In the beginning, God made everything! He made it perfect. He made us, too, in His image. He loves us and wants to have a relationship with us.

Sadly, Adam and Eve disobeyed God. That sin brought death into the world and broke our relationship with God. It also broke God's perfect world.
Sin spread throughout the whole world. Everyone sins, and the result of sin is death. But sin couldn't stop God from loving us. He had a plan! Because of His love for us, God sent His Son, Jesus, into the world. Sin broke our relationship with God, but Jesus came to fix it!

Jesus healed sick people and performed many other miracles! He welcomed lonely people. He taught people about God's love. His perfect life shows us what love looks like.

Even though Jesus never sinned, He died on a cross for our sins because He loves us. By doing this, He was carrying out God's plan to fix our relationship with Him. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, breaking the power of sin and death! He spent time with His followers, teaching them. Then He returned to Heaven. Now Jesus lives forever!

Jesus did not leave us alone. He sent His Holy Spirit to live inside everyone who trusts Him. The Spirit gives us power to live the way God created us to live.
One day, when Jesus returns, God will make everything perfect again. He will make a New Heaven and a New Earth. Everyone who trusts in Jesus will live with Him, forever!

God loves you. He created you one-of-a-kind! Trusting and following Jesus fixes our broken relationship with God! Are you ready to be a part of God's story?