Wed, May 10, 2017
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM PDT
Uber Palo Alto Office
900 Arastradero Road
Building B
Palo Alto, CA 94304
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