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From 中国日报网双语新闻
日前,《中国诗词大会》第二季收官。这档以中国古诗词为题材的节目,就像综艺界的一股清流,激发了大家心中对中国古典文化的情怀。 人生自有诗意,诗词中的意蕴与境界,在节目中被展现的淋漓尽致。


武亦姝 满足了网友对古代才女的所有幻想
开赛以来,16岁的她以罕见高分攻擂成功,圈粉无数! “飞花令”的出口成章,武亦姝脱口而出的一首《诗经·七月》名句:“七月在野,八月在宇,九月在户,十月蟋蟀入我床下”,让现场老师、观众、主持人由衷赞叹。

叶飞 诗意点缀生活
叶飞2岁时就开始读唐诗,3岁时开始接触《三字经》、《弟子规》等古文启蒙书籍。渐渐的,叶飞对于阅读的兴趣越来越浓,所涉猎的书籍也越来越多,但对于古文书籍却是“情有独钟”。 对小小的他而言,诗词是生活的间隙,让兴趣生根发芽,成长过程中的“间隙”被诗意点缀。
陈更 躬耕书田

台风镇定、落落大方。躬耕书田,诗歌带给她的是心中那份宁静。 陈更被保送至北京大学,在人才济济的北大校园里,像是一滴水落入了未名湖,她从不奢求自己能在湖心激起一朵深深的涟漪。陈更说,“从进入燕园的第一天起,我就明白了要不断成为更美好的自己,同时不失为自己。”


白茹云 淡定、豁达

王海军 诗就像荒漠中的一点绿色
《中国诗词大会》第二季第三场的百人团选手:王海军。 王海军来自内蒙古,65岁。他做了一辈子农民,只读了4年书,但却非常热爱诗词。现在他摆摊修自行车贴补家用,修车间隙也不忘写诗,过去三年他已经写了一千多首诗。 对他来说,这一辈子,诗就像荒漠中的一点绿色,总能带给他希望和渴求。


中华诗词,以其独特的魅力传诵千年,不但感染了一代代中国人,就连外国小伙伴也被这东方的诗意所折服。 外国知乎Quora上,有不少帖子讨论“你读过最美的中国诗歌是什么?”,网友们的回答好踊跃。
在论坛Reddit上,也有学中文的外国网友讨论分享喜爱的中国古诗词。 网友gndowns说:
I've been having a lot of fun lately learning through Chinese poetry, analyzing lines and translations and such. Anybody have a personal favorite poem that they wanna share?

My favorites are from Li Bai (701–762), also known as Li Po, was a Chinese poet acclaimed from his own day to the present as a genius and romantic figure who took traditional poetic forms to new heights. 
早发白帝城 Setting out from Baidi City in the Morning
李白 Li Bai 朝辞白帝彩云间, I departed from Bai Di City in the morning amid the red clouds, 千里江陵一日还。 Traveling a thousand miles to return to Jiang Ling in a single day. 两岸猿声啼不住, On both sides of the riverbank, the apes would not stop calling out, 轻舟已过万重山。 My light barge has already passed a thousand mountains.
I was about 13 and there was an older Dutch woman who lived alone on a farm near where I grew up. She was a highly cultured and intelligent person who loved poetry and literature who just seemed to know extraordinary detail about everything. 
During the last few weeks of her life she gave us an anthology of Li Po’s poetry, I suppose as a way of thanking my father for medical help and counseling. She left a note in the front with this poem of his.
月下独酌 Drinking Alone Under The Moon 李白 Li Bai 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。 Among the blossoms, a single jar of wine. 举杯邀明月,对影成三人。 No one else here, I ladle it out myself. 月既不解饮,影徒随我身。 Raising my cup, I toast the bright moon, and facing my shadow makes friends three, though moon has never understood wine, and shadow only trails along behind me. 暂伴月将影,行乐须及春。 Kindred a moment with moon and shadow, I've found a joy that must infuse spring: 我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 I sing, and moon rocks back and forth; I dance, and shadow tumbles into pieces. 醒时同交欢,醉后各分散。 Sober, we're together and happy. Drunk, we scatter away into our own directions: 永结无情游,相期邈云汉。 intimates forever, we'll wander carefree and meet again in Star River distances.
Who says only poems about Wind and Moon are beautiful? This poem shows a beautiful soul.

劝客驼蹄羹, Their guests enjoy the exotic cuisine, 霜橙压香橘。 And orange and fruit served fresh with frost. 朱门酒肉臭, Within their red mansion walls, meat stored to rot; 路有冻死骨。 Outside on their sidewalk, bony men froze to death. 荣枯咫尺异, Luxury neighboring the withered so close, 惆怅难再述。 Yet so different; oh, my heart wanes, I can't express!

