家暴对我们来说并不陌生,特别是电视剧 “不要和陌生人说话” 对涉世为深的我们来说简直就是童年阴影。
The first thing a visitor to John Panko’s Evanston home might notice are two drawings his daughter did for him when she was four years old. Although 10 years have passed since his daughter produced those drawings, Panko says he still remember every detail about them.
每一位去John Panko位于埃文斯顿(芝加哥)的家时,总会第一时间注意到他女儿在四岁时给Panko画的两幅画。尽管这两幅画是10年前画的,但Panko还是记得他女儿画这幅画时的神情。
“This is me, that is her. That is for dad. Love Jacy,” Panko said, explained the motivation behind the drawings. “She was just learning how to write, so her J was backwards.”

Panko看着画解释道:“这是我,那个小女孩是她。这画是送给给爸爸的,爱你的Jacy” Panko指着Jacy说道:“她才开始学写字,所以她的J拼反了。”

Panko, 63, a survivor of domestic violence, has lost the right to be with his daughter and son as a father, and his life has changed dramatically.


Panko met his ex-girlfriend in 2002. Like all lovers,they fell in love and very quickly had their first baby. Panko decided to become a stay-at-home dad to take care of his daughter, but not long after that decision, Panko’s partner began verbally abusing him. Their relationship was only a month old.


“From the beginning, she was abusive,” Panko said, “but as time grew on, it became more frequent, and then it became more than just verbal. As time went by, she became more frequent and more violent.”


Panko said his partner would attack him over the slightest provocation. But he never thought about hitting her back. Putting his arms up as a shield was his only defense. “I am not a violent person,” Panko said. “I don’t think anything has ever been solved by violence.” But that abusive relationship lasted almost seven years, until Panko decided in 2013 to stand up and start advocating for the victims of domestic violence.


“Domestic violence doesn’t have a gender,” Panko said, “doesn’t have a color, doesn’t have a religion, [it can be] from any background, poor or rich. Anyone can be a victim. I would try personally to share my story to bring attention to the fact that men do suffer domestic violence. Also, I am terrified that my children are going to grow up thinking that her behavior is acceptable, and they will continue the cycle of abuse.”
John Panko spent years in an abusive relationship. Panko points to a drawing by his daughter at his house in Evanston. (Xufei Geng/MEDILL)
John Panko在一段家暴的恋情中度过了很多年。Panko正指着一副她女儿画的画
Between Friends is an organization that has worked with domestic violence victims for 30 years by offering counseling and support services to domestic violence victims. Panko credits the organization for helping break the cycle of domestic violence.
Between Friends是一家已经连续30年为家暴受害者提供帮助的机构

“I think the number of men affected by domestic violence is probably under reported,” said Molly Pim, the institutional giving manager for Between Friends. “There are a lot reasons that [men] don’t report or don’t necessarily recognize violence as violence in their relationships. Generally, when we think about domestic violence, our first thought is that women are the survivors. But we know that it is not always the case.”

“我认为许多被家暴的男人没有被报道出来,”Between Friends的经理Molly Pim说道。“有许多原因促使被家暴的男人选择沉默或是他们根本没有意识到一些行为也是家暴的一种形式。通常,但我们谈论起家暴,第一直觉总是女生是家暴的受害者。但我们知道情况并非总是如此。”

Domestic violence is not gender-specific, and that sometimes leaves people at a loss to know how to help the victims. Ryanne Mullin has a female friend who is in an unhealthy abusive relationship. “It’s so hard because I feel like the more you try to help, the further they get from you. It’s so complicated,” Mullin said.

家暴没有性别之分,而有时候许多人不知道该如何帮助这些家暴受害者。Ryanne Mullin有一位女性朋友正处于一段不健康有家暴倾向的恋情之中。Mullin解释道,“有时候其实很难去帮助一位受家暴的朋友,你越想伸出援手,他们可能越发疏远你。”

Rebecca Darr, CEO of the non-profit organization WINGS, says they provide housing and various services to the domestic violence victims. “If someone has a friend or someone knows someone who is going through this, the first thing is, do not judge them. And the second thing is, do not tell them to just leave, because it’s not that simple,” Darr said. “What they can do is to give the victims the number of the hotline and let them call when they think it’s the right time.”

非营利组织WINGS的CEO,Rebecca Darr说他们会给那些家暴的受害者提供住房和其他服务。“如果你有一位朋友或是知道其他人正在饱受家暴的伤害,第一件事就是不要去评价他们。而第二件事就是不要告诉他们离开那个家,离开施暴者,因为家暴不会是一句离开就能解决的事。”Darr继续说道, “他们能做的是给予那些受害者一些能够帮助他们的热线。”

Panko also has some wise advice for anyone who has been a victim of domestic violence: “Never give up hope. You can heal eventually. In twenty years, my son could be going through the exact same thing. I am not gonna let that happen to my son.”
Love shouldn't hurt
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Chinese-American Higher Education Institute
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