Saul was a religious man; a Pharisee. He thought that anyone who believed in Jesus was spreading a lie and should be put in prison, and even put to death.
Saul was going to Damascus to arrest Jesus' followers. Suddenly, a bright light surrounded him. He fell down. A voice said, "Saul, why are you so cruel to Me?" "Who are You, Lord?" Saul asked. The voice replied, "I am Jesus, the one you want to harm. Go to Damascus. There you will learn what you must do.
一天,扫罗去大马士革捉拿耶稣的门徒。在路上的时候,忽然,有耀眼的光从天上向他四面照射。他扑倒在地,听见有声音对他说:扫罗,你为什么迫害我?” 扫罗问:主啊,你是谁?那个声音回答说:我就是你所迫害的耶稣。你往大马士革去。那里有人会告诉你该怎么做。
Saul got up, but he was blind. His friends led him to a house in Damascus. Saul waited there for three days. He had nothing to eat or drink.
Meanwhile, Jesus appeared in a vision to Ananias, one of His followers in Damascus. Jesus told him to go visit Saul and pray for him so he could see again. "But Saul wants to arrest Your followers," Ananias said, trembling. "I know," said Jesus, "but I want to use Saul to tell people all over the world about Me."
Ananias went to pray for Saul. "Jesus sent me," he said, "so that you may see and be filled with the Holy Spirit." Saul could see again! Then he was baptized.
Jesus changed Saul from a man who hurt his followers to a church leader who told everyone about Jesus! So he changed his name, as well, to Paul.