I'm not advanced enough yet to know the Chinese version, but I had to memorize the following poem by Wang Wei for a Chinese Lit. History course. Really excited to eventually tackle the translations of his and other Tang Dynasty poets.

Villa on Zhongnan Mountain In my middle years I came to much love the Way and late made my home by South Mountain's edge. When the mood comes upon me, I go off alone, and have glorious moments all to myself. I walk to the point where a stream ends, and sitting, watch when the clouds rise. By chance I meet old men in the woods; we laugh and chat, no fixed time to turn home.

终南别业 中岁颇好道,晚家南山陲。 兴来每独往,胜事空自知。 行到水穷处,坐看云起时。 偶然值林叟,谈笑无还期。


剑客 The Swordsman 贾岛 Jia Dao 十年磨一剑, For ten years I have been polishing this sword; 霜刃未曾试。 Its frosty edge has never been put to the test. 今日把似君, Now I am holding it and showing it to you, sir: 谁为不平事? Is there anyone suffering from injustice?

Su Shi (苏轼) is my all time favorite poet and I love every single piece from him. The following is one of my favorite:
I found an English version online. Not perfect, but it does capture some of the spirits:
江城子·密州出猎 A Riverside Town · Hunting at Mizhou 苏轼(许渊冲译) 老夫聊发少年狂,左牵黄,右擎苍。 Rejuvenated, I my fiery zeal display, On left hand leash, a yellow hound, On right hand wrist, a falcon gray. 锦帽貂裘,千骑卷平冈。 A thousand silk-capped, sable-coated horsemen sweep across the rising ground And hillocks steep. 欲报倾城随太守,亲射虎,看孙郎。 Townspeople pour out from the city gate To watch the tiger-hunting magistrate. 酒酣胸胆尚开张,鬓微霜,又何妨! Heart gladdened with strong wine, who cares about a few newly-frosted hairs? 持节云中,何日遣冯唐? When will the court imperial send me as their envoy? 会挽雕弓如满月,西北望,射天狼。 With flags and banners then I’ll bend my bow like a full moon, and aiming northwest, I will shoot the fierce Wolf from the sky.

令人惊喜的是,有些外国网友读诗的范围还很广,一些较生僻的诗人也读过,甚至会尝试自己翻译…… 网友A.Z. Foreman:
Here's one I've always loved from the Tang. Translation mine.
江陵愁望寄子安  To Lord Zian in sadness while gazing into the distance at Jiangling 鱼玄机 Yu Xuanji 枫叶千枝复万枝, As maple leaves burst from the branches, from a billion branches, 江桥掩映暮帆迟。 The river bridge at twilight lets the late boats flicker through. 忆君心似西江水, My lord: the heart is rushing as the western river rushes 日夜东流无歇时。 Eastward without a second's rest all day and night to you.
I'm crazy about the Nineteen Ancient Poems. They are regarded as the mother poetry in the history of Chinese literature. Ezra Pound has translated some of them and these exquisite translations were comprised. You can read them in his anthology which is called Cathay.

庭中有奇树 In the Garden a Strange Tree Grows 庭中有奇树, In the garden a strange tree grows, 绿叶发华滋。 from green leaves a shower of blossoms bursting. 攀条折其荣, I bend the limb and break off a flower, 将以遗所思。 thinking to send it to the one I love. 馨香盈怀袖, Fragrance fills my breast and sleeves, 路远莫致之。 but the road is far -- it will never reach you. 此物何足贵, Why is such a gift worth the giving? 但感别经时。 Only because I remember how long ago we parted.

So beautiful declaration of true love in just 16 words!
I think this is the most romantic poem as well as the vow that most of the women would like to hear.

英国著名汉学家理雅各(James Legge):
死生契阔, For life or for death, however separated, 与子成说。 To our wives we pledged our word. 执子之手, We held their hands; 与子偕老。 We are to grow old together with them.
瑞典汉学家Bernhard Karlgren:
死生契阔, In death or life (we are) separated and far apart; 与子成说。 With you I made an agreement: 执子之手, I grasped your hand, 与子偕老。 Together with you I was to grow old.
美国著名诗人庞德(Ezra Pound):
死生契阔, To stay together till death and end 与子成说。 for far, for near, hand, oath, accord: 执子之手, Never alive 与子偕老。 will we keep that word.

