
1. Driving in the evening in Shenyang, many vehicles, including public buses that operate without headlights. Seem quite dangerous... 夜晚在路上,各种车包括公交车都不开大灯,看起来很危险...
2. Smoking during business meals- before the food started to arrive, the servers bought packs of cigarettes to the table, likely at the request of our Chinese friends. The smoke became quite heavy at times and continued through the meal.在上菜之前,几个中国朋友要求服务员送上几包香烟,然后烟雾缭绕。

3. Heavy drinking at most business meals. I enjoy a few drinks and can even tolerate a “good drunk” but the extent of the drinking, endless toasts with frequent “ganbei” ( did i spell this right?) often had me returning to the hotel past inebriation into sickness. Drinking is common all over the world during business and many overdo it, but in my experience, China wins this one. 我可以接受喝点小酒甚至“忍受”喝个小醉,但是要喝到这个不停地干杯的程度,我只能醉醺醺的回到房间难受。

4. Excessive prostitution - on my first visit in 1999, I arrived late in the evening at a prominent hotel in Beijing and wanted to walk and see my new adventure. The hotel staff advised that it as quite safe to walk on the major city streets. Although I wasn't in danger I was approached quickly by street prostitutes and when I attempted to ignore them, they spit at me. On each trip to many different locations, Luoyang , Shenyang, Shanghai, Ningbo, etc. it as common to be approached in the hotel or in the elevator by prostitutes, not to mention the open sex offered at the many spas where our hosts took us after dinner. Yes, I know, that sex is an old business practiced the world over, but should be much less obvious than I have seen in China. i.e., KTV shops.为了不被河蟹,就总结一下:外国人觉得中国失足少女太多(虽然他觉得这个行业很古老),但是中国还是多的吓人... 时不时还Spit At Him...

5. NO TOILET PAPER, fortunately my hosts asked me if i needed papers and i figured it out, This was some years ago has this changed yet? Do all Chinese carry toilet paper ? 没有厕纸... 不多解释...

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