一个人在职场成长的速度与公司的发展速度具有极强的相关性。Leap 的创始人们都搭过 Google 快速增长的顺风车。现在,Leap 平台上有包括众多独角兽在内的几十个超热门的快速发展公司的工作机会。我们用多年谷歌高管的经验和人工智能的技术免费推荐给你最适合你的工作机会。不仅如此,在你通过 Leap.ai 申请职位成功后,Leap 还将为你免费安排一位适合指导你新工作的 mentor(来自你新公司亦或是同行业的前辈),为你在新职位上的成功持续助力。
今日特荐四个快速发展的热门公司,分别是:华人创办的最新独角兽 Zoom,2016年 Forbes Cloud 100榜单中排名第20位的 MuleSoft(2月刚申请 IPO),提供 Security SaaS 解决方案的行业领先者 OneLogin,Fintech 行业 SBA 贷款业务第一的SmartBiz Loans (2016年旧金山增速最快的公司之一)。
- Software Engineer @Zoom
- Account Development Representative @MuleSoft
- Senior Software Engineer @OneLogin
- Relationship Manager @SmartBizLoans
现在就使用 Leap.ai
Android 或桌面用户:请点击文末左下方“阅读原文”至 www.leap.ai 注册; iPhone 用户请扫描以下二维码下载应用。
Zoom unifies cloud video conferencing, simple online meetings, group messaging, and a software-defined conference room solution into one easy-to-use platform.
规模: 201 to 500 employees
最新估值约:$1 Billion
职位: Software Engineer
地点: San Jose, CA
- Perform and improve Zoom's audio, video, and screen sharing quality
- Optimize Zoom's iOS and Android client experience
MuleSoft is revolutionizing the way the world connects data and applications by defining a new category of software. Our integration platform is at the heart of the apps and services you use every day from Global 500 corporations and emerging companies in more than 60 countries.
规模: 501 to 1000 employees
年收入: $100 to $500 million (USD)
最新估值约:$1.5 Billion
职位: Account Development Representative
地点: San Francisco, CA & Atlanta, GA
- Craft a strategic account penetration plan and drive new opportunities
- Be an integral part of the sales team and essential to the revenue success of your vertical and region
OneLogin is an industry leading security SaaS provider of single sign on solutions, helping companies manage access controls to their cloud application portfolio. We are a leader in the fast growing security market segment known as identity and access management, expected to grow to an $18 billion market over the next few years.
规模: 51 to 200 employees
最新融资约:$25 Million
职位: Senior Software Engineer
地点: San Francisco, CA
          - Significant experience building scalable web applications in commercial production environments (preferably with Ruby on Rails)
          - Strong understanding of distributed service architecture
SmartBiz is the #1 online marketplace for SBA loan originations $350,000 and under, providing fast, low-cost SBA loans to small businesses across America to help them thrive. SmartBiz is revolutionizing small businesses lending, leveraging its powerful technology platform to provide quick, affordable SBA loans to small businesses across America.
规模: 51 to 200 employees
职位: Relationship Manager
地点: San Francisco, CA
- Utilizing our unique technology to underwrite small business loans in accordance with SBA operating procedures
- Reviewing, analyzing and verifying financial documents such as business and personal tax returns, income statements, balance sheets, bank statements, credit reports, etc.
Leap.ai —— AI 自动匹配,部分职位保证面试
在 Leap.ai 上花大约五分钟,完成个人资料和求职意向调查,我们将结合多年谷歌高管的经验和人工智能的技术来免费为你匹配最适合你的职位,并成列匹配的理由
Leap.ai 上大部分职位提供“保证面试”机制,从已匹配的职位中,你可以得到两个“保证面试”的机会。不仅如此,在你通过 Leap.ai 申请职位成功后,Leap 还将为你免费安排一位适合你新工作岗位的 mentor,助你在新公司取得更大的成功。
目前 Leap.ai 所有针对用户的服务都是免费的;我们给公司提供的非常有价值的服务,则向公司端收取费用。
我们的合作伙伴包括许多在硅谷的高速发展的独角兽公司,无论你在谋求新的就业机会,亦或是着重于现有岗位的升职、影响力拓展、学习新技术、扩展人脉,我们都希望祝你一臂之力。(-->更多Leap.ai的产品和服务介绍 <--)
Android 或桌面用户:请点击文末左下方“阅读原文”至 www.leap.ai 注册; iPhone 用户请扫描以下二维码,至 App Store 下载应用。