相信很多女性会抱有类似的疑问,面对存在许久的性别偏见 (认为女性缺乏能力和领导潜力,比男性更容易受到挑战、质疑);以及女性内心中自我设限,导致大家在职场中往往不敢主动表达自己、肯定自己,包括向老板提出要求升职和加薪。更者,不仅仅是男性持有这种性别偏见,女性自己往往也抱有女性“能力不足”的偏见。
为了解答大家的疑问,Leap.ai 和独角兽 Cloudflare 联合举办这场 “Yes, I’m Ready.” 女性职业专场,特邀请到在四位在硅谷各大科技公司中做得非常优秀的女性高管,她们拥有完全不同的背景,将为大家分享自己是如何一步步走上今天的位置、经历了哪些挑战和心路历程、以及如何在 IT 行业展现女性主动性和领导力等。其中 Jocelyn Ding 是华侨和前谷歌 VP,也是 Leap CEO Richard 心目中的最牛的领导之一。
4月24日(周一)6PM - 9PM
Cloudflare, Inc., 
101 Townsend Street, 
San Francisco, CA, 94107
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Michelle Zatlyn, Co-Founder, Cloudflare, Inc.
Michelle Zatlyn is the co-founder & Head of User Experience of CloudFlare, the web performance and security company. Michelle creates products people love. Prior to CloudFlare, she worked at Google and Toshiba and launched two successful startups. She was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum, one of the Top Women to Watch in Technology by the Huffington Post and one of the Top 15 Women to Watch in Tech by Inc. Magazine. Michelle is passionate about supporting women in their career success and will be the event’s moderator.
Erin Teague, Head of Product (VR/AR), YouTube
Erin joined Google recently as the product lead for YouTube’s virtual reality group. Prior to her role at YouTube, Erin oversaw the team of engineers at Yahoo focused on user experience and management of products such as Flickr and Tumblr. She was raised in Detroit, studied computer engineering at Michigan (where she was the only Black woman in her department and graduating class) and received her MBA from Harvard University.
Jocelyn Ding, COO, OmadaHealth
Jocelyn is passionate about instrumenting innovative businesses for scale. Prior to joining Omada Health, she led the global operations team for Google’s enterprise business. Prior to joining Google, from 2000-2007 Jocelyn was the executive vice president of technical and business operations at Postini. She was responsible for the buildout of Postini’s data centers and the delivery of customer support services. Postini was acquired by Google in 2007.
Vidya Peters, VP Corporate Marketing, MuleSoft
Vidya Peters is the Vice President of Corporate Marketing at MuleSoft, where she leads creative design, web development, brand, public relations, analyst relations, developer marketing, events, partner marketing and talent marketing. MuleSoft is one of the fastest growing SaaS companies in history, helping companies build application networks to connect data, apps and IoT with APIs.
Prior to MuleSoft, Vidya led Product Marketing for Intuit's QuickBooks Online. She has won multiple marketing awards and is a member of the Northwestern University's Council of 100 - a group of distinguished alumni who are leading in their area of expertise.
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Leap.ai 坚信在适当的环境下,每个人都能享受职场成功。找到一份工作对很多朋友来说并不难,但是找到适合自己施展才华的地方是我们每一个人面临的挑战。由两位前谷歌高管创办,Leap.ai 结合我们丰富的经验和人工智能的技术来免费为你找到最适合你的职场环境,助你实现职场弯道超车。
无论你在谋求新的就业机会,亦或是着重于现有岗位的升职、影响力拓展、学习新技术、扩展人脉,我们都希望助你一臂之力。目前我们正与大量高速发展的公司(包括十多个如日中天的独角兽公司)紧密合作,Leap.ai 希望为大家重新定义找工作的体验:自动匹配外加保证面试的机会。不仅如此,在你通过 Leap.ai 申请职位成功后,我们还将为你免费安排一位适合指导你新工作的 mentor(来自你新公司亦或是同行业的前辈),为你在新职位上的成功持续助力(-->更多Leap.ai的产品和服务介绍 <--)