Besides the required Tang/Song standards and some of the weirder stuff from the 《诗经》, the only poet I ever sat down with was Nalan Xingde, who anybody into the early Qing should probably check out even if just for the historical factor.
人生若只如初见, If only life were as beautiful as at first sight, 何事秋风悲画扇? why should the autumn wind bother to pity deserted painted fans?

Out of nowhere recently I've been really feeling Cao Cao, of all people. This guy's had some serious PR issues over the centuries, but as a poet, dude was intense. 
This is his 《对酒》, which at first glance seems trite until you rethink the title, look at who's writing it and in what context, then it turns into a 3rd century AD version of playing "What a Wonderful World" over scenes of Vietnam War carnage:
对酒歌,太平时,吏不呼门。 王者贤且明,宰相股肱皆忠良。 咸礼让,民无所争讼。 三年耕有九年储,仓谷满盈。 斑白不负载。 雨泽如此,百谷用成。 却走马,以粪其土田。 爵公侯伯子男,咸爱其民,以黜陟幽明。 子养有若父与兄。 犯礼法,轻重随其刑。 路无拾遗之私。 囹圄空虚,冬节不断。 人耄耋,皆得以寿终。 恩德广及草木昆虫。

I guess the poems of a noted Chinese poet Hai Zi are the most representative and impressive.
面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the sea with spring blossoms 海子 Hai Zi 面朝大海,春暖花开 Facing the sea with spring blossoms 从明天起,做一个幸福的人 From tomorrow on, I will be a happy person; 喂马,劈柴,周游世界 Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world. 从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜 From tomorrow on, I will care foodstuff and vegetables, 我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开 I have a house, towards the sea, with spring flowers blossoming. 从明天起,和每一个亲人通信 From tomorrow on, I will write to each of my dear ones, 告诉他们我的幸福 Telling them of my happiness, 那幸福的闪电告诉我的 What the lightening of blessedness has told me, 我将告诉每一个人 I will spread it to each of them. 给每一条河每一座山取一个温暖的名字 And give a warm name for every river and every mountain. 陌生人,我也为你祝福 Strangers, I will also give you my well-wishing. 愿你有一个灿烂的前程 May you have a brilliant future! 愿你有情人终成眷属 May you lovers eventually become spouse! 愿你在尘世获得幸福 May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world! 我愿面朝大海,春暖花开 I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming.
One of my favorite poems is a short but beautifully constructed poem by Gu Cheng. Chinese stoicism comes through very strongly in it.

一代人 A Generation 顾城 Gu Cheng 黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛 The dark nights gave me limpid black eyes. 我却用它寻找光明 I use them to seek light.

这位来自英国的剑桥大学计算机科学家Silas S. Brown自学了汉语,还翻译了徐志摩的《再别康桥》。

再别康桥 Leaving the Revisited Cambridge 徐志摩 Xu Zhimo 轻轻的我走了, 正如我轻轻的来; 我轻轻的招手, 作别西天的云彩。 Quietly now I leave the Cam, As quietly as I came. Gently wave farewell the clouded Western sky aflame— 那河畔的金柳, 是夕阳中的新娘; 波光里的艳影, 在我的心头荡漾。 There the golden willow stands a bride of sunset’s glow. How its dancing ripples glint and stir my heart below; 软泥上的青荇, 油油的在水底招摇; 在康河的柔波里, 我甘心做一条水草! crowded rushes wave in water bouncing with the weed flowing slick by soft-soil’d banks— I long to thus proceed! 那榆荫下的一潭, 不是清泉,是天上虹; 揉碎在浮藻间, 沉淀着彩虹似的梦。 Duckweed-crumpled rainbow's pool of iridescent dream pure as springs 'neath elmtree's bough— O search the shrouded stream; 寻梦?撑一支长篙, 向青草更青处漫溯; 满载一船星辉, 在星辉斑斓里放歌。 Punt toward the yonder whence the emerald fields lie; Return with joyous song engulfed by tranquil starlit sky. 但我不能放歌, 悄悄是别离的笙箫; 夏虫也为我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康桥! But as for me, I cannot sing this muted summer's evening; Even insects hush, as silence plays the flute for leaving. 悄悄的我走了, 正如我悄悄的来; 我挥一挥衣袖, 不带走一片云彩。 Stealth'ly now I part from Cam, As bid farewell I must. Waving sleeve so gently lest a cloudspeck I should dust.

本文系授权发布,From 中国日报网双语新闻,微信号:Chinadaily_Mobile,By 双语君 CD君,未经许可不得转载北美学霸君诚意推荐。


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