"You do not represent us!"

1964年的时候,特朗普进入了Fordham大学,但是2年后就转学了,“I decided that as long as I had to be in college, I might as well test myself against the best”. 翻译过来大意就是觉得周围的学生没有自己那么牛逼。他转学到了最好的商学院之一——沃顿商学院(Wharton) 完成他的本科,并且没有退学,坚持读完了。毕业后也很快找到了工作——他爸爸的公司。

所以特朗普其实也一直非常引以为豪自己是沃顿商学院的毕业生。尤其每当别人开始怀疑他的智商的时候。比如在去年七月的在亚利桑那州的一次演讲中,他非常非常自豪的说了很多次 - 我是沃顿毕业的。
“I went to the Wharton School of Finance... I’m, like, a really smart person.”


"The school is probably the hardest there is to get into....Some of the great business minds in the world have gone to Wharton.”

然而在1986年Trump的著名的书“Trump: The art of Deal" 中,Trump却又自己说道Wharton其实并不咋地。
“In my opinion, that [Wharton] degree doesn’t prove very much, but a lot of people I do business with take it very seriously, and it’s considered very prestigious ... It didn’t take long to realize that there was nothing particularly awesome or exceptional about my classmates, and that I could compete with them just fine.”
"我认为,沃顿的学历其实并不能证明什么,许多商人都好像很当回事儿,认为是自己很牛的一个表现... 但是我很快就发现其实我周围的同学也就这么一般吧,我和他们竞争起来毫不费力。"


几乎没人表示 ,见过他 ......(茫然脸)

唯一一个说记得Trump的是一个叫Ted Sachs的小伙子,他号称在一个金融课上坐在Trump身边,偶尔还课后一起吃个三明治。他说:
“我很喜欢trump, 我觉得他人很好,又很低调,几乎从不谈论自己。”
毕业后Ted就机会没再听到过Trump,直到1986年Trump的那本书 "The Art of Deal” 出版,他才知道原来这个小伙子就是地产大亨Fred Trump的太子。但是从那本书里所读出来的傲慢和对学校同学的不屑,让Sachs觉得无所适从。
“I was lost — I didn’t get it ...I thought he kept two sides to his life, as some people are capable of doing.” 
“我在想 是不是Trump能够有两面性,并且把自己的另一面藏的很好,有些人就是能这样”
(您还别说, 小e去调查了下,Trump还真是双子座的,以下是调查来的他的星盘)

“.... 沃顿教育他们要尊重,正直,对人性和多样性要给予充分的包容。Trump原来用沃顿的名气是一个很值得我们自豪的事情,但是现在你的所作所为却让我们深感失望。尽管我们在信里面,并不涉及政治,但是我们想要指责的是你对于种族的言论,对外国人的仇视性煽动,男性至上主义等其他顽固不化的言语。
... 沃顿是一个非常多元化的大家庭,我们有移民,有移民的子女,穆斯林,各色人种,犹太人,女人,残障人士,和LGBTQ(Lesbin, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer) 人士。- 而这些人以及他们的朋友,家人,就是被你反复玷污的那个群体...我们自豪于我们是沃顿人。我们也致力于要让美国和这个世界对每一个人来说都成为更好的地方,我们要促进包容,因为不仅仅多样性和包容是任何组织结构最宝贵的财富,也因为我们深深的相信互相尊重和人类的尊严拥有最深刻的价值。你的言论和态度会让美国社会和经济变的失去竞争力,而不是更好。
... 我们,沃顿的学生,校友,签上我们的大名,来反对你利用沃顿的名字来宣传你的偏见和排外。你的歧视性言论违背了我们沃顿所学,所教的价值观,我们坚定的致力于一个更包容,更开放的美国社会...
Dear Mr. Trump:
At the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, students are taught to represent the highest levels of respect and integrity. We are taught to embrace humility and diversity. We can understand why, in seeking America’s highest office, you have used your degree from Wharton to promote and lend legitimacy to your candidacy.
As a candidate for President, and now as the presumptive GOP nominee, you have been afforded a transformative opportunity to be a leader on national and international stages and to make the Wharton community even prouder of our school and values.
However, we have been deeply disappointed in your candidacy.
We, proud students, alumni, and faculty of Wharton, are outraged that an affiliation with our school is being used to legitimize prejudice and intolerance. Although we do not aim to make any political endorsements with this letter, we do express our unequivocal stance against the xenophobia, sexism, racism, and other forms of bigotry that you have actively and implicitly endorsed in your campaign.
The Wharton community is a diverse community. We are immigrants and children of immigrants, people of color, Muslims, Jews, women, people living with or caring for those with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ community. In other words, we represent the groups that you have repeatedly denigrated, as well as their steadfast friends, family, and allies.
We recognize that we are fortunate to be educated at Wharton, and we are committed to using our opportunity to make America and the world a better place — for everyone. We are dedicated to promoting inclusion not only because diversity and tolerance have been repeatedly proven to be valuable assets to any organization’s performance, but also because we believe in mutual respect and human dignity as deeply held values. Your insistence on exclusion and scapegoating would be bad for business and bad for the American economy. An intolerant America is a less productive, less innovative, and less competitive America.
We, the undersigned Wharton students, alumni, and faculty, unequivocally reject the use of your education at Wharton as a platform for promoting prejudice and intolerance. Your discriminatory statements are incompatible with the values that we are taught and we teach at Wharton, and we express our unwavering commitment to an open and inclusive American society

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