Rockets, cars, and now brain chips.
by Nick Statt
Photo by Justin Sullivan / Getty Images
SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk is backing a brain-computer interface venture called Neuralink, according to The Wall Street Journal. The company, which is still in the earliest stages of existence and has no public presence whatsoever, is centered on creating devices that can be implanted in the human brain, with the eventual purpose of helping human beings merge with software and keep pace with advancements in artificial intelligence. These enhancements could improve memory or allow for more direct interfacing with computing devices.
Musk has hinted at the existence of Neuralink a few times over the last six months or so. More recently, Musk told a crowd in Dubai, “Over time I think we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence.” He added that “it's mostly about the bandwidth, the speed of the connection between your brain and the digital version of yourself, particularly output." On Twitter, Musk has responded to inquiring fans about his progress on a so-called “neural lace,” which is sci-fi shorthand for a brain-computer interface humans could use to improve themselves.
These types of brain-computer interfaces exist today only in science fiction. In the medical realm, electrode arrays and other implants have been used to help ameliorate the effects of Parkinson’s, epilepsy, and other neurodegenerative diseases. However, very few people on the planet have complex implants placed inside their skulls, while the number of patients with very basic stimulating devices number only in the tens of thousands. This is partly because it is incredibly dangerous and invasive to operate on the human brain, and only those who have exhausted every other medical option choose to undergo such surgery as a last resort.
This has not stopped a surge in Silicon Valley interest from tech industry futurists who are interested in accelerating the advancement of these types of far-off ideas. Kernel, a startup created by Braintree co-founder Bryan Johnson, is also trying to enhance human cognition. With more than $100 million of Johnson’s own money — the entrepreneur sold Braintree to PayPal for around $800 million in 2013 — Kernel and its growing team of neuroscientists and software engineers are working toward reversing the effects of neurodegenerative diseases and, eventually, making our brains faster and smarter and more wired.
但这并没有丝毫减弱来自硅谷科技创业界大佬对此黑科技的兴趣。Kernel是一家创业公司,由Braintree的联合创始人Bryan Johnson创办。Kernel主要目的是提高人类的认知能力。Jonson自己出资1亿美元(2013年时他把Braintree卖给了PayPal获利8亿美元)召集了神经系统科学家和软件工程师来一同合作,试图逆转神经退行性疾病的影响,最终把我们的大脑改造的更快,更聪明和更加紧密地联系在一起。
“We know if we put a chip in the brain and release electrical signals, that we can ameliorate symptoms of Parkinson's,” Johnson told The Verge in an interview late last year. (Johnson also confirmed Musk’s involvement with Neuralink.) “This has been done for spinal cord pain, obesity, anorexia… what hasn’t been done is the reading and writing of neural code.” Johnson says Kernel’s goal is to “work with the brain the same way we work with other complex biological systems like biology and genetics.”
Johnson去年在接受前沿网(The Verge)采访时说道,“我们知道如果我们在患者大脑中植入芯片然后释放电流就可以改善帕金森的症状。”(当时Johnson也确认了马斯克正在参与Neuralink的事情。) “同样的方法我们也已经用于改善脊髓疼痛,肥胖,厌食症等疾病,但我们还没有做的事情只剩读写神经代码了。”Johnson说Kernel的目标是“像我们对待其他复杂的生物学系统比如生物学和遗传学一样对待我们的大脑。”
Kernel, to its credit, is quite upfront about the years of medical research necessary to better understand the human brain and pioneer new surgery techniques, software methods, and implant devices that could make a consumer brain-computer interface a reality. The Wall Street Journal says Neuralink was founded as a medical research company in California last July, which bolsters the idea that Musk will follow a similar route as Johnson and Kernel.
To be fair, the hurdles involved in developing these devices are immense. Neuroscience researchers say we have very limited understanding about how the neurons in the human brain communicate, and our methods for collecting data on those neurons is rudimentary. Then there’s the idea of people volunteering to have electronics placed inside their heads.
“People are only going to be amenable to the idea [of an implant] if they have a very serious medical condition they might get help with,” Blake Richards, a neuroscientist and assistant professor at the University of Toronto, told The Verge in an interview earlier this year. “Most healthy individuals are uncomfortable with the idea of having a doctor crack open their skull.”
Black Richards是一名来自多伦多大学的神经系统科学家和助理教授,他今年初在接受前沿网(The Verge)采访时说道,“人们只会在极度需要医疗帮助的情况下才会接受在自己大脑中植入芯片。”他解释道,“大部分健康的人无法接受医生打开自己脑袋。”
小编叨逼叨 (如果这项黑科技成真...
1. 植入芯片对身体有没有伤害
2. 植入芯片的人会不会变得千篇一律
3. 出现芯片黑市,贩卖一切你想要的芯片
4. 芯片价格过高,只有有钱人才能消费的起
5. 会不会被洗脑
1. 学习差的会不会一个芯片立马变学霸
2. 要啥学习能力就插啥学习能力的芯片
1. 如果断网了,可以自豪地说,我智商下线了
2. 998出售:如何学习快速赚钱的芯片
3. 高价芯片发售第二天,淘宝上出现大量物美价廉的芯片
4. 明星同款芯片限量发售
5. 据报道,有人称用了三星产的芯片后出现不同程度的爆发现象
6. 某PPO芯片:充电5分钟,上网2小时
7. 以后的暑假,同学们再也不用听到脚步声急忙关电脑却发现电脑是烫的,现在可以直接一盆凉水下去...嗞嗞嗞...biu~
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