The religious leaders told the governor, Pilate, that Jesus was dangerous and wanted to be king. Pilate asked Jesus,"is this true?" "I am King," Jesus answered, "but not of this world."
宗教领袖们向总督彼拉多控告耶稣,说耶稣想要作王,是个危险人物。彼拉多问耶稣:他们说的是真的吗?” “我是王,耶稣回答说。但我的国不属于这个世界。

"Jesus is innocent," said Pilate. "There’s no reason to kill Him. I will set Him free." But the crowd shouted, "Kill Him!"So Pilate had his soldiers whip Jesus. They forced a thorny crown on His head. Then they laid a wooden cross on His back and led Him up a hill.
There on that hill, the Roman soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross, hands and feet. Then they raised it high. Jesus hung there between two criminals.

Around noon, the sky turned dark. Jesus1 friends wept. The religious leaders laughed and said, "You saved other people. Why can't You save Yourself?" "Forgive them, Father," said Jesus.When the time came for Jesus to die, He closed his eyes and said, "It is finished." He had completed what He had come to do because of His great love.
那天是个星期五。快到中午时,天空变黑暗了。耶稣的朋友们悲伤地痛哭起来。那些宗教领袖们嘲笑耶稣,说:你救了别人,怎么救不了自己啊? 耶稣却说:父啊,赦免他们。耶稣知道自己就要死了,他闭上眼睛,说:成了。他完成了在世界上的使命,这一切都是出于他对世人深深的爱。
 One of Jesus’ followers, a man named Joseph, put Jesus' body in a brand new tomb. He rolled a huge stone in front of it. Along sad Friday was over.
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